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About video_at_fvrr

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  1. Hi everyone glad to see some action here and see some familiar names! @frank_d @visualstudios @nikandco can't agree more with you! We want this forum to be the place to talk, exchange and feedback together. I believe there is a lot of magic in us exchanging and supporting each other with the knowledge of experienced video creators. In terms of developing our skills as well as of course for being successful on Fiverr - as sellers and buyers! We built this V&A sub-forum to discuss all that's relevant for the video & animation community and l am looking forward to see more and more:). As such I am starting a new thread and am curious to see and hear from you there:) And of course, everyone who joins at any point, this is an ongoing thread - we are glad to meet you !
  2. Hi guys, I am Jacky and manage the Video & Animation categories here on Fiverr for the past 1,5 years. We created this forum for YOU to debate, discuss, ask and bring up anything video-related on your mind. I want to use this forum to talk to you, hear your thoughts, ideas and trends. You’ll be amongst the first to know about changes and new categories in Video & Animation, be able to provide input and exchange with others in our community - our crew. Take it away and start by telling us who you are, what you do, and what you wish for this forum to be. Excited to meet our crew here! Jacky
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