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About manikmt01

  • Birthday 04/07/1999

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  1. I have fulfilled all the conditions and requirements for Top Rated Seller for the last 2-3 months. But till now I have not been given the Top Rated Seller batch. How can I get Top Rated Seller? Please help everyone. Best regards Manik MT
  2. Primary I use my banner images. This primary banner shows my profile But this does not show when I check another borrower in my Fiverr gig. I see and notice it shows 2nd image there in the incognito tab when I checked. But I set these images in the main primary images. Why show this way?
  3. I am not clear about this. I have one question can I add "top clients" like Fiverr, Google, etc? But those are not my client but I see many people add this. If I can add yes/no, Please tell me the details. If I add this, This any effect on my account? From Fiverr: Note: You must include a company that hired you to work on a paid project (this doesn't include profiles or usage of platforms/sites/tools such as Fiverr, Facebook, YouTube, Shopify, etc.).
  4. Recently I completed 3 order with 2 5* review. But my gig not increased impressions
  5. I am trying to stay active on Fiverr and share gigs on social media. But the problem is that since the Fiverr update my gigs are completely down. What should I do in this case? How do I increase my gig clicks and impressions? Hope for help and good advice from all
  6. Why is gig performance decreasing? All the gig performance of all the gigs has gone down to 0. Yesterday I completed 2 orders with 5* reviews and one in progress. What is the reason for this? Is it just happening to me or everyone?
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