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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. @tanvir705, please liking every post I make, it's annoying. And having the highest level on the forum won't give you sales. So all you are doing is annoying people.
  2. It is, mainly because you work on something knowing the review won't be objective. So that's the worst type of order you can have. Anyway I hope I won't have to share any update and that this block really works.
  3. I mean...if the customer won't place another order I won't go to them. But if he does, I will definitely do so. I really hope that's not the case. Regarding the options in My Gigs, it's disabled so even if he has the link he can't order if he is blocked or I am in vacation mode. So.. it does seem it was a bug.
  4. No, I didn't. I am just waiting to see how it plays out. I am glad it worked out for you my friend. However, this is a bit trickier for me, because clearly the dude likes what I write, but has a shitty way of showing appreciation and the lack of communication combined with that makes writing for this person something not that appealing. Anyway hopefully it's done and if he sees there's no way to contact me, he will stop. Last time I didn't block him right away and I did tell him I am in vacation until the weekend, so he placed an order during the weekend. Now I blocked all communication so hopefully it stops... That's what I did, that's what I always do to block people (if they already had an order, otherwise blocking won't appear, as you said). So yeah, this was my first time after dozens of blocks when a person was actually able to go through with an order. That's why I think I was unlucky and dealt with a bug. That would open the door to a lot of maleficent competitors to just buy and refund or buy and rate poorly again and again. It's any seller's right to choose who they work with. As I said, in this specific situation, the person likes how I write, clearly, but he behaves very poorly and the experience is rather bad for me. So.. it's my right to not work with the person. I didn't receive any other message or anything else yet. So I think I need to stop the ability for people to place orders if they have the link to my gig, right? I know there's such an option in the Gigs section.
  5. I agree. Considering you are placing an order for something and you know the deadline... you already know when the order arrive. Even if the deadline is during the weekend, you still have at least Monday to check if the order was delivered Friday. So I completely agree with you. At the end of the day, some buyers are lazy, and they take forever to check...
  6. If the order is complete people might think they can't get their money back. So they share bad private feedback.
  7. You most likely got multiple negative private feedbacks, to the point where it was an issue and Fiverr had to manually process and see for themselves.
  8. I can only assume it had something to do with the website not working properly the moment I blocked him. I will tag you with an update on this, if he continues to order.
  9. Exactly, and it worked until now without a problem. But this person managed to place a new order. Pretty sure they can do nothing but cancel it. I didn't reach anyone. I was waiting to see if he will do the same 4 stars again and he did, with excellent feedback might I add. I blocked again, hopefully this time it sticks.
  10. I talked about a person that purposefully rated me 4 stars without any communication, telling me what's wrong, they just rated me that and sent a message saying they will need more articles. Obviously such a rating left a sour taste in my mouth, I told them I am in vacation next week (which I was), and during the vacation I decided to block them, because while their experience was great, mine was lackluster. But 2 days after I blocked them, that person was still able to place a new order. I don't get how they were able to do so, since they were blocked, unless there was an error, or blocking doesn't stop people from ordering anyway. Now they rated me 4.3, again without any communication, when I asked if everything was ok, they said it was excellent, and then no reply about anything, no revision... Did you guys encounter stuff like this, blocked people being able to place orders? I am not sure what to do, I blocked them again because I feel my work is underappreciated and I am ignored, which isn't exactly what you want to feel as a creative.. 4+ ratings are not bad, but the lack of communication and that feeling you are treated like a robot and random reviews without any revisions or explanation what was wrong really feel bad for me, hence the reason why I decided to block this person. I am curious if other sellers had people they blocked place an order....
  11. Choose the buyer request you want and then send them a message with your proposal. What message should you send? Create your own, don't copy what other people share. Promote yourself, you know your skills better than anyone else so highlight them with a custom-created message.
  12. Amazon doesn't support PayPal. They have their own payment system and they avoid Paypal because of the chargebacks and any other possible issues. I worked on Fiverr since early 2014 and I encountered my fair share of chargebacks. Sometimes Fiverr game me the money back, other times they didn't. As everyone else said, there's not a whole lot Fiverr can do. The payment providers offer chargebacks and Fiverr can't argue, they can't also force someone to like your work. So they will refund someone that asks for a refund even if it takes a while. A few months ago I had a person refund a $15 order placed and finished 6 MONTHS beforehand. And Fiverr canceled the order because there was nothing they could do, you can't force someone to like the order, so that's the policy that we accepted when we joined the site. Granted, I was given the $15 back, but again, your issue is a bit more complicated due to the higher cost. Still, try and see if they refund you. If not, then that means the buyer didn't like this and that's nothing you can do.
  13. They didn't. Your buyer did a chargeback and Fiverr can't dispute that. So your buyer stole your money.
  14. I know, I am flattered 🙂 The funny thing is that I checked my gigs for plagiarism and ended up on a site where someone actually stole all my images, profile image included, named themselves donovan and others stole my description from him. So there was an entire network of people, all having the same description stolen from me, they just changed their name.. I hate these people that take shortcuts like this instead of doing the work themselves... But I guess that's how life is..
  15. Yesterday a "writer" on Fiverr contacted me asking for samples, posing as a buyer. I visit his profile, he copied my gig's name, description, my profile description, and obviously he was also trying to steal my samples too. Needless to say... I immediately told him to remove everything, otherwise I will report him. And he deleted everything. But clearly there are a lot of people just trying to emulate other people's success. These copycats are the reason why some buyers leave Fiverr. It's even funnier that the dude in question had double my price, yet he is stealing the description of someone with a lower price. If he is that good, why didn't he write the description and everythign else on his own? Yeah, lots of people just trying to con buyers and run off with their money...
  16. You have an entire forum filled with answers to this question. Was there a need for another thread?
  17. You can edit as many times as you want. I wouldn't recommend editing too many times, because it might have a negative impact on where you end up in search results. However, editing the gig again if you want to make a few slight changes shouldn't make a huge difference, at least in my opinion.
  18. Why not increase the deadlines and stay with the gigs active. You can have a 30 day deadline, and still work on the projects you want if they still come in. But it's up to you.
  19. It's even better to report them 🙂
  20. Fiverr has already started the removal of people doing this kind of stuff. So the OP should consider using their own work as portfolio. Cheating the system never works.. Yes, it's theft and copyright breaching if the template is not created by them.
  21. Become the best in your niche. Learn more, stay up to date with the latest stuff in the industry. Offer an excellent service and exceptional customer support. That's how you get more sales.
  22. I can only assume lots of these people are logo designers and they were using templates or logos created by others. I saw a lot of these recently. I don't know if that's the case for this OP, but it might very well be that.. We do need real professionals here, so any attempt to clean up is welcomed in my book.
  23. I was very respectful with the person and I canceled because they wanted something extremely niche and ordered without even talking with me. I even offered the content they asked but decided to cancel because I didn't feel ok with the delivery. That's why I was curious. Even if I canceled, there shouldn't be any bad private review because I was very professional with the entire thing. I was still curious if people can still share a private review even if they didn't basically pay for anything since the order was canceled.
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