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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. Sure, are you willing to pay? Book a consultation call then. Or do you want a successful seller to spend their time, for free, answering your questions?
  2. It's spread to reddit, people on there complaining about the e-mail as well. It appears lots of people have gotten it. Many may not even have SM's, so they're totally in the dark.
  3. Well, at least it's certainly not a credible threat...
  4. Ah yes, that's what we were missing, our daily dose of insanity.
  5. Btw, just got a message from Fiverr asking me how does upwork fee structure work, after I mentioned them in the round table. They apparently were not aware of how their main competition works. Also, upwork has all their systems explained in official pages. It's all transparent, no secrets.
  6. This. Where do I apply? They should hire me, and other sellers here, for platform strategy. I'm 100% confident I would do a better job than the majority of people working there. Probably they're getting paid better too.
  7. I linked this thread to my SM. They know. But they are very good at avoiding things, apparently. As for the supervisor... that may have been the case a few years ago. Wanna bet now it's an AI bot doing it for free?
  8. I'm more amazed I had to send them a message to know it was a mistake. If they know it's a mistake, how come they don't send an e-mail clarifying that to everyone? We need to go and ask? This keeps getting worse and worse.
  9. Yep. Now, will there be consequences? Errors have people responsible for them. If I make an error, specially with a first time buyer, I'm screwed. Maybe my SM should receive an e-mail saying "Hey, we noticed a drop in your seller's satisfaction. We won't tell you exactly why, but be prepared to receive a pay cut in the next few months. You better start taking their feedback seriously. Have a good day!". See how they would like that.
  10. @markp Exactly what I've been saying. In this case, apparently the e-mail I got was "a mistake", which just confuses me even more. Bizarre situation all around.
  11. Don't do that. I found what works best is being assertive and showing no fear. These SM's job is to keep you in the platform. I made it very clear that if I wasn't well treated here, I would go elsewhere. They make me fear my job, I'll make them fear theirs. It's the only language they understand.
  12. Apparently it was sent by mistake... so everyone who got an e-mail the same day I did (31st), probably is in the same boat. That is, if I can trust what my SM says. I don't know anymore.
  13. Just got a response from my SM. This is beyond ridiculous. Other people who got the e-mail - contact your SM's. @newsmike @leannelrivers @williambryan392 @katakatica (Also - I f***ing knew it couldn't be accurate).
  14. And that's before taxes and other expenses lol. You'll own nothing and you'll like it!
  15. Lol, imagine paying to work. I had said it before, and will just double down - I won't be paying for promoted gigs. And for the people saying a 10x return on promoted gigs is good... It's not. It would be if that was the whole picture. It isn't. You're paying 10% on promotion... plus the 20% commission. Fiverr is actually taking 30% of all your earnings. Come on. When will it stop? 50%? 75%? Or, in the case of Frank's, and if all organic orders stop and all sales are promoted, 250%?
  16. Yes, and that's what makes sense, paying for new leads but not repeated clients... if new leads don't have the power to totally screw you. If I go to a salon and dislike it, I won't go back, that's it. I won't destroy their business for months.
  17. And another characteristic of, not only businesses, but economics in general - risk and reward are two faces of the same coin. Risk = reward. By definition. Right now, new client = extra risk, with no extra reward. Why would I take them? If they actually incentivised it (for example, 0% commission on first time client to the platform, as a reward to providing the retention and making them come back), then I could see the point of taking that risk. As it stands, Fiverr wants all the rewards to themselves, and all the risk for the sellers. That won't fly.
  18. Judging by the quality of the people who are getting it, I would actually kinda be more worried if I didn't. Seems to be great company. If all the top guys fall for it, it means nothing. Their system is screwed up. Also, I had next to no first time buyers in this period, so this doesn't even make any sense.
  19. Also, and I just realised this - they made it so gaming the system is WAY easier. If anything, OLD buyers feedback should count more - they are the one that pay Fiverr's bills. They are the ones that know what's good work and bad work on Fiverr, because they have experience. You just made it trivial for any bad actor to create a new buyer account, place an order with someone they don't like (or their competition), and since they are a "first time buyer" have their targeted attack count MORE. It's insanity.
  20. I had request to order activated for everything anyway, old and new buyer alike. But needing to turn down first time buyers will hurt. Also, promoted gigs just became even worse - why pay for contacts that are likely to be first time buyers that I will need to turn down anyway?
  21. It's a great solution for people with a ton of repeated business, or that just use Fiverr as a side hustle. If you are depending on Fiverr to pay the bills, and you don't do a lot of repeated orders, or didn't start so long ago you already have a huge list of past clients, it's a major issue.
  22. You would think so. They don't. Or they pretend not to. I've had clients pay over $1000 just to ask a question about multiple revisions, or delivery of project files (both against what I clearly state I offer in my gigs) immediately after placing the order. I almost assume they do it on purpose to corner me.
  23. I had a call with my SM 4 days ago. Everything was fine. Only 2 orders completed in the meanwhile. Both were happy, both left great reviews, both want to work with us again, both had ordered before on Fiverr (this was the second completed order for both of them, and their accounts weren't even made in 2023).
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