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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. @alanikeiser ... I wonder why you have a cool purple ring around your profile picture! Lucky! 🍀I don't have one!
  2. Hi @alanikeiser - it might also be helpful to visit @smashradio's profile and gigs since he is a Pro and Top-Rated Seller, so one of the best voice-over talents that we have. Even though I don't know Norwegian, and I'm not a VO artist, I do enjoy looking at his portfolio samples and gig videos. There's a lot to be learned just from combing through the gigs of the best talents on Fiverr. I spend a lot of time doing that. You can also mention in your bio that you are now active again on Fiverr. You have a newer delivery showing up as your last delivery, but your reviews are still old, so buyers may wonder about that.
  3. Hi @natasha_39 - Your buyer actually gave you a 4.3-star review (which counts as a 4-star review), so that might be why you aren't getting as much visibility. You would need to get a lot more orders to bring your ratings up so that you can get better visibility in search. But yes, if you consistently get 5-star reviews, deliver high-quality services, and keep your buyers happy, you should perform better in Fiverr's search.
  4. Hi @levinewman, would it be okay if you kept your thread open for responses for at least 2-3 days? It can take time for people to put their thoughts together. Sometimes the best comments and feedback are received several days after a post is made. Even on my post that I shared with you (about what buyers want), I didn't get a response for 12 hours and I thought that was quick. People are in different time zones and their work schedules may also prevent them from replying right away.
  5. Hi @levinewman - I wrote a post a few weeks ago listing my concerns about creating a better community environment for buyers to prevent customer attrition: This forum is not a place where I would recommend my buyers to hang out or ask their questions, especially if they are new to the platform. I'd like to see what we can do to retain our New-To-The-Platform buyers better. This platform isn't the most intuitive one to learn and it can be frustrating for new buyers. Not having a good support system to answer their simplest questions makes it even harder.
  6. I experimented with pricing all of my gigs above $100 earlier this year and came to the conclusion that it doesn't work with certain gigs, such as my proofreading gig. I think @vickiespencer can confirm. I'd love to see @vickiespencer as a Pro. I do think that a Pro is serious enough with their business to price themselves right. I would think Fiverr's team would take that into consideration when vetting a seller for Pro. If the seller's pricing seems off for the services provided, that would be a flag that would prevent that seller from becoming a Pro or maintaining that status.
  7. It is nice that vetted Pros can set their own prices, though. It would give them greater flexibility during market changes and when they are restructuring their gigs.
  8. That's a great point @nickkold! And Fiverr is very interested in bringing on real professional talent, based on the new changes that we are seeing. I think I overlooked that Pro sellers also have to follow the leveled seller system, too - so they will also have that level badge as well. Thanks for clarifying that @levinewman! I almost had a heart attack when I saw that 5,000 number. I saw my chances for Pro flying out the window like a little birdie. 😂 Some sellers may be great at what they do and can hit the ground running like @nickkold mentioned, and it would be nice to have Fiverr's image elevated by adding more high-level professionals to the platform. There's still a stigma around Fiverr's image of only being a place for side hustles and $5 gigs. I have buyers who don't want to leave reviews (or add their deliveries to my galleries) because they don't want people to know that they are coming to Fiverr for services. I would love for people's perception of Fiverr to change.
  9. Just wanted to say that I deeply respect any Pro seller who goes through Fiverr's vetted process to achieve Pro status. That includes all our new Pro sellers who were vetted through this new process that looks very similar to the TRS vetting process. We don't see Fiverr's criteria, but they are vetting these new Pro sellers. And these sellers are getting recognized for their hard work and contribution to Fiverr's platform. So kudos to all our new Pro sellers! 🥳🎉 I'm also happy that @lalitsdmittal got the Pro status because it's obvious from his reviews that he knows how to keep his customers happy and is a superhero to many who come to the platform frustrated with their problems, and he eliminates them - and at lightning speed. We need more sellers like that on Fiverr's platform. I'm really interested in how Fiverr will roll out this new Pro program. Although I think @levinewman's number of 5,000 reviews is high, I do agree that sellers should demonstrate experience on this platform before becoming Pro. Running a business on Fiverr is unlike any other business out there. Pro sellers should be adept with the strange nuances that only exist here on Fiverr (and the unique rules that are outlined in the ToS and Community Standards). Some sellers may only take a year (or even shorter than that) to get to that level and others may require much more time.
  10. Hi @khushboo_dp - Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! 😊 Since you are offering Graphic Design, you can list "Graphic Designer" as your occupation. You can leave the certificates/degrees blank. How many years do you have experience with Graphic Design? And will they allow you to enter in your high school in the Education field?
  11. Hi @noumanwebpro, To see the top trending subcategories in your niche on Fiverr's main page, 1) Click on your category (e.g., Graphic Design, Digital Marketing, Writing & Translations, etc.) and 2) Scroll through the most popular subcategory niches to find out the services that are trending (and that you have the skill to do). These are listed under "Most Popular in" + [category selected]:
  12. For long vacations, it can take 3 days for the gig to start getting good impressions again. So if my vacation is for 9 days, I'll mention the date that I'll be back in office in the OOO message (but will turn off OOO after 6 days). I do have to be available to answer inquiries and take orders during those 3 days. I also use the OOO when I have too many orders or if I want to make announcements (to the prospective buyers who lurk around my profile). I usually never have those messages up for longer than 3 days at a time.
  13. Why? Does it feel like you are putting all your eggs into a few baskets? One of my big goals for the year is to triple the number of repeat buyers that I have. It's nice to have a good idea of how orders will look like 3 months or 6 months down the road.
  14. If the account is under review, however, the seller should still be able to communicate with buyers that they have open orders with (or with buyers they recently closed orders with, that are still in that review period). I'm not sure why the seller wouldn't communicate with the OP if the order is still active. The only time I couldn't communicate with my buyers was when my account was shut down by a hacker (because all orders in queue were automatically canceled). Under restricted mode (which is probably where the OP's seller is), I could communicate with a buyer who I recently closed an order with (and would have been able to communicate with the other buyers who had active orders with me, if those orders weren't automatically canceled by the system). I was in restricted mode until Fiverr verified I went through all the necessary measures to protect myself against another cybersecurity attack. I would reach out to CS to see if there's any reason that your seller can't contact you when you have an open order with them. There may be a reason, and CS may recommend that you cancel the order. I was lucky that five of my buyers chose to reopen orders with me 4 days later, after my account was restored. I really didn't expect my buyers to wait that long (especially when I couldn't communicate with them and they had no idea what was going on). If accounts are restricted because the account is under review, however, the wait could be up to 90 days. So CS could recommend that you cancel.
  15. My income this year looks like the waves of the sea 🌊 with high income in Jan (from Dec orders), a dip in Feb-Mar (due to disappearing buyers/mid-order cancelations on some of my biggest orders), growth from Mar-May, a dip in May (due to ID theft and cybersecurity breach), and growth from May-June. I'm still making more than 2022 (thanks to my price increases), which helps to offset the higher cost of living that we are seeing after our move to Hawaii. I'm hoping to break the 🌊🌊 trend this month. I also started using Out-Off-Office mode for the first time this year, and it has not affected my sales. It makes me wonder why it took me so long to start using it!
  16. @filipdevaere & @vickiespencer - my post finally got approved. Does this clear up the questions you had about the repeat buyer score? (see three posts above)
  17. Newbies and established sellers alike will benefit from reading @filipdevaere's 11 tips for all newbies to READ and LEARN - it dispels a lot of the myths that newbies have. And @frank_d also covers this subject in detail. Back in 2021, he stated that if you are still thinking about SEO and gig ranking, you already lost the game (see article below): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ That was two years ago. Sellers need to focus on what really matters - delivering exceptional customer experiences, keeping their buyers happy, and converting buyers into orders. If you focus on that, you will have good visibility in search and you will get more orders. It's not easy, but it can be done. Just look at @filipdevaere.
  18. If you aren't getting orders, it's a good idea to make changes to your gig. This is because Fiverr will show your gig in search, but it's your responsibility to convert those impressions to orders. Making changes to your gig can make you more relevant in search when buyers search for your services (think title, tags, and gig descriptions). These can increase your impressions (but isn't the only thing that affects your impressions - your performance as a seller also affects the number of impressions that you get). If you change your gig image and add a good gig video, you can increase user engagement with your gig, which can encourage a buyer to click on your gig to learn more. If you upgrade your bio, gig gallery, gig descriptions, packages, and FAQs, you can show your buyer that you are serious about your business and your services. Often the quality of the gig reflects the quality of the seller. Your portfolio is also a great way to show credibility to your buyers. If the buyers trust you and decide that you can deliver what they are looking for, they will place an order with you. It's important to check your performance at least monthly (i.e., impressions, clicks, and orders) to see if you need to make any adjustments to your gigs. In addition to getting orders, you may also need to adjust your pricing, number of revisions, FAQs, and gig packages to control order flow, improve buyer experiences, and enhance your own workload/workflow. I always take a deep look into my gigs' structure if I find myself feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
  19. @filipdevaere & @vickiespencer - my post got hidden for review. I'm not sure what trigger word I used. Hopefully, I don't trigger another post-limit for using all the wrong words! My hidden post explained the breakdown of @filipdevaere's repeat buyer score, and why his true repeat buyer score has been 50-70% while his adjusted score was 100%.
  20. @filipdevaere, it looks like your true repeat buyer score for that subcategory is 72%, which makes up 81% of your earnings and is better than 99% of sellers' performance in your subcategory over the last 90 days. In the last three times you reported getting 100%, your true repeat buyer scores were 71% (June 4 2023), 70% (June 17, 2023), and 50% (Nov 26, 2022), but they all beat out 100% of your competition over the previous 90 days. You have a really good number of repeat buyers (~25). @vickiespencer, I couldn't see your true repeat buyer score (only the adjusted score). But I'm sure your score breakdown is very similar to @filipdevaere. My score has been terrible since I split up my resume gig into three gigs: resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn. Most sellers in my category offer all three services in one gig. So my repeat buyer score is 54% and my true repeat buyer score is 44%. However, this breakdown allows me to charge much higher prices (and will allow me to transition the gigs to Pro in the future). My prices are higher than many TRS and Pro sellers in my subcategory.
  21. @ruhelmiah10, this graph shows that your impressions are increasing. So it looks like your changes are helping. Keep monitoring your data, as I mentioned. Pay attention to the type of inquiries that you get, because that can shed light on what is working in your marketing and what is not.
  22. Go to your Gig page and click on the title of your gig to be shown the graph of your impressions. You can also use the drop-down to view your clicks, orders, and conversion rate: Note: My impressions went down to 0 on Jun 22 because I went Out-Of-Office.
  23. Hi @ruhelmiah10 - it does look a lot better (especially the video edits that you made)! I agree with Fiverr support to add a gig video to your virtual assistant gig and to improve your gig descriptions for both gigs. Currently the descriptions are pretty generic and just list skills that any data entry specialist or virtual assistant can do. Focus on results and your unique selling proposition - what makes you unique and why should they pick you over other sellers who are offering the same service? Once you make changes to your gig, watch your impressions, clicks, and orders to see if your gig changes are effective (check weekly, and adjust monthly if necessary).
  24. First-buyer Promotions (in beta testing) is available to Seller Plus members: It basically puts a banner at the top of your gigs for some of your first-time buyers. You can read more about this here in the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/13736487784721-How-to-set-up-first--time-buyers-promotions?segment=seller There are some bugs in the feature (for example, the discount isn't applied on custom orders, which I usually do). Sellers also can't tell which orders are the First-Time Buyer promotions until after the order closes and the discount is applied on the Earnings page (and the tally is updated on your Coupons page).
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