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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Damn.. I am a PC dude, I do have a PS4 but don't really have time to play on it.
  2. That's why I avoided it. I usually try to play finished Survival games, many of them are in the Early Access limbo and it becomes a pain to play. Thankfully there are lots of finished games too lol
  3. We might have to play some of these in coop. I usually play survival games alone, and that mostly has to do with my Fiverr schedule, most of my friends don't like the genre and they can't keep up with my schedule lol. Red Dead is really cool, yes, I had a hard time finishing it because I mostly ride around and explore the world. I do recommend you to play God of War, the 2018 one, even if you have a PC and not a console, the PC version came out this year.
  4. Seems there are more survival game fans here than I thought. I did start to play Icarus, which was heavily promoted to me by someone. And yeah, this one is more survival focused than others, with skill trees, missions, etc. I like No Man's Sky mainly because you have tons of planets and you never really know what planets or animals you find next. I never played Stranded Deep, I am pretty sure that one got abandoned by the devs or something.
  5. Great topic, I remember the last one! Well, in my case..I try to focus mostly on singleplayer/ story focused games, but recently I started to play a few more battle royales, more specifically Apex Legends and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt. Keeps the heart pumping I guess. When it comes to singleplayer games, I didn't have that much time recently. I am trying to finish the LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga, Forza Horizon 5, Outriders, and also got Dune Spice Wars recently. Very excited about the last one, as a Dune fan myself. I also play No Man's Sky once a week if I can, just to explore new planets, find new creatures, etc. Not really a base building dude myself :)) I don't really play board games so.. I can't comment on that. Speaking of Elden Ring, I finished Sekiro and I know these games are a drag, so even if I do own it, I am waiting for a break or something to really play it properly. You do need a certain mood to die, die and die again :))
  6. You receive tips and guidelines for free. You also get to receive an opinion from others in case you are dealing with an issue, etc. There's no need to be on the forum to be successful on Fiverr. But it does come in handy and you can find some great friends. Will it help you get orders though? NOPE. NOT AT ALL.
  7. I have to say, it looks really cool. Congrats on that.
  8. I lost it too, in 2018, I had it from 2014 to 2018, but since then I never got it back. Nowadays I see most top rated sellers are people that charge significantly more than others and have great reviews. People with a lower price rarely get this badge back. With the Seller Plus program you get most of the TRS benefits, aside from maybe that badge itself. You have faster support and also a 7-day clearance with Seller Plus, which I am a part of. So for me, the only benefit would be that badge and the possibility to charge more. But since you can lose that badge within a month if you are sick or cancel a lot of orders, it's quite challenging, because God knows when or if you ever get it back.
  9. I have 28000+ sales, 100% completion rate and 100% response rate, and I am not a top rated seller. So.. as the others said, you don't have any guarantee you will ever become a TRS. It's a manual process and it's only offered to people that feel worthy. Needless to say, being a top rated seller doesn't guarantee any more orders anyway.
  10. Well people are commenting on this instead of other topics like the one I mentioned. I already had impersonators and people copying my image, my gig descriptions and gigs many times. All were reported. Just because you didn't encounter these issues, that doesn't mean other sellers don't. I guess a one time change would solve the issue here, for people that want to rebrand. But even then, what if you want to rebrand after 10 years? I just don't see how this would benefit a Fiverr buyer? Wouldn't something like this confuse buyers even more? Especially people coming to the same Fiverr seller again and again.. Anyway, I don't see this beneffiting the platform in any way. This is benefficial just for sellers that rushed to create their account, never thought about their username and implications, now they regret it and want to rebrand..
  11. Simple, because they can change their name again. As I said, there are much more pressing issues to solve, like sellers not being able to lock their gig packages and buyers ordering up to 20x their maximum offer. That's an issue. Changing the username doesn't seem or feel like a major issue. As I said, some might need it, but most people won't, and I can see abuse a mile away, especially if you can change it multiple times within a short time period.
  12. Well doing this would allow anyone to change their profile photo and make it similar to mine. It would also allow them to change their name to donnovan866 or whatever. Few people would notice, especially if the seller duplicates my gigs and images, descriptions, etc. So come on.. There's a much much higher chance for impersonators to appear if this is allowed. You can easily close the account with Fiverr's notice and create a fresh one for selling. Rebranding is possible already, you can change your profile picture, gig images, gig content, etc. I already reported multiple impersonators even without this "idea", I can only imagine how many people would take advantage of this. Don't get me wrong, I understand it might help a few people like you, but generally it would just be an idea prone to abuse. Just like not taking 20% on tips. Most people would just do $5 orders and pay via tips to avoid any taxes or fees. When people are given an opportunity to take advantage of, they usually do.
  13. So basically an useless topic without any value to this forum. More and more of these lately...
  14. There are millionaires on Fiverr, but most of them have a team, so on their own I don't think they are millionaires either, or barely have 1 or 2 million. That's why some people were featured in magazines, and none of them were getting 1 million a year themselves. I don't think accounts that outsource to dozens of sellers count here, because that's an agency.. right?
  15. Actually we all reply to your post. What we don't reply to is a question, because you don't have any question. Your post is just a combination of sentences that blame fiverr billionaires (which there are none).
  16. I guess I am too inexpensive to them and they want to scam higher priced gigs..who knows. But no, I didn't receive any inbox message or brief with Telegram scams, althouhg I saw a lot of sellers on the forum mention them. I guess I was lucky 🙂
  17. What do you want from experienced sellers? Help? If a new seller wants help, the least he can do is to read the rules of both Fiverr and the forum. As @mariashtelle1, @catwriter and others point out, many newcomers just post randomly. There's no meaning behind their post, they just think that posting here gets them orders. When I go to the Fiverr forum, I expect meaningful conversations, maybe even some help. In my case, every day I end up opening this forum just to receive 30+ notifications that random users liked EVERY SINGLE POST I made. They just want a higher forum level. A lot of sellers with tons of orders don't even visit the forum. And trust me, the people that get insulted are those that actively want to help. It happened to me multiple times. Despite that, I still help people here the best way that I can. Most of the time, sellers without orders are the ones insulting, which makes your comment rather invalid unfortunately. No one stops you from being successful. I got so many orders because i worked day and night to build my profile, I alwasy expanded my skills and didn't expect other users to offer me any help or assistance.
  18. I don't know, I haven't received any new brief since the last time I posted in a brief-related topic. It has been a while. At that time, there was no way to contact anyone. I can only assume they added that recently, after Frank shared that forum topic with the Fiverr team, I know he said they were working on it.
  19. I agree. I got 3 briefs until now and all of them were incomplete, without information and they didn't even have any way to contact the person for more details. So.. skip? 🙂
  20. If we think about it, a person misbehaving on the forum will most likely misbehave on Fiverr as well. So, while the shenanigans from the forum won't affect their Fiverr journey, the chances of them screwing things up on Fiverr as well are very high.
  21. Take action on what? There's nothing to change. Allowing people to change their username would lead to a lot of abuse. People can easily change their username and make it similar to best selling, reputable users here and try to impersonate them. For that alone, allowing you to change the username is a big no-no. Just create the right username from the start. This is not a problem...
  22. Browsing the forum, reacting to things, etc won't do anything when it comes to impressions, clicks or sales. Most buyers rarely enter the forum, so the chances of someone finding you here and buying from you are slim to none. I recommend you focus more on improving your skills, experimenting with the gig description, images, etc. Try to make yourself stand out instead of wasting time on the forum. I am sick and tired of people entering my profile and reacting to all my posts just to increase their forum level, hoping they get more sales. Guess what, whether you are level 1 or level 14 on the forum doesn't mean anything when compared to the Fiverr main site.
  23. You mean people will be able to change the name and make it similar to a successful seller just to pry off their success and gain sales? HELL NO. If you care about branding, you think 10 or 20 times before you create an account. There are way more pressing issues on Fiverr like buyers being able to order up to 20x times your gig packages, which is a real problem and concern. Changing the username is not a problem.
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