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Everything posted by frank_d

  1. Hey @rakibul_13 thank you for joining the discussion. If you revisit my OP I said that you shouldn’t worry if those features aren’t yet available to you. What’s important is for you to use EVERYTHING that Fiverr offers you at this point in time. I am a TRS and Pro seller and my gigs are not “ranked”. I am not made. If I don’t follow what the marketplace does and work at making my gigs relevant, I will be out of a job in just a couple of months. I do recognize I am at an advantage when compared to a level 1 or level 2 seller, when it comes to the tools I have at my disposal. But this is not the point. A level 1 seller can still create a gig that’s more relevant than mine and fair better in search results.
  2. @uk1000 A quick update re: tags I edited my gig yesterday and those two tags magically appeared out of nowhere. I haven’t heard back from Fiverr yet so I assume it took time because they had to be manually added? I truly have no idea why those two tags took close to 5 days to appear.
  3. Sure I can absolutely post an update when I figure it out. Keep in mind that mine is a Pro gig, so there’s a tonne of intervention from a manual review/vetting team. They have final say whether or not a gig should be posted, and how things need to be presented. (I also just received an email where they ask me about my pricing, so there’s that)
  4. Hey @uk1000 thank you for your questions. My position remains unchanged: there is no more ranking. Only relevance and match making. However, a quick stroll on this forum will show you that users are obsessed with the word “rank”. So I had to get people’s attention and “speak their language”. I am still talking about the same thing though as I did in Fiverr 3.0. As for the tags: Using any less that 5 tags is wasteful as you are not taking advantage of the opportunity to add possible terms that a buyer may use when searching. If you are referring to the gig I live streamed, an interesting thing happened: the 3 “green” tags I used were A-OK. The two “yellow” tags I used were somehow rejected either by the system or by the manual review team that had to approve my gig. I was surprised by that myself, and I am looking into it, before adding them again. I can post a follow-up when I find out what happened if you are interested!
  5. I am using After Effects, Adobe Animate, Blender and Cinema 4D. I also downloaded Cavalry but I simply don’t have time to start learning a brand new piece of software. Octane and Redshift kicked my mental behind too much in 2021 already. 🙂
  6. Hey @sadsalice_ Fiverr can be intimidating at first, for sure. The good thing about Fiverr’s algorithm is that while it’s rather complicated, there’s also a side of it that’s all about quality. So if your gigs are solid, you end up fighting it less. If you familiarize yourself with concepts that I constantly bring up like relevancy and performance, you will see it’s just a system with rules and limitations, just like any other. @timothykoen I am sorry I missed your reply. It seems like the feature is not yet available to you. I also found out during my latest live stream, that you can’t have both milestones payment AND subscriptions enabled. It’s only one or the other.
  7. Hey @video_at_fvrr Nice to see you on the forum Jacky! Super-excited to get a new forum subcategory for my vertical. Hi there @thedoreo nice to meet you as well! So glad someone with your expertise and experience is there to help evaluate sellers in the video vertical. I wish more animators and video creators would come together here and discuss things openly. In my mind we are not competitors, we are peers.
  8. Hey @timothykoen glad to help. As far as I know the subscription feature is not accessible to everyone. If your gigs are eligible, you will see the option to enable them either on your gigs main dashboard, or while editing your gig's pricing.
  9. Thank you @fifajs for sharing your experience. I agree, these tips are more about making sure your gigs are optimized for indexing and subsequent ranking. I left out how your offering needs to be compelling enough to your avatar in order to close and get sales.
  10. Hey @vivi123 I just checked your profile and a gig at random. You are not at a stage where optimization is your problem. You have multiple gigs that are extremely alike and Fiverr most likely stopped indexing you because of that. Furthermore there is evidence of past negative reviews that you simply deleted your gig, but said reviews probably had an impact in your ability to rank, especially because you have so few sales. This is not me saying that you can’t recover, I just wanted to clarify that what I posted here will probably not help you as much as you would hope. You are starting an effort to recover which is admirable but at the same time you need to understand the issues that brought you in that situation if you are to make a change.
  11. Hey @vivi123 Not sure what you mean. You read my post today and just applied my tips and a few hours have passed and you didn’t notice a difference in ranking?
  12. Thank you @catwriter for letting me know. Just to clarify: this has nothing to do with leaves and rakes.
  13. @callyofficial Oh absolutely, we are on the same page. If the client names you will upload speak volumes for your ideal clients, then by all means go for it and update them as you go. My main point was that I’m not sure Fiverr will approve of brands that they don’t know. (my fifth client was a medium sized EU brand and it was rejected)
  14. Hey @callyofficial It’s not a simple answer, as this specific feature has a “trust signal” function. So yes, adding your clients to enable the feature is definitely helpful, in regards to what Fiverr’s algo is looking for. But when it comes to your actual human prospects, what will those client names do for them? Will they serve as actual trust signals? This feature is unique as Fiverr is trying to get you to “name drop” big companies. And since they need to approve of them and add the logos on their end, I’m not even sure adding a relatively unknown brand there will even work.
  15. Hey @catwriter That’s a great question. Based on my experience, if your gig is already sporting the “Fiverr choice” badge, then it is already being served more to clients and you already are at an advantage. So maybe hold off on editing your gig while your team is winning. 😉
  16. Hey gang! Happy New Year! So as part of my strategy for 2022, I have to update 3 of my gigs, plus create two more Pro offerings. I started with the latter which, as per usual, brought forth an abrupt case of procrastinatitis. 😜 So Instead of working on my business, I thought I'd write up a quick post to help anyone who struggles with new gig creation and wants to give themselves a quick little boost when publishing. This is the hack you've been looking for... So this is very straightforward, and it seems deceivingly simple. So much so, that many seasoned veterans omit this. Take advantage of everything that Fiverr gives you. Fill out every field. Enable every feature. Did you get a random invite to beta test an obscure feature? Jump in, ask questions later. The reasoning behind this simple tip is that Fiverr's algorithm will favor every listing that seems to be the most complete. So there's a simple but very real checklist that the search engine performs when evaluating new gigs. The more complete your gig is, the better your chances to get ranked slightly higher than your competition. So to make this more actionable for you: • Fill out your gig's description, as close to the limit as possible, without of course writing random stuff just to fill up space. • Use all 5 tags. • Add a FAQ section. • Enable packages. • Enable subscriptions. • Add all 5 of your most notable clients. • Enable and completely fill out your portfolio. • Create a studio. • Add the How it works feature. • Add gig extras. (especially the ones already made by Fiverr for you) • Edit your Fiverr Business Seller Profile. If you don't have some of the above listed features available for your account, don't fret. The goal is to use ALL available features to you. Fiverr continuously adds more filters and options for buyers to find the right gigs. And the easiest way to quantify a gig's potential performance, is to see how complete it is when it is published. That's all for now. This is obviously not the "magic pill" solution most users on this forum are looking for. BUT This is by far the most effective trick I have discovered that requires very little effort on your end. Let me know what you think, what you have experienced when publishing new gigs that performed well and if you have any questions! Frank D.
  17. Starting off 2022 the right way. 😉


  18. Hey @maya_pr_expert I have no idea unfortunately. It depends on the vertical, number of applications, number of spots available and I presume the demand of said service in general.
  19. Hey @gina_riley2 I was literally one of the first 10 people that got the badge back in 2017, so I would imagine both the product and the vetting process has changed considerably 4 years later. Re: pro profiles with no pro gigs It’s really ordinary as they first approve a user and then they get to work on them. Getting approved is just the beginning and usually there’s some time between approval and publishing your first Pro gig. As for their descriptions, not all Pro sellers are created equal, let’s just leave it at that.
  20. If I missed any questions on the webinar, here's a "wrap-up" thread, if you attended and want your question answered!



    1. zuba44
    2. frank_d


      This is not what my post was about. 

  21. I encourage everyone who is a member of the “Seller Plus” program to check their “upcoming events” section… 😉

    1. mateusbl


      Finally they updated the upcoming events, now we can see directly the news. Do you know if the past webnair will be provided in the section: "Videos & Webinars"? I see that there's old content and is great in the case if we wanna watch again 🙂

  22. Thank you to everyone who is taking the time to read this post. i am working on a new post, which will be complimentary to this one and add some much needed insights and an experiment I run recently.
  23. Anna and Sue are very much active mods regardless of whether or not they choose to post on the forum or not. I wasn’t aware there was a clause that dictated that mods need to actively post on the forum. I can look into it for you if it helps. as for transparency when moderating I overshare all the time, but the direction coming from the admins is to not share mod actions.
  24. Hey @vibronx who are these mods you are referring to? I am genuinely curious as I talk to the active mods all day, and to the best of my knowledge aside from the mods we all know, there are no hidden mods.
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