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Seller Plus Member
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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Is your inbox reply rate under 90%?
  2. Absolutely. I do think they should add extra benefits to make TRS more appealing. Most of the TRS benefits are in the seller plus program (faster support response time and you can withdraw money in a week instead of two), so you're mostly going for recognition and the badge at this point if you want to be a TRS.
  3. That's funny. Then again, it could have been a larger order when they had a custom deadline and he delivered 4 days earlier than expected. Who knows..
  4. Yeah, it would be great for a buyer that you had a bad time working with to just change his name and come back again....
  5. Didn't expect anyone here to like it, lol.
  6. Enjoy it. Some of us can also join you, depending on the platform, as you can play with friends here. You may also want to check Starfield when it comes out in 2023, a similar premise, but it should also have a story, leveling and other systems that are lacking in No Man's Sky.
  7. Hey, another RL player. What rank are you in RL? I kinda retired for the past few seasons, not too much time for that, but I still enjoy the game from time to time.
  8. Well it might have to do with a negative private review, cancellations or other things you did. I change prices and gig extras from time to time without issues. However, there are many other metrics that will help Fiverr figure out where your gig will be shown to buyers. You can change anything, your gig might be removed from search for a bit, but it gets back in search shortly. And.. as I said, your gig's location in search varies based on a lot of factors. The fact that you are changing your gig description or prices is not one of them.
  9. Good luck to William and everyone else with their goals. For me.. my main focus is my health. Everything else is achievable, but the past few months I've been energy drained and unhealthy. So I have just a primary goal, to get better health-wise. Maybe I can get back my TRS status, although I don't bank on that. As for Pro, despite the work I do, if I don't have higher prices I will never get that. So.. my focus is on health for the next few months.
  10. The outcome is exactly as @jonbaas said. What I do recommend is for you to stay out of trouble. Now if you receive another warning you will be fully banned and not able to use Fiverr again. So... stay safe and out of trouble. Follow the rules. Why did you receive a warning anyway?
  11. Then again, a buyer that performs some due dilligence and studies the market can easily find those rotten trees and ignore them. I do agree, removing those accounts will go a long way, but we know that will never happen as long as it's free to create a Fiverr account.
  12. I see, nowadays due to the pandemic I can only assume the number is much higher. Although I guess it depends what they see as an active seller. A person that sells one gig per year might be seen as active... but they are far from that. Regardless, I can see more and more competitors, and the number of gigs in Articles and Blog Posts is triple what it was before the pandemic!
  13. I was one of the persons that got into the program with the $19 price. Honestly I never scheduled any calls aside from 2 in the beginning. At this point I keep the program just for faster support and getting my money in a week instead of 2. Plus the extra insights and what they added, at that price it's worth it for an active seller like me.
  14. If someone doesn't trust me, then might as well choose someone else. There are lots of options on Fiverr, they don't have to choose me. But as you can imagine there are always people that place the order without consent, choose one of the hardest possible topics imaginable, only to ask for a refund after that. It's the way things are...
  15. You can leave them an email, stating you want a new success manager because the timezones don't sync very well. You will receive a replacement.
  16. I fully agree. Granted, some jobs don't require good English, but writing in particular.. if you browse the writing section you will find a ton of people with grammar mistakes even in their gig titles. And they still sell. I am baffled by that. Even if you sell logos, the idea that you're selling on an English marketplace should bring the decency of learning (or attempting to learn) the language. But it is what it is... There will always be "exparts" like these... whether we like it or not.
  17. I think there are way more than that. According to this SEC filing, there were 800k+ in 2019 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1762301/000104746919003139/a2238508zf-1.htm#:~:text=Since inception%2C we have facilitated,830%2C000 sellers on our platform. So I can only assume now there are way over 1 million, especially with the pandemic bringing well over a million.
  18. This is a major issue especially in the writing section. I see a lot of people stating they are from the US but which clearly use a VPN, as their English is extremely poor. There are also accounts whose main picture looks the same, it has the same structure, just a different lady being featured. And on top of that, those similar accounts also traded reviews. I can only assume it's the same thing in other verticals, not just writing. Unfortunately these people receive a chance from Fiverr and many trick buyers into purchasing from them. But it is what it is... eventually these random people trying to con buyers eventually wear off and don't stick on Fiverr. Yet legit sellers lose clients due to them.. It's sad, really. I am sure I lost quite a bit of clients due to them too...
  19. Well it does seem to be one of the more useful Seller Plus benefits up until this point.
  20. I think it also helped me, because I received an inquiry from a buyer that was impatient with others and he had multiple bad reviews in between the good ones. So I just decided to dodge a bullet....
  21. To be honest, they don't really show anything sensitive. The average spending rate isn't really something a buyer wouldn't want listed. As for the latest order date, this gives a good idea of how active the buyer really is. Although you can see something similar from checking their reviews.
  22. I am sad I didn't get to be a part of this, I was working and completely forgot.. One myth that I saw a lot of people ask... if you extend the deadline (especially due to people not placing the order properly), does that affect your ranking in any way? Not sure if that was asked.. it should be :). Thank you for the nuggest of information, even if I missed it, I did learn a few things.
  23. Well the USD has gone up quite a bit recently. So it's most likely that. Check the local currency conversion rates and you will see that.
  24. If you're just waiting for orders, you're doing things wrong. Treat it as a business, you wouldn't just open the doors and wait for your clients in real life, right? Your Fiverr business should be treated the same way.
  25. You don't need to be 100% on everything to be a TRS. What matters more is to not have stuff canceled often, and obviously the private reviews have to be very positive.
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