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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. So you are encouraging people to break the rules right? That's what you are doing?
  2. Yes he is right. If you deliver on time or before the deadline, it doesn't matter how much time it takes to revise the order. That won't affect your stats. It will affect the buyer experience if you take a long time though.
  3. That's the general consensus, these offers lack information and because of that most of us decline them. You can't just send an offer sight unseen..
  4. All you have to do is to search the forum for tips.
  5. I know I am not Frank but...There are literally millions of gigs on Fiverr and everyone needs to receive exposure. So.. you must promote your gig, improve it, experiment and see what works. Maybe create newer and better gigs. If you search the Fiverr Forum there are lots and lots of different topics to look at.
  6. I also received a brief and it required me to write "articles" without saying how many or sharing any information other than it's for a product. Again, these are not very descriptive and without any way to contact the person in question, all you can do is just decline, which is what I did.
  7. Even with the date adjustment, some people like me just want to limit the word count people can buy and do custom offers as needed. The idea of having gig multiples works for some industries/categories, but for writing it's not ok since people can buy randomly and without asking the writer first, which adds a lot of issues. I do hope there will be the option to stop gig multiples in the writing section at the very least, although it would be great site-wide.
  8. Honestly after what I am seeing here, I'm just turning the feature off. I don't see anyone very happy that it works for them, and the fact that you can't message the buyer is a turnoff.
  9. Just got this order.. I have no words.. isn't anyone from Fiverr browsing this subforum?
  10. Hopefully we get more traction to this, because a lot of people are in need of this feature.
  11. And they did... I was blocked from replying to anything again, until the end of the day, after making 12-14 posts, maybe less.
  12. Certainly. I am curios why this happened. I will try to reply the same way today, to see if they stop me again. I was more active than usual yesterday, true, so I guess they limit you based on how many posts you do usually.
  13. Exactly. I don't see why. They stopped me from doing any post for the entire day. However, I was able to react to posts. Just not post anything myself. Weird. I barely wrote 10-12 replies within 6-7 hours. That's not really overactive.. come on.
  14. Yesterday I posted maybe 10-12 replies to various posts, and when I tried to reply one more time, I ended up locked from posting anything until the end of the day. It said that I reached my post limit for the day. I had days when I posted multiple topics and replies, and was never locked out of saying anything. Is this something new to the forum and if it is, what is the post limit per day?
  15. Fiverr has its own gig promotion system. What do you think? They expect you to use Promoted Gigs to promote your gig. By the way, PPC campaigns for a Fiverr gig are not allowed. Due to the structure that Fiverr has, you are promoting only their website anyway, not your gig. So no, you should not attempt to do this. Use Fiverr's Promoted Gigs if you want to promote your gig. That's the only, acceptable way to do this. Otherwise you might end up with a lot of issues. You can find a link to this program here. https://www.fiverr.com/pages/promoted-gigs
  16. Buyers already support the seller while buying from him. If you want to receive support from your audience, create a Patreon. There are much more important issues to solve, like the ability to start or stop gig multiples, something that's very problematic and which is affected a lot of people on the site.
  17. I am not sure what you mean, nor do I understand the value that this comment adds to the conversation.. This request is crucial for a lot of sellers, and we really hope it will be implemented as soon as possible.
  18. You get to learn a lot of things. Tips, tricks, how you can use some website features, etc. But you shouldn't expect the forum to affect your Fiverr performance in any way. You can ignore it and have the same placement in Search results.
  19. Sure, but I still think that sellers having control over multiples or not should be mandatory. The lack of such option is severe. As I said, some categories need it more than others. For writers, this is a MUST HAVE, due to how different the needs of customers are, one of them wants 2 articles that are long, others need 10 short articles, etc, anyway you get the gist of it.. Plus, it's unfair that buyers can order so much without talking with you first. And as it was said above, they just say "I thought you were offering this", even if Fiverr automatically has up to 20x the desired package.
  20. A sale that gets refunded and a frustrated buyer. I hardly call that a win. Plus, it's better for Fiverr if customers are happy, right? That's why sellers need to have more control over how much they sell. It's way worse if a sale ends up being refunded. The thing is, for writing at least, there will always be people that need articles quicker, so for us at least, an extra fast feature is important. I don't want to raise my prices and force myself to do a 1-day delivery for everything like other writers do, that would be really challenging for me, so yes, this type of feature I am asking for definitely offers more control over what and how I sell. Which should definitely be the case in the first place.
  21. A website similar to Fiverr, mostly focused on SEO services.. Anyway, here's how they handled this issue. So you don't have to worry about any problems. It's definitely something that can be handled in a similar way here, either with a drop down system like this or a button to turn Multiples On/Off....
  22. It's related to money too. Because people tend to manipulate the system to pay less. I am talking mostly about time related issues here because it gets very problematic schedule-wise. But yes, some buyers are creative and I had some buy multiples for the basic gig and they did a single fast delivery obviously. I forgot to mention that, but the main focus is for sellers to have control over what they receive in an order here. A single button to turn gig multiples on or off is the right solution. It's not like Fiverr would stop everyone from using gig multiples. Instead it would give us more control over what we want and that is CRUCIAL especially for those in the writing section or any category where there are bulk purchases.
  23. Exactly. I had someone order 20x my second package, obviously without talking with me or saying anything, that purchase and a few more with 10x the maximum word count had to be canceled, and it was one of the main reasons why I ended up removed from search for a good month and a half. So yes... I really hope this option is implemented. Even now I am dealing with a dude that ordered 20x my about us page (where I only do one about us page) just because he could.. Needless to say it's extremely difficult to deal with these things, and it can all be avoided just by adding a button. It wouldn't hamper the buyer experience, if anything it would provide realistic expectations. This way the buyer knows exactly what limits that seller has and what he can actually provide. Not think that he can do 20x his maximum gig package...
  24. Exactly what happened to me multiple times. People assume that I agree with it if it's there. And I don't, but there's no way to stop this. For writers in particular it gets very annoying, because people might not buy 10 logos at once, but they will buy 10 or 20 articles if they need them. So for the Writing and Translation category (and I assume other categories) this is a MUST HAVE.
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