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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. None of the 4 choices is the correct answer.
  2. I know that seems unfair. But think about your average week. Hit Starbucks several times, buy something at Target, get batteries at Home Depot, and a couple lunches at Whole Foods. You now have 8-10 receipts, each begging you to go online and complete a survey telling them how they did. No one bothers with this as it wastes the buyers time, and is only handy if one wants to complain. I'm amazed that the Fiverr buyers do it as much as they do, I'm around 65%. And as you regular buyers keep coming back, they get used to you and don't feel the need to keep reviewing. The real reward is that they keep giving you money.
  3. I always laugh at those complaints. When you run a business and send invoices to clients, they usually pay within 30 days if they are great. 60 if they are average, and plenty take advantage of the 90 day float with net 30/60/90 being an industry standard. Too many people compare this to getting the weekly allowance from Dad as opposed to working in the actual, real, physical world.
  4. OK, Filip, I'm gonna grab a few hours sleep and hand it off to the UK and EU folks for a bit to keep an eye on those pesky "Canadians."
  5. If only they would start people out in read only mode, then 1 post per day for a while. Get flagged, back to read only.
  6. Is it me or is the Forum a sideshow now? I mean 100% stupidity.
  7. No worries. If you are interested, I offer a brilliant 6 week course on "How to see the worst in people, and spot bullshit at 50 yards."
  8. Yes, but well deserved. It was hard being in high school, earning , my MBA and getting 4 years experience in job market as an expert marketer all at the same time at 12 years old.
  9. I am literally rolling on the floor laughing. I didn't get my MBA till I was 16. But my mom still bought me a pulatainium ring as a graduation present.
  10. Interesting. Are you ever conflicted by the fact that you work in a scientific field, yet on the side con dumb people out of their money with carnival trickery and superstition? I have a 3 card Monty routine, maybe we can hook up.
  11. Vickie, you know that I love the fact that you are probably the kindest person on the forum, but I think you fell for a load of BS this time. 1. Claims to be a "marketing expert", yet cannot generate business for himself. 2. Clams to be just 15 years old, yet profile pic has wooly beard and male pattern baldness. 3. Claims to be only 15, yet profile says 4+ years experience in the industry, meaning he started at 11. 4. When anybody tells a lie, the first words out of their mouth are "To be honest" 5. Canada again. 6. Claims to be "fluent" in English. Yet says things like "Our job is very simple Grow your business Any help contact me" and "I will be run facebook ad campaign for you business" 7. Misspells "marketer" in profile name
  12. No doubt another trick to "rank gig." Canada again, of course.
  13. Or you could have read the terms of selling on Fiverr and comprehended the customary charges prior to launching a gig. But Judge Judy was probably on, right? Not anyone's fault that you had no idea what you were signing up for, except you. Remember that box you clicked that said you had read all terms and agreed to them? Have you any idea how you appear when you don't bother to learn how things work, then yell "It's not fair" when that bites you in the ass?"
  14. I would think as a professional marketer you would be giving us tips instead of asking for them. Odd.
  15. Not that we have trust issues, more that we have a lot of people flat out lying. I see you have gotten traction. Good for you. Seems that reworking your offerings and working on your product was worth the investment. Nice to see someone here proving that hard work pays off. Once you level up, be sure to raise your prices. That's how you grow instead of stagnate.
  16. Not if they remote into their home PC, and connect to Fiverr from that. Or even in the scenario that follows. User lives in UK, travels to NYC, staying at the Plaza Hotel, because It's The Plaza...That hotel surely is using a legit ISP like AT&T, Xfinity or Spectrum for connectivity, so it would be on the allowed list. Just the VPN's that would be blocked.
  17. I have made this point in the past as well. Each legitimate ISP has a range of IP's that are used which are readily identifiable. AT&T is easily identified by their IP range for example. VPN's use entirely different ranges for their spoof servers. Blocking them is easy once you know who uses what ranges.
  18. Not really. They usually say things like "How identified the fake buyer." While also lying about their abilities, but putting things like this in their profiles: 🤦‍♂️ I hope you solve the distance problem, spatially.
  19. From the Bangladesh club: Report violations If you see something questionable in a post, Q&A, Direct Messages or other channels that you think violates our Code of Conduct, please report it right away to the moderators using the flag button or screenshot the conversation or post, and email the screenshots along with any relevant context to grassroots@fiverr.com We’ll take it from there.
  20. No, this is your fail for not managing the number of jobs in queue, for not raising prices to slow demand and for letting family members tell you what to do. Denial will not help going forward.
  21. No you don't. You are getting exactly what you deserve. You could have been honest and followed the rules.
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