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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. newsmike

    Writer needed

    The feel that they need is similar to this:
  2. newsmike

    Writer needed

    Trying to recall who among the regulars is a writer. I have a client who needs a short piece for a corporate video written with a dramatic, cinematic flair.
  3. You know for the "Pray for success" people, I always think of this.
  4. Once upon a time there was a guy named Bob. Bob ate some soup at a restaurant and saw lots of people enjoying it. Bob decided that he could make a killing selling soup. So Bob got a space and a hot plate and set about making soup. Now Bob had no idea how to make soup. In fact Bob struggled with Top Ramen. But undeterred, Bob hung a sign up to advertise his soup which read "EXPART SOAP." A couple people came in to buy soap, but Bob gave them soup instead, and then complained when the customers gave him lousy Yelp reviews. Frustrated by this, Bob posted his woes to social media and his friends were swift with advice. Axel, his best friend tried the soup and told Bob that the soup tasted like grey water from a washing machine after a load of diapers. He was trying to be nice. It wasn't actually that good. The suggestion was made to improve the recipe and learn how to actually make soup. Bob's friend Jamal made a different suggestion. He told Bob to just "be patient" and keep doing what he was doing and somehow business would improve. Hans told Bob that the key to success was simply to remain open 24/7. Hans even suggested a sign that read "OPEN" even when the store was closed. Phoebe said the big "SOAP" sign was not good enough and suggested that he put a picture of soup in the window to reduce the confusion of the customers looking for soap. So Bob went to an nearby restaurant, took a picture of their soup and placed it in his window. He also removed his portrait from the window and put a photo of Gordon Ramsay in its place. Pierre, the SEO expert gave Bob advice which said to change the keywords on his website to low competition keywords. So Bob removed Soap and replaced it with "ashtray". Minsky told Bob that the way to get business would to to pray for success. So, what happened? With the passage of time, Bob tried all the suggestions. He prayed, he took pictures of soup from even more competitors, he eventually changed his keyword to "please help me", he kept the sign that said OPEN even when he was home sleeping and he remained patient. Yes, he tried every suggestion, except the suggestion that he learn to make good soup. Nowadays Bob spends most of his time on a park bench, telling anyone who will listen how unfair the Soup game is. He goes on at length about how none of his competitors helped him get business. How he tried all his friend's suggestions even though not one of them has been successful, but most of all how rude Axel was. You see it was Axel who focused on the "Quality of the Product." But that hurt Bob's feelings, plus it sounded like more work as opposed to shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic. The moral of the story. 1. Don't take advice from people who are not successful. 2. If you are not successful, don't offer advice. 3. Bob should have had smarter friends. 4. Don't do dumb stuff to fix your gig. Improve your product quality. p.s. Axel now lives in Switzerland with a beautiful family and drives a Ferrari. Sometimes he chuckles about Bob when he has a bowl of Soup, but it passes quickly.
  5. Yes. You get to offer help by directing them to an alternative and at the same time remind them that cheap is the opposite of quality. People want what they cannot have. When you nicely and professionally refuse, they want your service even more. It's like being refused entry at a club because you aren't dressed well enough. But they say, the 7-11 across the street is open.
  6. The funniest aspect of the argument about gas vs electric is that most people don't bother to think about where the electricity that charges the EV battery comes from. It comes almost exclusively from burning coal. So a Tesla is coal powered. People can be soooooooo dumb.
  7. Good for you. I essentially say the same thing. But I generally say it more like. "I'm sorry but we don't offer discounts, however many newer sellers who are trying to gain experience and clients do. I'm sure you can find someone here who is less expensive, and if you need it fixed later, I will be available. Good luck." I find it helps to point out that they can indeed pay less, but that comes at a different kind of cost.
  8. But the real issue is not just cleaning up the forum, but cleaning up the main site.
  9. And this the bloody environment Fiverr makes legitimate freelancers work in in because they will not take the scammers seriously and refuse to deal with them. There are ways. Many ways, but they allow it. Probably because they still make 20% of all the scam sales as well.
  10. So you are saying that the "best selling gig" is the gig that is "selling the best?" Fascinating.
  11. That's the thing. I don't think they care. There are no consequences. Fiverr allows obvious fraud to go unchecked.
  12. It is as if the dam has broken and the lying and cheating is off the charts because they have figured out that Fiverr will allow it to continue.
  13. Who hasn't accidentally put Executive Director of a publicly traded company on their bio? Just yesterday I was playing golf with Elon Musk and we had a good laugh about it.
  14. That is an expert level question right there. How do you find time for that as well as being the Executive Director of Fiverr? Also:
  15. I tried, but you won't even bother removing an obvious lie from your profile. Why would we help you when you are being dishonest?
  16. The problem is that you are not honest about your abilities. If you would lie about being fluent in English, what else are you willing to lie about to get orders? Buyers hate dishonesty, and this is blatantly obvious.
  17. OK, First, you cannot be new and also have an account that is 6 months old, BTW, your account is actually 4 months old. Second, to boost sales, try to offer quality, and fix anything that is not accurate in your profile like this:
  18. No, the algorithm seeks to make visible the gigs that make the most money for Fiverr, as it should. Just like shops place the most popular and profitable merchandise in the window, not the crap that hasn't sold since 1983, which goes in the bin.
  19. You cant. The forum is where people come to complain about not getting sales on the main site. Usually something along the lines of: "I have just made a gig, but am not millionaire yet. I have tried nothing, but I am poor, please help me. This place is unfair" Offer quality, and you will succeed.
  20. You might do better if you were concerned with providing "quality work" instead of getting "fast work."
  21. Good point. Funny thing is I can't remember the last time I gave an Amazon product a review unless I was unhappy. We should be glad for the buyers here who take the time to review.
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