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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. If I had to guess based on the image alone: Non-permitted service and/or third party violation.
  2. Please see: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/73962-impressions-arent-all-that-important-heres-why/
  3. If one of your team wants an account, they need to set it up themselves. Fiverr is tricky enough, that it's best to learn how it works firsthand, or there could be major problems later.
  4. Proof that it doesn't work. How long have those gigs been up? Because if that's only a few days, then those are actually okay numbers, especially considering the number of competitors in your category. If you're expecting numbers like 6 years ago, then you will be disappointed, as Fiverr has changed and the number of sellers in most categories doubled in 2020 from 2019. I did glance at your profile, though, and most of your gigs look nearly identical, which might be a part of the problem. Fiverr's algorithm is secret, though. Have you read this thread? https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274399-what-happens-when-you-publish-a-new-gig-a-pro-sellers-guide/
  5. It's... kind of not. The whole point of a target market is who you want to work with and can best work with. Your competitors are not you. Their keywords might not be yours. If, for example, you did want to write for gamers, then you wouldn't use keywords of someone who specialized in sports writing, or animals, or cooking, or weddings, or cars, etcetera. That's the point of specialization, being the best option for your client. From what I can tell of your gig, you are trying to target business owners, with reaching their target. Do you have a specific industry you specialize in? That aside, you have a FAQ in the gig that still uses an old package title.
  6. It's rather pointless (and possibly even harmful to your profile) to grow your impressions if you're not getting orders from them.
  7. I can't elaborate if you don't answer the question I posed: "Are gamers your target market?" If they are, then no, don't broaden your target market, because you won't be able to serve that wider market near as well as your target. If they are not, then still no, don't just broaden your market randomly. "Widening your market" means understanding who your market is. If gamers are indeed your target market, then the package titles are fine, but you need to refine the other aspects of your gig to reflect that. If not your target market, then you need to figure out who is.
  8. Split your post from the thread you posted in, so that I could reply without going off-topic. 1 click out of 6 views is 16%. That's good. I glanced at your gig, and... why are your packages named with FPS games? Are gamers your target market?
  9. You included external contact info. Remove that, and you should be able to post.
  10. Imposter syndrome. Most people deal with it at one point or another, especially if there isn't anyone in their lives that is both truthful and encouraging. Doubt can be difficult to overcome. Give me a bit and I'll see if I can find some resources.
  11. Fiverr Help Center on the topic: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010881597-Taking-a-Skill-Test?segment=seller There is no mention of 'rank'.
  12. If you have good discernment, critical thinking skills, sound judgment, observational skills, and common sense: yes, there are always exceptions. That's why this is 'signs' of scams. Tells and red flags.
  13. Is it okay that I find that... creepy? Technology-wise, that's 'wow' and impressive, but (when I did use to make video calls) I just solved the 'looking at you' thing by putting the other person's video feed window immediately below my computer's camera. Side note: teleprompters are nifty.
  14. What I like most? Fewer bugs. No mosquitos.
  15. I'm imagining one of those old b-movie horror posters, "The RETURN of Available Now" (Subtitle/elevator pitch: "Over five years ago, Available Now was introduced as an attempt to help Buyers find Sellers who were available, but bugs and abuse caused the system to last less than a year. Perhaps cut outright, but many think it was integrated to be more subtle, more 'behind the scenes.' Now, just when we thought it was safe to let the tails die, there are signs, eerily familiar, that The End may not have been...")
  16. "There are two kinds of folks who sit around thinking about how to kill people: psychopaths and mystery writers. I’m the kind that pays better." - Richard Castle (TV series character) ... *applaud?
  17. I have a few "Art of:" and "Complete Works" books, but if you want 'coolest', then this one has a shiny holo-foil cover. Rockman/Megaman Zero Official Complete Works (English-translation, not sure which edition). It's VERY shiny. (That 'holographic' cover makes it tricky to photograph, based on a quick internet search.)
  18. Who's your main? I liked playing as both Webber and Wendy, but I haven't played much in the last year. DST is not the best for short play sessions. (Currently playing one of Klei's other games, 'Oxygen Not Included')
  19. You mean gig as in a Fiverr Gig, or gig as in an individual job? The era of strange Gigs is mostly over, though you can still find stories about them in the forums if you go back several years. Individual jobs, though... I got to draw a character mash-up for someone who wanted it as a reference to make a cross-over cosplay. That was a lot of fun. As for standing out from competition, when Buyer's Requests were still a thing, I earned the attention of several by showing genuine interest in their project. My favorite of those, the Buyer stated that they specifically chose me because the opening line of my offer was "You had me at 'edgy anime dogs'." Basically, I connected with their vision.
  20. Just want to throw in the possibility the the gig isn't active in Fiverr's back end, even if the "Gigs" page says it is. https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status
  21. They usually don't work for very long.
  22. No, I mean "read the rules". Rewriting is also not permitted.
  23. The topic in question was hidden because it broke the forum rules. It was partially copied from https://business.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010975257?segment=seller Writing new content is welcome. Plagiarism is not.
  24. Considering your post history, you should probably focus more on learning English, and not relying on technology.
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