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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. I'll look into it, but I wouldn't count on any permissions being handed out. Especially since I've witnessed that some of the people who were given permissions haven't worked out as expected.
  2. Those clubs are empty because they were created by random users. Those users don't have the necessary permissions to operate the Clubs feature/function of the Invision platform.
  3. You posted in ...so I would think you read that. In which case, you should already know the checklist.
  4. I just use a spreadsheet. Took a bit to set it up, but works fine.
  5. Check out the forum's "Tips for Sellers" category.
  6. I thought there was a "variable" option? Or 'undetermined'... I know I've seen screenshots here in the forums where the budget isn't a set amount. Welcome to the foums, by the way. I just noticed you said "quote". I think the spot is more for budget, the amount you are looking to pay, not requesting an amount Sellers will charge. If you want a quote, you'd probably be better off using the search function and contacting a few Sellers. Even if they can't do your project, they might be able to give you an idea of how much it might cost.
  7. Just popped up for me too. I get it. Fiverr seems to be having a bit of a slump, and (as a business) needs to be able to keep earning, especially as a publicly traded company...
  8. I don't know about other other classifieds or forums on the internet, but here on the Fiverr forum, Fiverr Gig links are only permitted in the "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig" categories.
  9. Forums are different from chats in that they lean towards longer posts. You can read the Fiverr forum standards and rules here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/253722-community-standards-forum-rules-2021
  10. Glanced at your profile. Color-wise, your gig images look fine.
  11. "The best place to go when you need money is to work!" The above quote includes the work it takes to research, learn, and apply. Especially in self-employment and freelancing, it takes work to get work. That said, do you have any other employable skills other than selling-platform account management? Because the competition for those is HUGE, and if you're personally in a bad situation, then you should consider trying another job market. I did glance at your profile, and it says you delivered an order 4 days ago. Only you know your exact situation.
  12. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. Regrading impressions, please see: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/73962-impressions-arent-all-that-important-heres-why/
  13. That's not "active". That's "being productive". Edit: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/?do=findComment&comment=1852102 Yes, I'm aware that post is by a "guest". That user got completely fed-up with both Fiverr and the forum, and left, due to frustration. doesn't make what the user said any less true.
  14. In that case, no clue. Have you already placed a ticket with Fiverr Customer support? If no, then you'll need to do that at this point. If yes, the nyou'll just have to wait to hear back from them.
  15. Have you made a lot of purchases lately? (Not just on Fiverr, but in general.) Maybe you triggered the card company security, in which case, yes, you will need to contact the card issuer. (The contact number should be on the back of the card.)
  16. When you say "multiple accounts" do you mean: multiple Fiverr accounts, multiple card accounts, or multiple bank accounts?
  17. Yes. VERY normal. Spam and scam messages are an unfortunate part of doing business. As for your gigs (since you used a plural), I only see one in your profile, so if you have more than one you might want to look into that. The one you do have up looks okay at a very quick glance, but not great. The FAQ section is on the weak side. The video being silent is a bit odd. I didn't see anything that states what does and what does not count as a revision. Have you looked into the "Tips for Sellers" section here on the forums? Lots of good topics there.
  18. Have you visited the "Tips for Sellers" section of the forums yet? Lots of good stuff there.
  19. There already is, from what I've heard. But it's hidden and locked, I would guess due to the contract of being in the Seller Plus program.
  20. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. I glanced at your profile, nice gig images.
  21. Please see: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs
  22. Because they broke the rules, the contract they signed.
  23. Might help to have move than one sample.
  24. Actually, Fiverr did. It's in the Terms of Service that every user agrees to when they sign up. Edit: for clarification, it was likely not something you did or caused. The screenshot of their gig is what I based my guess on.
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