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  1. Hello, I have an issue with a seller, and I'm not sure if should worry about it or not? I have placed an order with this seller to build a website, the project is currently in progress. I have been in touch with the seller for a while already, but the order was only placed a few days ago. Seller seemed pretty legit and had quite a number of gigs under his belt. I have not heard from the seller since I placed the order, although he said he would give me regular updates. I didn't think anything of it, as I figured he was just busy working on my website. Today, I decided to get in touch, and strangely couldn't message him anymore through the message inbox, only via the order page, so I did. After that I tried to click on his profile and realized that his profile was no longer active. I then conducted a search with his name and quickly realized that all his gigs were gone, and a message from Fiverr appeared mentioning 'No Results Found For Your Search'. And when clicking on the gig, I get the following message from Fiverr, ''The Gig you were looking for is no longer available. Here are some other gigs you may find interesting'' I have now requested an update via the resolution center, but I'm wondering if I should perhaps just cancel the order, as all this is way too fishy for my liking. The only thing I'm now left with is the order timeline and the chat we've had since the beginning. Any advice on what one should do in this type of situation? Thank you.
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