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Crazy hard work


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Yeah, me too, probably especially people who enjoy their work work too much, but eyes, back and brain still want breaks to keep working properly. Rest your eyes before the eyelids start to scrape like sandpaper and so on, Bhai.

No, do what you must but as your sister 😉 I have to tell you this - think about trying to work a bit less for the same money like everyone tells you to, they might have a point. Don’t forget your dreams of travel either. 🛅

Yes Sis, let me get through March first, then will enjoy. Off I go, 4 articles left.

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Doing 10,000 words a day these days, no time to waste for the next 30 days. But don’t understand why I’m sinking in the search results. Anyway, maybe it’s a good thing. I have worked 3 years non-stop, so after a hard working March, will relax from April and focus on other things. Yeah @emmaki I couldn’t keep away, sue me.

But don’t understand why I’m sinking in the search results.

Whenever I deliver fast (say, in less than 24 hours, or even within a few hours), my gig gets a bit higher in the search results. Perhaps one of the reasons why your gig is sinking is because you deliver almost a month after you get the order.

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But don’t understand why I’m sinking in the search results.

Whenever I deliver fast (say, in less than 24 hours, or even within a few hours), my gig gets a bit higher in the search results. Perhaps one of the reasons why your gig is sinking is because you deliver almost a month after you get the order.

True, but cannot help it. Good night everyone! My work for the day is done. 🙂

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I think you could double your price to $10 per article and still be just as busy. Or make just as much or more with slightly more free time. Remember this is a global economy and if most of your clients are coming from the western world then they see $5 an article as almost free.

Yes! Yes! Yes! At least try it! You can always go back down. Send custom orders to your favorite customers so they don’t run off.

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It is a very strange thing that most of us are working 10 to 14 hours a day on Fiverr, and because of some strange addiction, we still have to come here to the forum, where we don’t even get paid. Is there some kind of psychological dependency going on here?

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It is a very strange thing that most of us are working 10 to 14 hours a day on Fiverr, and because of some strange addiction, we still have to come here to the forum, where we don’t even get paid. Is there some kind of psychological dependency going on here?

Is there some kind of psychological dependency going on here?

No! Of course not!

Please don’t leave me ever again. I was so lonely.

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Also, our financial year runs from April 1 to March 31. So by the end of March, if all the orders are accepted, I will overtake last year’s earnings, which means another bronze certificate for me from the Indian Income Tax Department 😃 So here comes the last stretch…Have fun folks!

I’m still in awe about your love for the tax departement. 🙂

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Milgram experiment

In Milgram’s first set of experiments, 65 percent (26 of 40) of experiment participants administered the experiment’s final massive 450-volt shock, though many were very uncomfortable doing so; at some point, every participant paused and questioned the experiment; some said they would refund the money they were paid for participating in the experiment. Throughout the experiment, subjects displayed varying degrees of tension and stress. Subjects were sweating, trembling, stuttering, biting their lips, groaning, digging their fingernails into their skin, and some were even having nervous laughing fits or seizures.

Stark authority was pitted against the subjects’ [participants’] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects’ [participants’] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation.

Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority

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It’s complicated…I get 30-40 article orders every month from many old clients, if I put the prices up, they might leave.

When I raise prices (no matter if on Fiverr or in my daily business outside this platform) I tell the old clients the good news that they prices didn’t went up as much for them as they did for other clients. I also have clients where I raise my prices and they don’t even notice it, what tells me that I didn’t charge enough from the beginning.

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When you are overwhelmed with work, it is a great time to stop for a minute to see if things are working for you as efficiently as they could be.
There are transition periods of “success”. What worked for you when you had 1000 words a day to write, probably won’t work for you when you are now faced with 10,000 words a day.
It is important to “work smarter” so that you don’t get “burn out”.

You have choices. Here are some options:

  1. Raise your prices (already suggested here.) You don’t have to raise everyone’s price - maybe keep your FAV clients on custom orders - let them know about it ahead of time. New clients could have the new elevated price. This may or may NOT decrease your new orders. If it does NOT, raise the price again.
    If you do this, please note that you will probably at some point want to raise the prices of your old “custom order clients” - because you may find yourself not as motivated to do the same work for less money. You can announce to them in advance that you will be changing the prices - maybe a 2 week notification- and the ones that can’t live without you, won’t care what you (reasonably) charge!! Really!!

  2. You can hire someone to help you - maybe do research for you, do final edits of your work, etc.

  3. You can hire another writer and form a “company” and advertise gigs with “we” instead of "I’.

  4. You can do any combination of the above.

How do I know about burn out and transition periods? “Been there, done that”, and continue to experience transition as my company grows. 🙂

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How do you do 10,000 words a day without getting carpel tunnel?

This is a serious question actually, I don’t write nearly that much but still have to use a sofa cushion under my elbow on my desk.

Roll on my new MS Surface delivery day when I can once again write articles laid on the sofa.

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Guest shubh2012

Also, our financial year runs from April 1 to March 31. So by the end of March, if all the orders are accepted, I will overtake last year’s earnings, which means another bronze certificate for me from the Indian Income Tax Department 😃 So here comes the last stretch…Have fun folks!

bronze certificate for me from the Indian Income Tax Department 😃

Wow!!! I didn’t know about this certificate. Can we get a sneak peak?

😃 :slight_smile:

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@eoinfinnegan Just checked - my main articles gig is down on the 4th page of the search results. It won’t get me any new clients, but I will still get a lot of old clients on it. To target new clients, I’m considering starting a new gig, “I will write a blog post for $10” with a delivery time of 7 days in April. I think new gigs are given a push by Fiverr for a few days at start. I can start another new gig, “I will write an SEO article for $10” but not sure if that would be too similar to my old one. Will also come up with new ideas, such as “I will write an article on make cash online for $10”…there are so many things I am good at - “make cash online”, “freelancing”, “technology”, “politics or current affairs”, “soccer”…so basically I am going to have fun starting from April with a number of new gigs 🙂

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@eoinfinnegan Just checked - my main articles gig is down on the 4th page of the search results. It won’t get me any new clients, but I will still get a lot of old clients on it. To target new clients, I’m considering starting a new gig, “I will write a blog post for $10” with a delivery time of 7 days in April. I think new gigs are given a push by Fiverr for a few days at start. I can start another new gig, “I will write an SEO article for $10” but not sure if that would be too similar to my old one. Will also come up with new ideas, such as “I will write an article on make cash online for $10”…there are so many things I am good at - “make cash online”, “freelancing”, “technology”, “politics or current affairs”, “soccer”…so basically I am going to have fun starting from April with a number of new gigs 🙂

I think adding specific gigs for specific topics is a good idea. It does seem that when I get a lot on one gig, it drops but others are unaffected. This could spread out your orders so when one has lots of orders the others can still be running. The thing is, it takes a lot more work/research to do one article rather than 5 so it is only right that you should get paid more for smaller orders (That said, by the time you get to 30 articles on one topic it must be a struggle to keep it fresh too).

Be careful about how you operate the gigs though, I know it sounds like everyone’s dream but in reality, you don’t want a situation where you need to be doing twice as many orders/day. Perhaps limit the number or orders per gig or say that only X amount can be ordered at a time and for more they need to contact you etc.

I presume I will get the old rates?

I may get you to write some political articles for a political satire site I am working on, they will definitely be worth $10 though! 😉

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I think adding specific gigs for specific topics is a good idea. It does seem that when I get a lot on one gig, it drops but others are unaffected. This could spread out your orders so when one has lots of orders the others can still be running. The thing is, it takes a lot more work/research to do one article rather than 5 so it is only right that you should get paid more for smaller orders (That said, by the time you get to 30 articles on one topic it must be a struggle to keep it fresh too).

Be careful about how you operate the gigs though, I know it sounds like everyone’s dream but in reality, you don’t want a situation where you need to be doing twice as many orders/day. Perhaps limit the number or orders per gig or say that only X amount can be ordered at a time and for more they need to contact you etc.

I presume I will get the old rates?

I may get you to write some political articles for a political satire site I am working on, they will definitely be worth $10 though! 😉

Perhaps limit the number or orders per gig or say that only X amount can be ordered at a time and for more they need to contact you etc.

Yeah, that’s the hard part…could be a lot of cancellations because of that.

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Perhaps limit the number or orders per gig or say that only X amount can be ordered at a time and for more they need to contact you etc.

Yeah, that’s the hard part…could be a lot of cancellations because of that.

Just keep an eye on it and pause gigs when you need to. I have stopped using vacation mode and instead I pause my less profitable gigs or change pricing when I get too busy. There are ways around it to make it work too. Just do a check every day, I prefer having a notebook beside me and jotting down how long a job should take, fit it in to the available timeframe and adjust other things as needed.

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I think I know why we still hang out on the forum even though we’re all covered with work. We’re all lonely. Freelancing is lonely work. Maybe we’re all meant to be restaurant waiters.

Last time I was a waiter I punched an old man.

Once you’ve gone freelance, you can’t go back. I tried it last year but real world re-injection failed miserably. Freelancing doesn’t have to be lonely though. Get a moble and be the mysterious coffee bar person who is always on their tablet or computer. I hate tablets and mines dead at the minute but last year it was a real social life saver.

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