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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. This is a tug war between you and the buyer. If you did as described in the gig description, all you can do is keep delivering the order with proof of work. Support can't force the buyer to accept your work. This is what you get for offering unlimited revisions and selling your gig at a low price: bad buyers. Never offer unlimited revisions, make it 100% clear to the buyer what you're offering (and what you're not offering to do) and on bigger orders, use milestones or split orders up to ensure you get paid. Don't sell your gigs too cheaply, or you'll attract the worst buyers.
  2. This usually happens when you get negative private feedback or if your stats have been dropping. The best way to get out of a slump like this is to impress the heck out of your current buyers, hoping that your buyer satisfaction rate will go up in time.
  3. By being great at what you do. Fiverr rewards sellers with actual skills and hides sellers who have none, based on buyer feedback and other metrics. If you want more buyers, you need to do a great job with the buyers you already have.
  4. Gigs are sorted based on performance. You need to be a true professional to get any sort of visibility on Fiverr. There are no shortcuts to success. You have what it takes, or you don't. I suggest coming at this with a proper business plan, and if you don't have that, make one before you try to create a new gig. Fiverr doesn't come with training wheels. I also suggest you read some of the guides on the forum, to learn more about how Fiverr works. This is a good start:
  5. Working non-stop will make you sick, with or without darkmode. Even though a built-in darkmode would be nice, there are things you can do to get a working darkmode without installing plugins/browser extensions. Here's a way. https://www.howtogeek.com/446198/how-to-force-dark-mode-on-every-website-in-google-chrome/#:~:text=To find it%2C type “chrome,“Relaunch” to relaunch Chrome. It works just fine and Fiverr looks pretty nice using it. It's not perfect, of course.
  6. If it's easy you're looking for, get a job flipping burgers.
  7. Not sure what you mean. You get notifications in the notification menu, just as before. Regarding the old user interface, that stinked more. In fact, it was so stinky that I started to wear a face mask to work in my own house! I much prefer the new interface. With that said – I have shortcuts to the most important pages I use the most in my bookmarks bar. I use separate browser profiles for work, so when I log in to my work e-mail, I automatically get a browser adapted to working on Fiverr.
  8. Indeed. We asked them to post this stuff on the seller plus forum. Clearly, they didn't bite. Or even just an account notification would work. How hard can that be to set up?
  9. I'm gonna start off by saying that your title on this post stinks. I'm surprised that so many took the time to even give you a proper response to this thread. Out of respect for the platform that I work on daily, I'm going to refrain from further comments on your post title. Regarding your opening hours: you decide when you want to be online. I'm online during the day, offline during the night, and I'm a top rated seller and a pro seller. If someone sends me a message in the middle of the night, they can wait until I get back to work. If they can't wait, I'm not the right option for them. Simple as that. My average response time is one hour, even though I never respond to messages at night. One word: App. Then perhaps you should invest in Seller Plus and use the feature called "negative keywords". It can help you a lot if you're getting a lot of irrelevant requests. Set up a Quick Response to deal with the ones who still contact you about it, and consider editing your gigs if they are giving off the impression that you offer this type of work. Who "talks" these days? You create a ticket. How hard can it be? Yes you can. You report it as spam and voilá: blocked. Name one platform that doesn't need improvement.
  10. I'd be one of the shareholders celebrating it, because the userbase is only perceived value. The real value lies in the ability to grow in terms of revenue and take. And if Fiverr can increase that, while increasing its reputation, and earn more money? Well - to hell with the userbase. Fiverr isn't a SoMe platform, no matter how much they call it a "community". But sure, it would create a stir. I'd love to be there for it.
  11. As far as I know, yes, at least until they move on to bigger and better things, as millenials and Gen Z so often do these days. I don't think there will be changes here unless they hire a bunch of new ones, and start spreading us out to lessen their workload. I'm not sure how the pressure is at the moment. People seem to have different experiences here. My SM is super-quick and always takes the time to respond thoroughly. Others, from what I hear, struggle to get a response that makes sense or have to wait for a long time. It does. And it's what we've been saying for a long time. Having 300.000 sellers in a single category makes no sense. Most of the gigs are just unnecessary noise on the platform and I'm sure the remaning 100k sellers would scoop up the business and start increasing rates, just as @newsmike said. Choice paralysis is a real thing.
  12. I just had a response from my SM (took her less that 30 minutes to respond!) and we're still a part of the Kool Kids Klub, even though we haven't received the e-mail yet. It will get sent out gradually in the coming week. Basically, we get to keep our current monthly price as long as we stay enrolled in Premium, and the price for new Plus Premium sellers will go up. So if we decide to unsubscribe and then come back later on, we'll get the new, higher price. The difference, according to my SM, is only the success manager. Perhaps there will be more to come in the future - she didn't say - but for now, it seems the only difference between premium and standard will be the SM.
  13. I did. No such e-mail. Yeah, I get the idea here. Keep us paying the same while offering some of the benefits for less. I'm onboard with the idea, but I think 29 should be the standard rate (and a minimum A premium tier needs to cost more, but also include even more benefits.
  14. Interesting ideas here. But I had hoped a premium plan would cost more, not the same. They're just lowering the bar for access to premium features here, instead of creating new advantages for sellers willing to invest in their business. It is what it is. I haven't received such an e-mail yet, so I'm not sure if this is something they're rolling out slowly or not, but it usually is. Or perhaps I'm just not as valuable. 🙃 If this is a step towards a mandatory paywall, I'm all for it, but I share the concerns of @newsmike here. But any step towards a paywall is a step in the right direction, even if we can't immediately see all the benefits.
  15. I'm willing to bet it was because of quality. Fiverr is not looking for cheap clones of what's already here. Fiverr is looking for up-market, truly skilled freelancers these days. Sending some traffic to a website hardly qualifies. These gigs have always been scams, and they have always been hurting the poor buyers who think they will get great results with "authentic" traffic, when it's nothing but botnets. If you want real traffic, you have to pay for it, and advertising ain't cheap. Certainly not something you can get on Fiverr, unless you hire a qualified ads expert with a proper budget. If that was what you were selling, it wouldn't be called "usa website traffic" but something like "I will manage your Adsense campagin". 🙂
  16. I wouldn't want the US to fight this battle for us, any more than you'd want us to aid you in a similar situation. If we can do it ourselves, we should - preferably without nukes, of course - but if it comes to that, it comes to that. If I recall, the US has been fighting a few wars on different fronts over the years to preserve our way of life in the west – something I'm grateful for – and something I know Norway played a part of on multiple occasions, with out own specialist forces. We've also let the US us our country as training grounds for northern warfare in collaboration with the Norwegian army, and we're host to several important radar stations owned and operated by the US. So I don't think it's stereotypical to say that the American people would want to defend themselves – and that many would (and already have) died in the noble effort to preserve the liberty we enjoy today, both in Europe, and in the US. In previous wars, Norwegian soldiers died fighting Hitler, so I wouldn't say we're so different. My point is: I don't think Americans would take so kindly to Vlad stepping into your own back yard. This time, it's our back yard, so saying that a solution is giving it to him, is a bit inconsiderate. I did not mean that the American people is a nation of nuke-loving warriors. Just that you probably would defend yourself and if you did, I would go against anyone who said you shouldn't. If you believe that's inaccurate, please, do correct me. I'm aware of what's going in in SA. White farmers are not having a good time over there. Regarding the Canary Islands, we have our share of African problems - mainly Morrocco constantly being a bully in the school yard, pushing the fishing rights a bit too much and turning their backs when illegal immigrants set out from their shores to come here, many dying in the attempt. I'd say we've got a bit of both. In the background: your resorts. Foreground: African immigrants coming in from the most dangerous refugee route in the world. Photo was taken by me.
  17. I think you guys are a bit pessimistic about this. Tactical nukes are really effective these days. There's not too much radiation, it doesn't spread very far. And small-scale tactical use of nukes is not unrealistic in a war scenario. Just saying, he might just be a realist. And I wonder if you would be as positive to give Vlad a new back yard, if it was a part of the US he wanted, @newsmike?🙃 I think a lot of americans would say "nuke'em" in that case. Yay nuclear! 🤪 I technically live in Africa, even though the island belongs to Spain, and at the moment, I have to say I can recommend living in Africa. Far from nukes and crazy world leaders. We have a few thousand warlords, of course, but they're peanuts compared to certain western politicians. 🤣
  18. I've tried this, but it still sucks. Why? Because it has no ability to sort by language. Which makes it abso-beeping-useless to anything outside of the English categories. If the AI can't do that, and I personally have to train it to receive more relevant (but still useless briefs since it's not in my language), that's a waste of time.
  19. When it comes to customer support cancelling orders: document everything. Document each step in your work process, ensure you keep backups, copies and screenshots when relevant. If support cancels your order, at least you can prove that you did the work, and it can also help if you take matters to the law. For now: re-deliver and refuse to stop. Don't let the buyer step all over you and if they try to copy your work, sue their ass.
  20. That's just not how the revision system is meant to work. A buyer can request a revision if the delivery didn't correspond to the gig description and/or custom offer. They can't ask for revisions without actually telling you what they need changed. Whenever I get empty revision requests, I simply re-deliver and refer the buyer to the terms of service, specifically, this part: This is a clear case of misuse of the revision button. @newsmike had a great response to this one. You'll find it below: "When you joined fiverr you agreed to their terms of service (TOS) and it is very clear as to why you cannot abuse the revision request system. https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service Continuing to press the modification/revision button but not actually requesting revisions is a violation of TOS and if you persist, I will be forced to report you to fiverr trust & safety who may take actions up to, and including disabling your account." I wouldn't use the above one unless the buyer abuses the button again. Instead, I'd try the friendly approach first: "Unfortunately, the revision feature may only be used when accompanied by a description of what you want me to revise. Unless you can provide that information at this time, I'll have to re-deliver this order. If/when you need changes made to the project in the future, please know that I'm available to help and any included revisions will still be valid down the road, if for some reason, the work does not correspond to my gig description/custom offer/, as per the terms of service here on Fiverr." If that doesn't work, Newsmike's response is my escalation point. Customer support won't actually force a buyer to accept the order, so you risk getting into a tug of war with the buyer. In that case, it's simply a matter of who's the most stubborn. In my case, it's usually me. 😛 Keep in mind that customer support can't force your buyer to accept the delivery. You can't call Fiverr – the only way to get in touch with support is via the ticketing system found here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/ or via their e-mail, support@fiverr.com - but keep in mind that most tickets get a response sooner than if you send a regular e-mail. Best of luck!
  21. It varies. Took a few weeks for me. It can take longer, or it can go faster. It would depend on the number of applicants at any given time, your application, and the verifiability of the information in it. Keep in mind that only 1% of applicants are approved into Fiverr Pro.
  22. Fiverr works by setting up gigs. I'm not sure if you should create a web and marketing gig if you're unable to navigate the platform already. Working in web and marketing sort of requires you to be able to navigate the web and use different platforms.
  23. No. It would have to be like heroin. Pulling you in and never letting go. If they can take a break from it, it doesn't work. That means they can make gigs.
  24. Not necessarily. If you make it addictive enough, they will keep playing that instead of making gigs. It could be part of the cleanup on the platform. Just make all the unskilled people addicted to FiverrSpin Jackpot 6000 or TripleGiggerDiamond.
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