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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Yep, absolute BS from "experts", carb heavy, which causes blood sugar to spike = diabetes and obesity. If the bottom section were moved to the top, would be far healthier. Belgian "Health Minister" (also see Ireland, Quebec and US)
  2. I was gonna, but it had a lot of words and stuff.
  3. Another "expert" disabled for absolutely no reason.
  4. Reason 1,246 not to take medical advice (or any other) from the smiling meatheads on your TV or PC.
  5. "Rebranding yourself" seems different from actually acquiring and mastering new skills. If I claim to be a doctor, I have "rebranded." However, if I go to med school, I actually become a doctor. In an environment where sellers very, very often lie about their qualifications you comment seems to encourage the former at the expense of the latter. Truth matters, and and as @jonbaas pointed out, your English is very shaky, yet you claim:
  6. But we do have the fabulous TRS/PRO lounge.
  7. No answer is an answer. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do that would not be considered spamming the potential buyer. Maybe you could send one message quickly afterwards asking if they need any more info, but I would not recommend it because it looks needy and could be considered spam by someone who may report you. Lots of people ask the price and disappear.
  8. 4. I should be top left gig "rank" always. This is the same as wanting the park bench and the 20 acres behind it all for herself because:
  9. Stop! You cannot seem to follow the rules. Learn to code?
  10. The forum has absolutely no impact on your success as a seller.
  11. Only been solved 3 times since 1934.
  12. Impressive when you can give 2 completely wrong answers in just 7 words. Please don't offer nonsense as advice.
  13. Now let's check in with Kumar for the 3 day forecast and the latest in soccer.
  14. And @theratypist was also trying to tell you that your English skills are greatly in need of improvement. No one will buy from someone who they cannot communicate with easily.
  15. Look I don't want to argue with you, I'm sure it takes time away from you stealing the intellectual property of DC comics and Marvel comics. I hope no one reports that.
  16. You did whine quite a bit about it. "nobody said that you need to answer this question."
  17. If you think that's rude, stick around, it gets a lot better. Imagine every day people who don't bother to learn how the platform works asking to be led in the most basic areas.
  18. If it weren't, what would be the point of it? Would love to be in that meeting. "OK, we're going to create a new metric to measure, which we'll then ignore."
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