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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. Duplicate gigs are against the ToS. I must have misread that part. I was under the impression that the A/B testing implied editing one gig and seeing what changes over time. Which, I'll admit, has it's own cons (especially since one can't control or predict the external variables), but that's a different can of worms.
  2. Better, but the skirt and umbrella canopy structure are still off, and the legs are still incorrect, anatomy-wise. (I think you erased the umbrella's handle.) The side-by-side is nice, IMO, but you need to label the one that is AI generated. (In the new image you put up, the train tracks aren't straight.)
  3. *Points https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/275174-calling-on-the-artists-here~-would-love-to-see-what-youve-got-to-show/
  4. At a glance, I see some capitalization errors in the description. Also, please see: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/220973-top-5-tips-to-protect-yourself-from-badly-behaved-buyers/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/73962-impressions-arent-all-that-important-heres-why/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/74184-if-your-impressions-are-dropping-please-read-this-archived/
  5. Fiverr Terms of Service: If it's not needed to do the work, report and block. If it is needed, an order must be open. Read the ToS. It's in place to protect you.
  6. Are your impressions zero? First check here (under 'Gig Status') to verify that the gig is active: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs (It might be active in your dashboard, but still pending approval from Fiverr behind the scenes.) If your gig is 'active' then how many days has it been zero? If it's only one day, give it 24 hours. Sometimes systems are slow to update. If it's been zero more than 72 hours, and is listed as active, check to make sure it's in compliance with the Fiverr ToS and Community Standards. If impressions are not zero, then it doesn't matter if you cannot find your own gig. Other people can, or you would not be getting impressions. Otherwise, please see: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/73962-impressions-arent-all-that-important-heres-why/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/74184-if-your-impressions-are-dropping-please-read-this-archived/
  7. A rating? Are you sure? In short, while those look okay at a glance, there are SO many issues with anatomy... I'd rate them 'amateur'.
  8. Did you use an automatic translator for your gig description? There are a few odd word choices in there, like 'address'. Also some odd redundancies. You can take out the first 'about me' sentence, as that's already in your profile and has nothing to do with the gig. Please see: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  9. You say 'no'. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/136314-the-power-of-saying-no/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/222069-stand-your-ground-setting-boundaries-as-a-seller/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/145429-the-art-of-saying-no-nicely/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/220973-top-5-tips-to-protect-yourself-from-badly-behaved-buyers/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/202647-guide-how-to-avoid-bad-buyers-and-how-to-deal-with-them-if-you-cant/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282412-what-to-do-if-a-buyer-asks-for-endless-revisons/
  10. I'm pretty sure that was an AI generated response, meaning they didn't read your post.
  11. Not in the current ruleset. When the forums were hosted on Discourse, there was a limit to reactions a user could give, so it makes sense that no rule was needed. Now that the forum has migrated to Invision... According to this, there is no setting to limit the number of reactions a user can make. (There is also no way that I can see to turn them off in the settings, or even disable a user from making them.) Fiverr rules, though... hmm... under Product Abuse it states: "Product abuse on Fiverr is defined as any activity aimed to deliberately manipulate the platform tools and features for the sole purpose of personal gain." Under the 'Manipulation' section, there is this: "Any improper behavior aiming to manipulate Fiverr platform tools and systems does not align with Fiverr values and harms the entire Fiverr community." But the forum isn't connected to the Fiverr platform. We all know activity here doesn't carry. It's extremely rude, inconsiderate, and annoying, disrupts user profiles, and makes people turn notifications off, but... *sigh* not against the rules as they are currently written. (The closest I could find, in the ToS: "Proprietary Restrictions [...] (iv) use automation software (bots), hacks, modifications (mods) or any other unauthorized third-party software designed to modify the Site", but again, separate platform.)
  12. Not a counter argument, but I wouldn't say that looks bad. I certainly would never pay a crazy amount, but aesthetically, I actually kinda like it. Like a beach at sunset. I could see myself picking something like that up at a yard sale for $5, depending on how it's matted and framed. (Assuming nothing bigger than a 3'-4' canvas.)
  13. Missing? Character, personality, almost all of the twelve principles of animation, cohesion... If this is practice, then fair, you've got to start somewhere. I don't know if I'd consider it worth Fiverr's minimum price. I suspect you're going to struggle to complete if you plan to sell at this level.
  14. If you are a Buyer looking for a service, you can try asking a Seller you are interested in of their policy. If they don't have a response, or cannot answer, you should reconsider purchasing from them.
  15. I take it this is a copy/paste of your message to CS? Number 9: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/253722-community-standards-forum-rules-2021
  16. Nothing should come above the purpose. The function. Form should always follow function. As an example, I'm going to step away from graphic design and dip into engineering design. A bridge has one purpose: safely allow passage from point A to point B. If it fails this function, it fails it's purpose. This is why it is critical for designers to know the intent and know what they are doing.
  17. Always. (I've only been on Fiverr since 2019, but I read a LOT, and end up in the depths of the forum quite often.) A post from 2012, questioning Sellers who look identical, selling questionable services, looking to make a quick buck. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/1067-do-some-fiverr-sellers-take-advantage-of-sites-that-make-things-for-free-and-resell-them/ This one, also 2012 (and missing some posts), sarcastically sums your gripe. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/2069-maybe-there-should-be-a-couple-of-new-fiverrs/ Two rants from 2018 on non-native English. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/149104-why-would-you-lie https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/136195-finding-someone-who-doesnt-lie-about-english-being-their-first-language/#comment-731805 A 2018 post cautioning Sellers against exactly what you've observed. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/147964-new-sellers-no-integrity-no-success/ We are also entering a new era, AI generated content, that makes it even easier for people-in-general to fake proficiency. I'd offer more examples, but I need to log off for the night.
  18. You can find out what you are lacking by reading and self-analyzing. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159744-before-you-ask-about-how-to-get-orders-or-no-orders-read-this-more-orders-tips-buyers-first-order-impressions-sales/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/216701-how-to-get-any-orders-at-all-and-get-more-once-you-have-a-few/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/124656-stop-and-check-before-you-ask-for-help/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/234149-new-sellers-the-true-way-to-success/
  19. I don't disagree, but I would argue an alternative phrasing is also correct: "If you can look at anything and know "this looks good" and "this looks bad", and [know why], you're already ahead of most." I've seen hundreds of aspiring artists who have amazing inking or coloring or shading skills, but don't understand underlying fundamentals like structure, proportions, perspective, vanishing points, and/or gravity. Picasso is a pretty well-known example of knowing the 'rules' first, before breaking them.
  20. Please see: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/
  21. Have you taken any art electives? I'll caution you, you are entering the market at an extremely unstable era, due to the rapid advances in AI art. It's sad, but that's what you are competing with. A computer. That's not to say you can't succeed as a traditional artist, or even a graphic artist, but you have to be VERY good. I glanced at your profile, but as you have no Gigs yet, I cannot estimate your chances. Do you have an online profile? (Do NOT post a link here in the forums. If you really want a second opinion, you are welcome to DM me.) Have you ever done commission work before? Concerning the 9-5 job, it's not a bad idea to work at least one year in a retail or food industry (especially through the holiday season). You'll gain extremely valuable customer service skills, as well as a valuable perspective of what it's like on the other side of the service counter. There's also (if you make an effort to learn in addition to the position) the basic lesson of logistics, scheduling and time management, business operation, and even some economics.
  22. No one can say how to do these well, because Fiverr is dynamic, not static. You can research, discern, apply logic, build a hypothesis, test it, check it against other users, and still be wrong. It's like trying to predict the weather a month out.
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