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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. That was under the old review system. You gave them 1 star in response to their 1 star. You can't do that now. Have you ever had a bad buyer, and leave them a bad review without seeing their review first, as it must be done under the new system?
  2. We both know that's not what I'm talking about. Question - It's almost certain that you have had a bad buyer in the past. Have you ever left a buyer a bad review?
  3. We both agree that is wrong, but I think that is a mischaracterisation of at least what some people are saying. Many people have no issue with buyers actually being able to review them. That's not the problem. The problem is under what circumstances, specially if they are abusable. I think you would also agree that someone who didn't do an order with you, shouldn't be able to leave you a review for the conversation in your inbox that lead nowhere, right? Just an example. Fiverr could well allow that as well. It's not about being reviewed or not, is how the system works.
  4. What mindset? My points are simple, and you are choosing not to address them. Forget this seller. This is a single case, I'm talking about the system itself. 1- A system for rating buyers where sellers can be punished by rating the buyers anything other than 5 stars will not serve any purpose. 2 - Reviews should be final and reflect the experience with the order. If they can be altered after the fact, specially in retaliation for things unrelated to the order work, that opens the door to abuse. Please address point 1 and 2. That's what I'm talking about. Not this particular seller or his lack of professionalism.
  5. We're talking about different things, that's the issue. I'm not talking about this particular seller. He doesn't matter. This is the question: If a buyer can change their review of a seller based on the review the seller leaves them, that means all sellers are coerced to leave all buyers 5 star reviews. Correct or incorrect?
  6. You're the one implying things here. My buyers are happy and I haven't had a cancelation in over a year. That's not the point. Focus on this: If a buyer can change their review of a seller based on the review the seller leaves them, that means all sellers are coerced to leave all buyers 5 star reviews. Correct or incorrect?
  7. Because that has nothing to do with me. It's not my problem, because I don't make those mistakes. However, the system as is designed right now can also punish me even if I don't make any mistakes. That's a problem for everyone. Also, I've said several times now that I would have handled differently, and that the seller was not professional. Why are you ignoring that? A seller should be able to say they don't want to work with a buyer in the future without that impacting his past ratings in any way. I don't see how this is difficult to understand.
  8. I need to keep saying this, but again, nothing of what I say means the seller was professional after the order closed. I wouldn't leave that review. I wouldn't block the buyer like that. I wouldn't do what he did, it's bad for business. That's a totally separate matter.
  9. Sure, but he shouldn't be able to do that. As a seller, I should be free to not want to work with a buyer in the future, without that impacting my past work. If I work for you, I do what you asked, you're happy and leave me a 5 star review, should you be able to go back and make it 1 star because I didn't like the experience and don't want to work with you in the future? That doesn't make sense. You were happy with my service. That's what the review is for.
  10. That is gonna change. Buyers can now rate cancelled orders. This buyer would certainly leave a 1 star review if the seller forced a cancelation. Again - yes, the seller wasn't professional in his review. That doesn't justify changing a rating given to the order. If the buyer gave the order 5 stars, it's because he was happy with what he got. That's that.
  11. I'm not talking about private feedback. I'm saying after you rate the buyer, you can see his review. Can you then go and change your review in retaliation? That's what the buyer did - changed his review after he saw the seller's.
  12. Disclaimer: I'm not saying, didn't say, and will not say I agree with the wording used by the seller in their review. I'm not defending the seller. That's not the point. My points are the following: 1- A system for rating buyers where sellers can be punished by rating the buyers anything other than 5 stars will not serve any purpose. 2 - Reviews should be final and reflect the experience with the order. If they can be altered after the fact, specially in retaliation for things unrelated to the order work, that opens the door to abuse.
  13. After the fact, come on. The buyer in this case altered his review after he saw the seller review. As a seller, can you alter your review after you see the buyers? If that's the case, then yes, free speech goes both ways.
  14. Free expression works for both. What about this: A buyer leaves you a 1 star review (that you can't see), you leave him a 5 star review. Can you, as a seller, go back and change your review to 1 as well, after you see his? If so, then yes, free speech goes both directions.
  15. If you don't understand how this makes the reviews sellers leave buyers pointless, there's nothing else to say.
  16. Please understand this - defending that something should not be this way is not defending what someone did. I don't leave buyers 1 star reviews. And I don't think if I did, they should have the right to change their review after the fact in retaliation.
  17. Probably. That's why I shouldn't. Revenge is a very powerful motivator for most people. Btw, that's exactly why Fiverr doesn't let the seller see the buyer review before they give theirs. To avoid this exact situation.
  18. I shouldn't be able to. Reviews should be final, otherwise they're open to abuse. A buyer leaves a review on an order, wants something changed after a week, the seller refuses to do it for free, the buyer changes the review to one star. It's exploitable. A review on an order should reflect your experience with that order, from the moment it starts to the moment it finishes. Anything that happens after it's closed, is not relevant to the review.
  19. You didn't address what the problem is. You analogy fails at a critical point - restaurants don't get to leave reviews for their guests. It's not the same. Again, please address this: If a buyer can change their review because they got a bad review from the seller, what will happen is that every seller will either leave them a 5 star review, or no review at all. This is exactly what will happen. If that's what you want, may as well get rid of buyer reviews entirely, as they will be worthless.
  20. No, I'm the one against the edit button. The buyer edited his review after the fact. If a buyer can change their review because they got a bad review from the seller, what will happen is that every seller will either leave them a 5 star review, or no review at all. This is exactly what will happen. If that's what you want, may as well get rid of buyer reviews entirely, as they will be worthless.
  21. Not what I said. Do you think a buyer should be able to change the review they gave a seller after they see the review the seller gave them? Yes or no.
  22. Man, you need to stop with the bad takes. Was he smart in giving the buyer a 1 star review? No, because of what just happened. But that's the point I've always been making - buyer reviews are useless, precisely because of this. Why do you like transparency for sellers, but not for buyers? This buyer deserved the review they got. He should not be allowed to change his review to punish the seller. That's the whole point of the "secret" review system. What we get by the system being as it is, and doing as you say, is that all buyers have perfect 5 star reviews, because sellers are too scared to give them the review they deserve. Do you agree with that? Is that the "transparency and honesty" you claim to want?
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