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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. What have you done to stand out from the others in your vertical? Simply showing up is step 1. What else are you doing?
  2. A buyer cannot give any revisions. Only the seller can give them, but you have to manage the way you handle the additional requests. Just because a buyer asks for a revision beyond what was included in your offer does not mean you have to do it for free. It means you need to tell them how much it will cost. I think a lot of people are intimidated by the fear of a bad review, so they allow themselves to be taken advantage of. That is an entirely different problem. The revision issue is simple.
  3. No, they get however many you include for free. The rest are:
  4. I routinely copy, but I refuse to paste.
  5. You have the opportunity to sell additional revisions. When you limit it to 1, that's how many free revisions they get included in the order. When they use that free one and then ask for more, you quote them a price for each additional revision. You have to communicate to them what they bought and what is an extra charge sometimes, and your FAQ's should address this. Most people treat revision requests as a problem, but if properly managed they are an additional opportunity to sell. Like when you tell the waiter you want fries and salad with your meal. They are happy to bring it and charge you accordingly.
  6. newsmike

    Eat Zee Bugs

    Read those labels closely. Major food brands already adding ground up insects to your food:
  7. I cannot believe what has happened to Venezuela since they decided to try their free sample of socialism. You are sitting on liquid gold. Your economy should resemble what the US looked like 2 years ago.
  8. They were out of the 16 year old single malt that I like, had to go with the 12. It is literally hell out here.
  9. Just read the following in a reddit discussion of the topic. "If you are replaced by AI, it is because you were replaceable in the first place. AI will always copy the leaders, the innovators and the artists. They have no reason to fear AI, for they are the ones it copies, and humans will always be able to recognize this." AI will replace the low hanging fruit.
  10. Yes, but are you a "professional expert" medical doctor? 2 most overused words in the Fiverr BS vocabulary. I love when they make sure to state that they are "professional experts", as opposed to all the amateur experts.
  11. Hey Wyatt. I notice that your gig video is in stereo, and when played back it is left channel only but your second sample is mono so it plays from both speakers. You should always work in mono for VO. Maybe record a few demos to show your range and place them after you greeting to take full advantage of the 75 seconds allowed. And in your video you smile, but your profile pic is not happy, I'd take another with a nice smile. Good luck.
  12. Some people are shameless. While typing this reply, I just decided that I am now an expert on jet propulsion.
  13. That means that plenty of people are seeing your gig, but after looking at it decide to not purchase it and keep looking. It is therefore, probably a product quality issue. People seem to think that visibility alone will be enough, and forget that quality matters just as much. Two things are immediately obvious. First, your English needs improvement. There are many people selling the same service who are proficient in English. Second, if you are truly a "professional digital marketing expert", then you should have more orders than you can handle.
  14. Are you asking why Fiverr also provides exposure for other sellers? You are thinking about this all wrong. There is no solution, there is nothing to recover from. Sometimes you are on page 1, while others are not. Then it rotates.
  15. AI will replace those that need to be replaced by AI. I'm not worried. I know you are not either Jon. "To disagree press 1, to agree, press 2"
  16. Wrong. We experience, not mimic. If I asked a mother and an AI to author an article on the experience of giving birth would we get the same results? Of course not, not even close and it is ridiculous to even think so. The mother would talk about the process, what she felt from physical changes to emotional and hormonal changes. What it was like to be in labor, the pain, the fear when she heard the fetal heart monitor drop with each contraction. The worry that she could both survive the experience and the worry that the baby would survive the delivery, and be healthy afterwards. That's what my wife described. AI would scan the real experiences of women who have written about it and come up with some crap that that tries to fool you into thinking it has feelings, a soul and actual physical and and mental capabilities, simply stealing the words and experiences of real humans. It would "brilliantly" say. "I was so scared, hoping that my baby would be healthy and have 10 fingers and 10 toes." The entire AI recounting would be plagiarized from the human experience, and complete bullshit. Are you this easily fooled?
  17. For those who want cheap, knock off crap, yes. It will never replace human creation on the high end. AI will always mimic. By definition it can only mimic, even when it claims to be "self aware" it will be impersonating the things that its programming tell it are "self awareness." But will get so good at the mimic that it will fool many.
  18. Just finished Larceny, Inc. A comedy with Edward G Robinson. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034965/ And because I absolutely love noir https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033740/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 I give these both an A rating, for which "Goodfellas" is the standard to measure by.
  19. Hey Rach, It does my heart good to see you crazy young kids watching classic movies.
  20. Yep, absolute BS from "experts", carb heavy, which causes blood sugar to spike = diabetes and obesity. If the bottom section were moved to the top, would be far healthier. Belgian "Health Minister" (also see Ireland, Quebec and US)
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