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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Didn’t you read his post? He already did.
  2. And what useful things did you learn in this time? You must have spent a lot of time reading the advices given here on a forum.
  3. You don’t need to know what’s the catch to know it’s a scam. First of all, if you don’t offer this service then whomever offers you to earn money with whatever scheme it’s a scam. Now he can easily cancel the order and get his money back so you will be at at a loss because you paid for the product yourself. And you also broke fiverr TOS and worst case you might loose your account, best case just the money that you spent on T-shirts
  4. How do you know you did it perfectly? you can show us one of the examples of the offers that you sent for buyer request and we can advise you if it’s a good one or not and what to fix
  5. I just answered it in my previous reply 👇 If you are constantly outperforming your competitors then fiverr will be showing you on top of them.
  6. You are wrong, otherwise fiverr would’ve never put new sellers on first pages. What ranks your gig is yours and your gig’s performance, how interested clients are, how they interact with your gig in search etc
  7. Of course it will not “come”, those things has nothing to do with ranking. it’s like wanting to eat but instead of buying food and cooking you are just going to the bathroom expecting that the food will suddenly appear just because you are doing some meaningless movements.
  8. is this “improve my gig” category? 😉
  9. You don’t talk to buyers from fiverr forum. There are actually very rarely any buyers showing up to read and interact on the forum. Your buyer reach out to you on main fiverr site if they are interested in your services and then you can reply their messages and by your name “advertise guru” I would assume that you would know how to advertise yourself
  10. Why would you even need a daily activity? My daily activity is to go to the gym and walk at least 10000 steps a day. My fiverr “activity” is completing orders. I don’t even come online unless I received an order, a message or a notification. I come online only if I need to do work, deliver orders, answer messages and every once in a while to analyse my stats. That’s it.
  11. If your gig is getting unqualified for promotion then it’s a very strong hint that your performance dropped and that’s what affecting your gig ranking. Fiverr has a lot of hidden metrics and hidden reviews from your clients that can be very different from a public review they left for you and even one bad hidden review can affect your profile massively.
  12. Well, I’m not sure how do you expect fiverr support to help you 😉 they can’t tell buyers to order from you when buyers are not interested or don’t trust your skills based on your gig. I see you’ve been in the forum for some time, so you should know that if you need help improving your profile you can post your gig link in “improve my gig” category for people to help you
  13. First of all I already gave an answer. Secondly they already posted their question, what else do they need to post? If you have nothing to contribute to conversation and especially when your comment doesn’t make any sense then it’s better not to post anything then confuse people that ask a question.
  14. WTF? I’m sorry for my French but to “post the forum” what? What is he supposed to post here? Call out sellers is not allowed here and he already posted his question here. What else he needs to post??? 🤦‍♀️🤯
  15. Because there is no option like that. I’m not sure where did you get that screenshot but it looks fake because “modify your review” is typed in a font that fiverr doesn’t use in their branding. Unfortunately it is not possible. you can try to reach out to support and they might remove parts of your review if it’s against fiverr TOS but generally they don’t allow change of reviews
  16. Please stop posting this meaningless comment. It didn’t even help you to get orders so why are you posting it all over the forum?
  17. By being the best at what you do, by knowing what your target audience wants and by knowing how to sell your services
  18. Because exactly this is a problem 👇 2 years is enough time to build the whole business and you had enough time to Polish your gigs and it lions like you didn’t and people are not interested in your gig and how it’s presented
  19. That’s not how business works, you will have to figure out how to sell your services yourself. And instead of thinking on how to get more orders you should think on how you can solve buyer’s pain points and why would they hire you instead of other sellers
  20. Sharing your gig on social media will not increase your impressions. Impressions is an internal measure of how many times you appeared in fiverr search results based on the quality of your gig and how interested people are when they see it, the more interaction fiverr sees, the more impressions you get. Getting clicks from social media without getting orders also most likely wouldn’t have any effect.
  21. Getting orders is not a given and there is no specific timeline. Some get orders on the next day, some in a week, some has to wait months and some never get orders if their profile doesn’t attract clients
  22. That doesn’t look like fiverr transaction. If you sent money outside of fiverr then you and your seller violated fiverr TOS and fiverr can not protect you
  23. 1. Being an extravert 2. being an introvert 🙈
  24. How do you know it’s “ranking” and on the first page? Fiverr shows different search results to different people and if you see it on the first page it doesn’t mean that others see it there too. Did your impressions and clicks increased?
  25. Nah, no need to guess, it’s a “thumbnail”. typical things they repeat to each other: attractive gig thumbnail, stay online and bla bla bla
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