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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Ratings are final. There are some rare situations when Fiverr customer support might delete that, but it's due to a buyer manipulating the Fiverr system for example. Let me share a personal story, I had a buyer who ended up sharing a 3.3 star review, then 1 hour later decided to have it changed. He went to customer support, they deleted the review, but I received an account warning. And I never said anything to him about changing the review, I didn't even mention the review, I just asked if he needs anything modified. So, I would recommend to take this as a learning experience and move on. As you might end up with situations way worse than a bad review.
  2. Congrats I guess. Me, @vickiespencerand @theratypist are a much higher level and no one congratulates us....
  3. Pre-Pro reviews remain there. And I think they can sell the older gigs too, if they are over $70. But they can't have $5 gigs. I guess that's why they pushed my Pro application in 2017 :))
  4. It depends on how many gigs you complete, if you cancel stuff, if you are late, etc.
  5. You can go to another browser where you are not logged in and insert his Fiverr profile link. If he blocked you, he is still available. If he didn't block you and he is actually removed from the platform, it will say that the user can't be found.
  6. Sitting in front of the computer online waiting for orders won't give you any orders. What is an attractive buyer request? What makes a request attractive? This is just random, nonsense advice.
  7. If a buyer forces you to do something without your consent, you're not qualified to do it, or if the buyer is impossible to work with, I always choose to cancel. It's not about reviews here. In my case, I would always cancel an order if a person forces me to work on stuff, if they don't reply at all and then randomly ask for revisions even if the guidelines were just a single line..... I agree that manipulating the system, delivering bad work and trying to cancel is not ok. However, canceling is the right thing to do if the customer is impossible to work with. There's a reason why any time I have a problematic customer, the Fiverr customer support team cancels those orders. I had someone like my work, but they forced me to add free pictures (which I don't offer), they disliked the pictures I tried to find, and then they went to customer support, trying to cancel behind my back even if they received and liked the article. Remember, they were ok with the article I delivered, and my gig only included the content, not anything extra. They put in 5 different orders and tried to cancel all of them, threatening me... etc. Would you continue working with such a manipulative person? I don't believe this is sanitizing anything, it's just protecting your account from a manipulative person. I always offer samples to customers, so they know exactly what they are getting with me. But thinking all buyers are fair and professional, that's not always the case. Who knows, maybe you were lucky and didn't encounter this type of people. There are plenty of sketchy and manipulative buyers here.. Anyway, I just wanted to show that canceling is the right thing to do in some cases. I agree with you that canceling orders were buyers are unhappy just to avoid a bad review is not ok, it manipulates the system and it's dishonest. But as I said, if the buyer is manipulative, unprofessional, he swears, etc.. then that's not ok for me.
  8. Generally, buyer requests is a cesspool of scammers or people that want underpaid work. I never found an offer that would pay my low rates, let alone something that would offer a better pay. So I just ignore BR. But again that's just me.
  9. Yes, I have been here for quite some time, I will have 8 years in January. I encountered a lot of scammers, for example I had a 1-day delivery only for 500 words. They manipulated the system to order 2000 words with a $5 1-day delivery, and the next day once I delivered they said the content is plagiarized, they will go to customer support to close my account unless I cancel. I went to customer support, reported them, and I also canceled the order. Since then, I had this happen 2 more times, those scammers were removed, and I canceled the order before actually sending anything. It was a similar username and it was ordered the same way. One of the scammers also had a 1-star review from a seller. So it pays off to check the buyer pages.
  10. Keep in mind I am not a Fiverr employee or anything, just another seller. So don't follow what I say, it's your choice and you choose what to do. Since you are working so hard to grow your account, a bad review can have a negative impact on your account. So I would definitely cancel. Sure, a cancellation will derank you a bit, but it's taken into account for 2 months. A negative review on the other hand is there for life. And since it seems the person is just a reseller that doesn't care about you or your account, might as well protect yourself from any issues. Working with resellers is tough because they only care about using you to make a profit. So.. whenever I have any issues with them, I cancel. I clearly state I don't work with resellers, yet they still buy my gig. At the end if the day, it all comes down to what you care the most about, getting paid for the work you did or just protecting your account.
  11. Seems like a reseller, an impossible client and I would cancel, for one. But in the end it's up to you. You didn't share the order value, but if it's insignificant, this leads to more trouble than it's worth. Feel free to do what you think is ok. In my case, I would just cancel and move on. I had scammers like these that kept my gig in revision for months, only to do a PayPal refund.
  12. I only work on small orders, don't take large orders because I was scammed with PayPal disputes randomly filed weeks or months after the delivery. And I saw this happen to people with $1000+ orders too, so it's pretty much an issue for everyone. I decided to limit my word count (I am a writer), and if I lose $$, it's an insignificant amount. Regardless, I still believe that protecting your account is more improtant. Then again, I process hundreds of orders a month. I can see how people with a few, but expensive orders might think differently. As I said, to each his own. In my case, I made adjustments and now I don't really end up with scammers anymore. If they appear, they are rare.
  13. Can you describe your situation with more details? What did the buyer do, etc?
  14. Do whatever you want man. There are cases when people are unhappy after they browse the delivery in more detail. Anyway, you can block these people and report them to Fiverr. I still believe that as a newcomer canceling is still the right thing to do. If you want to build up your profile, a negative review hurts you. I saw a competitor with less than 100 reviews on the first page. He received a negative review, he's nowhere to be found in search. So that also affects your ranking and stuff. So in this case, just canceling and move on is the best idea. Of course you shouldn't always cancel. But as I said, as a newcomer, things are tricky.
  15. If you have lots of reviews yes, you take the bad review since it's not making a difference. But if you just have a few reviews, you cancel. It will cause a lot of damage to have a bad review if you're just starting and you have 4, 10 reviews for example.
  16. The one where you excel at. For me and @catwriter, that would be writing. For you, it might be something else. Don't focus on what's very profitable, instead focus on those things you can actually excel at, as that's how you will create a successful profile.
  17. And the worst problem is that you can lose it just like any level. I got TRS in 2014, then in 2018 I had surgery and had to cancel a lot of orders. I had 89% order completion and lost TRS. Needless to say I never got it back, and most likely I never will. So.. just because someone becomes TRS, it's not permanent. You will lose it just like any other level.
  18. That's not how it works. Fiverr staff have to manually choose you, which might be this month or never. So.. I wouldn't raise my hopes up, if it happens, it happens 🙂
  19. Fiverr won't be able to catch them all. It's not a used name if you add a few letters to it. I had a lot of people impersonate me here and probably many that I didn't find, so I for one don't agree with username changes. Granted, people like you and others would need it. But on the other hand, there will be thousands more that would use it for bad things. So.. it would do more harm than good.
  20. Or you just think properly from the beginning and choose the right name. 🙂 As I said, if you do rebrand, old reviews will mention your old name and it will be confusing for new buyers. That's why there's no name change. Anyway, while it does hurt people that rebrand themselves... the thing is, a lot of people would manipulate the system and change their name often, trying to copy the name of succesful sellers and then include an asterisk, line or whatever at the name of that seller. I had many impersonators and people copying my gigs, so I can definitely see how the name change would be manipulated.
  21. The username is final. You chose it yourself when you created your account. Why would you want to change it? You need to think hard before you submit the username, as it's final. Plus, it would be unprofessional to change the username, as people would just believe you are someone else. What if I changed my current username to happyflower3025? Customers would be confused and they would see me as unprofessional.
  22. It only shows 1k reviews, no matter if you have 1001 reviews or 50000 reviews.
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