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  1. Thanks @vickieito hope this will resolve my issue , Thanks for understanding me !
  2. My account was disabled on March 9 , due to some violation of TOS , which they never provided , what wrong I did , at least they should have pointed out or paused the Gig which was creating trouble , I have been working on this platform for past 7 years . Finally on May 9 I received an email stating that my account has been disabled permanently , they will send an email after 90 days which will contain steps to withdraw funds , I received the email on Aug 7 , it contained a link to sign in to my fiverr account , and stated I only have next 7 days to withdraw my funds , when I signed in all my withdrawal methods were frozen . I explained same thing number of time to customer support , but I always receive an automated response that my account is under review , and it can take upto 60 days.
  3. Hello everyone, My account has been disabled by Fiverr. I have a balance to withdraw from my account but my payout methods are disabled. I am not able to add any new method. Can you please suggest something. Customer Support is not responding to my queries.
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