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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. It's rather obvious that you need to be very skilled if you want to achieve success in anything. You can't just barely know English for example and expect to be an amazing writer. Or you can't be tone deaf and expect to be a stellar musician. Practice makes perfect. And developing skills is one thing, knowing how to use them is what will make you stand out as a seller.
  2. They are two separate transactions. As for the tip thing, if you don't pay fees on a tip, obviously a lot of people would try to cheat the system and pay fees only for $5, then the rest would be sent in the form of a tip. So you can see why there's a fee for every transaction. If you think that the transaction fees are high, you can always raise your prices, that will cover such a thing. Not if you have prices where you already included any fees from your side.
  3. Fiverr always had service fees. You never saw it because you never bought anything. That's why a lot of people want to make larger purchases, due to the service fee. And that's also what makes a $5 gig less attractive to a buyer, since they have to pay almost half that as an extra in the form of a service fee. So, it has been a thing for a long time. Initially it was 50 cents when I arrived on the platform, then it gradually changed over the years....
  4. Nope. I wrote posts between 7 AM and 1 PM, so 10 posts within the span of 6 hours.. that's not spamming. Plus, it says post limit per day. I assume if the system would think I am spamming, they would say that, right? But as I said, I was not spamming. 2-3 posts within 10 minutes and then posting again in a couple of hours isn't spamming.
  5. Well, don't cancel too many orders, deliver on time, provide the best service quality and be respectful to people. They are giving you their hard-earned money for a service, so it might as well be worth it. That's the philosophy I follow, and overall it did well. Of course there are some rotten trees in the kitchen, but that's expected, you will always find some people that are hard to work with, or maybe you are not a good fit for them. Regardless, be respectful and honest, don't take any work that you are unable to achieve. So there's no real recipe for maintaining your rank/level on Fiverr, rather than being professional and treating this like a business.
  6. Do you have 10-20 tabs open at the same time with Fiverr orders/gigs, etc? I do, and whenever I restart my browser they restrict me a bit until I complete their captcha.. Not sure if it's exactly what you are going through.
  7. Hey, you forgot me!!!! Of course, here you go
  8. Just wait for 3 days. If it stays like this, contact customer support, they should be able to mark as complete from their side, or at least provide some guidance.
  9. You also can't start a war against them, but you also can't do nothing. Sanctions would be the only logical thing to do if you want to take action but also not go too far. Hopefully this war ends soon and it will all be well behind us. As for Fiverr's decision... UpWork did it first, so one of the major names in the industry already retracted from Russia, Fiverr just followed suit.
  10. Enjoy your birthday Frank, have fun! I didn't realize it was your birthday, sorry. I do hope you have a wonderful time!
  11. I get that you are unhappy man, but it's not like Fiverr is the only business that's doing this. Newsflash, most businesses are bringing sanctions against Russia. In fact, UpWork actually stepped away from Russia before Fiverr, so I am sure Fiverr just followed suit.
  12. There's no problem if you have multiple talents. The only issue would be if you created multiple accounts, as that's against the Fiverr terms of service. However, a single account can have gigs for design, digital marketing, prank videos and anything you want. You can also stick just to a single vertical like digital marketing or writing. So, you are safe. No worries.
  13. Well he asked if there is a way. That would be the only way. As I clearly said, there's no method to change the username. But in an extreme situation, if he really really really wants this.. that would be the only option.
  14. So the gig is ranking, right? Useless topic I guess
  15. There's no way to change Fiverr username. The only thing you could technically do is to go to customer support, ask for your current account to be terminated and closed, and see if they allow you to create a new account with that new username you want. But that means basically losing all reviews and work you did. So no, you can't change the Fiverr username for your profile.
  16. Then they should be better informed. Sanctions come due to actions taken by their own government. So if they are to blame someone.. it's their own goverment.
  17. You do realize Russia started this right? No one asked for an invasion or any war. We are helping Ukrainians continue their life, while Russians are constantly leveling cities.... As far as I know Iran is not at the NATO borders. Ukraine is.
  18. Great! I just want to encourage people to diversify their income. I got banned accidentally from Fiverr just for a little bit a few years ago, and I learned my lesson. As a freelancer, you need to diversify your income as your profile you worked so hard to build can go in an instant. That's why we need to prepare ourselves for that by establishing multiple income sources. I wish you great success on that platform Donnichols. I hope it's way way less than that. I guess it all depends on when the war stops, which is hopefully soon. And then we need to see how western companies behave, if they get back to Russia or not. I do expect some to not come back at all, but I think most of them, including sites like Fiverr will get back soon after the war is over, although it might depend on how it ends. We'll see, it's hard to know at this point.
  19. Well I would use one of my other freelancing accounts. Or do business locally. The key here is to not have just a single source of income. If you do and rely solely on Fiverr I agree, that's a problem. But you have to prepare beforehand for situations like this. There's a reason why they say "don't place all your eggs in a single basket".
  20. Well I hope it won't take more than a month and the war is over. Because if it ends up taking a year, this will damage a lot more than just Fiverr. It will have catastrophic repercussions all over the world.
  21. It still is. And remember this is temporary...
  22. It's not the ideal situation, but the right thing to do under these circumstances. The problem is that a lot of people from Russia which are innocent and had nothing to do with this issue are ending up without a major (or their only) source of income. Hopefully the war is ending soon because it certainly doesn't benefit anyone.
  23. What does the vandalization of Russian shops have to do with Fiverr? Russia is viewed negatively all over the world due to obvious reasons. No one can level a country basically and not suffer consequences. I am very sorry this is happening to Russian people too, as many of them are fed up a different story. That being said, you are encouraging people to break the Fiverr TOS. And if you check, Fiverr is not the only business imposing sanctions. Yes, sanctions are the right way to make a change right now. Or do you prefer other countries get in the action and WW3 starts? Before Fiverr Upwork did the same thing this week, they are stopping their business in Russia. Keep in mind this is temporary. It's not like they will do it forever. But it will continue until the war stops. Just like with all the sanctions. It's not due to racism, or anything like that. Countries are not ok with Russia destroying and leveling another sovereign country and blatantly lying all the time about their reasons, not calling it a war (which it clearly is), etc. Anyway I am not into politics but clearly sanctions are the only thing one can do right now. I am sad to see people getting affected by this, but hopefully it will lead to a way to stop this war once and for all. The faster it stops, the faster people will get their Russian Fiverr account back, they even said it themselves.
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