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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. Write in English. Don't call people beautiful or handsome.
  2. Well, I'd like to be an employee, then. I think successful sellers are much more qualified to be success managers anyway - at least they know exactly how things work, and how to succeed, and have proven it.
  3. So they should be held to a stricter standard, right? ... right?
  4. It's worse, it's like going to a doctor in the states. Here it would be the same generic useless advice, but at least it would be free.
  5. I have 347 years of experience in graphic design. And I'm not even a graphic designer. Or 347 years old. See? Anyone can say whatever they want. Funny how that works.
  6. Why are you obviously joking? I'm not. If sellers get feedback that affects us, SM's should as well.
  7. "All of my gig statistics are well above 100%" I find that very hard to believe.
  8. You did not work for Amazon. You did not work for Fiverr. You did not work for Youtube. Did Fiverr and Amazon and Youtube (or one of their subsidiaries) hired you? No? Then you didn't work for them. Think about it for a minute. If you worked for Fiverr just because you sold gigs on Fiverr, then every single seller on the platform would be able to put Fiverr on their client list. That doesn't make any sense. Ah, and you didn't work for Binance or Opensea either. Your 5 clients are all lies. If you had indeed worked for any of them, I would expect to see them in your portfolio. The brands you have in your portfolio are PixelDeal, KRWN Studio, SafeCash, etc. Those are your clients. Not Fiverr, Amazon, Youtube, Binance and Opensea.
  9. She got the website mixed up. She's looking for the one that starts with only and ends with fans.
  10. Excellent post. Every single one of your points is precisely correct - and they do cover most of the major red flags.
  11. There's no point to it. I've said that, and more, and nothing ever changes. I've had 4 SM's so far. Some better, some far worse. I don't get to rate them (why?). My feedback is clearly not wanted. I've linked them forum threads. Crickets - they give the corporate spiel (many times ignoring what I complained about), and just gloss over what they don't have the corporate answer to. Because there isn't one. Even in the forum threads started by Fiverr employees, they just drop whatever bomb they want, and then ignore any replies or questions if they aren't convenient for them.
  12. If all your concerns disappeared, you're golden. Nothing to worry about. I wish all my concerns disappeared!
  13. Lmao, I don't believe that last line was originally there. That's too funny for chat-gpt, it kinda sucks at humour. The rest of it is actually a pretty good short description, no issues with it. I'm not claiming chat-gpt is perfect, but if you indeed added that last line (as I'm 99% sure you did lol), then you just proved his usefulness - it created an accurate and useful short summary of the evolution of reptiles. It worked well.
  14. When you believe we're all descendants of Xenu's DC-10's trapped souls, nothing is impossible indeed!
  15. It's not free though. Someone's paying. A chat gpt query costs an order of magnitude more than a google search, and even that is not free. We'll see how they monetise it. Of course start ups have gotten into the horrible habit of running for decades at a loss, but that's coming to an end. Cheap capital is no more. Banks are falling, interest rates are rising. Startups will need to actually start making money, investors don't want to hear about "let's grow and grow and worry about profits a decade from now". That ship has sailed.
  16. I find it hard to believe 1 million dollars is seeking me.
  17. Transition periods are always difficult. The Industrial Revolution destroyed jobs. The internet revolution destroyed jobs. Every revolution destroys jobs... in the short term. There's always a replacement.
  18. The point of AI is not to be perfect, or better than experts, atm. The point is that you could ask the same question to humans, and the vast majority of them would not be better than the AI, they would be worse. As a generalist, AI will soon be unbeatable. As for the experts... it's a matter of time. The issue with AI is that it's accelerationist by nature. It's not about how fast it improves, it's how faster the rate of improvement will keep getting. Also, not to get too tinfoily here, but truth ends up being, for practical purposes, whatever most believe truth to be. It may even be meaningless, if most decide the concept of truth to be irrelevant. Yes, idealistically there may be something as an objective, unadulterated truth out there, but I leave those discussions to the greeks, they already dissected all that over 2000 years ago. In practice, truth is whatever truth is considered to be. If AI can convince everyone except you of X, when you know it's Y, you may as well be right, but you'll be a minority of one. It won't matter. Brave new world or 1984? It's all the same, just a different aesthetic. I for one, think it's easier to just accept the new machine overlords, whenever they may come. We may even be happier, who knows. In the words of Richard Brautigan: All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace I like to think (and the sooner the better!) of a cybernetic meadow where mammals and computers live together in mutually programming harmony like pure water touching clear sky. I like to think (right now, please!) of a cybernetic forest filled with pines and electronics where deer stroll peacefully past computers as if they were flowers with spinning blossoms. I like to think (it has to be!) of a cybernetic ecology where we are free of our labors and joined back to nature, returned to our mammal brothers and sisters, and all watched over by machines of loving grace.
  19. I'm on a Mac, I always have a good laugh when they send me .exe os .scr files.
  20. Ahah, they do have good taste!
  21. I know. It's obvious he didn't. I just wanted to hear his excuses why he said they were his clients.
  22. Of course not. And you reply to your question right in your post. "From Fiverr: Note: You must include a company that hired you to work on a paid project (this doesn't include profiles or usage of platforms/sites/tools such as Fiverr, Facebook, YouTube, Shopify, etc.)." If you think having done a video for YouTube means you've worked for YouTube, or selling a product on amazon means you worked for amazon, I really question your abilities as a freelancer. This platform doesn't need people that dense. Just asking this question shows the one asking isn't qualified for anything imo. It's an insulting question. It's saying "I don't know what "client means". Btw, @manikmt01, please let me know exactly what work you've done for Fiverr, Github, Google and Upwork. When did those companies hire you, and to do what?
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