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Pawpaw piewie is now getting it

Guest phantompower

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H3H3 has a good one like @emmaki said, as did the latest Philip DeFranco video (am I allowed to link?)
Phil’s take on this is that it’s a good thing for Pewdie, as now agencies will be fighting for his business and he will be seen as a free speech warrior. Who knows! He certainly has such a loyal following that this probably won’t effect him much.


Links should be OK if they’re not filled with swearing.

Taiwanese animated news (TomoNews Funnies) came up with the goods again too (I love these guys and their news stories!). Sadly the thumbnail is racist looking so I can’t link.


That’s why I enjoy frequenting Daily Mail… (taking things out of context and exploding it)

Poodipie only has the 2 videos in question removed from MONETIZATION, the rest of ALL his videos are still being monetized normally.

There’s a PREMIER level of advertising options where advertisers can contact directly the top 5% of the highest paid Youtubers.
He has been dropped from this TIER of the advertisement only.

The only other truth in all this is that YouTube will not renew the YouTube Red show of PoodiPie.

Article from WIRED.com


PewDiePie’s Anti-Semitic Videos Put YouTube's Business in a Bind

What do you do when your biggest star thinks making light of the Holocaust is satire?


It’s like H3H3 said; manufactured outrage. A new scapegoat for a new scandal will be along soon enough… it’s easy to say that PDP shot himself in the foot, but the reality is that the media just can’t help themselves.

Fake Jesus will likely get another publicity boost and $$$ from this! I’d say it’s the best thing ever to have happened to him. I don’t really see why so many people on here dislike the guy for his actions; if anything, they do raise Fiverr’s profile a lot–and far more effectively than their cruddy #InDoersWeTrust campaign.


That’s why I enjoy frequenting Daily Mail… (taking things out of context and exploding it)

Poodipie only has the 2 videos in question removed from MONETIZATION, the rest of ALL his videos are still being monetized normally.

There’s a PREMIER level of advertising options where advertisers can contact directly the top 5% of the highest paid Youtubers.

He has been dropped from this TIER of the advertisement only.

The only other truth in all this is that YouTube will not renew the YouTube Red show of PoodiPie.

Article from WIRED.com


PewDiePie’s Anti-Semitic Videos Put YouTube's Business in a Bind

What do you do when your biggest star thinks making light of the Holocaust is satire?

the daily fail is so full of junk that wikipedia have banned them as a reference source.


I just keep remembering jeesus coming here and whining that he’s not making any money because his account got banned and wah wah wah…

He was making like couple of sales a week, when that boost shot him to over 275 orders in the span of 72hours.

I despise people like these… greed is ok, but you should be a tad bit grateful too especially given the ROLE that you are playing… SMH :rolling_eyes:


the daily fail is so full of junk that wikipedia have banned them as a reference source.

Funnily enough, the Daily Hate failed to report that. Can’t think why. The Guardian had a field day with it though…


Funnily enough, the Daily Hate failed to report that. Can’t think why. The Guardian had a field day with it though…

Daily fail didn’t report it as it was a true story and they only deal in alt facts. #SAD.


Daily fail didn’t report it as it was a true story and they only deal in alt facts. #SAD.

Their headline yesterday regarded the speculative fiction (i.e. only the DM was covering this non-story) that Greece was considering leaving the euro to join the USD.

Which is a terrible idea, for numerous reasons, but it was interesting to see that they chose that headline over the many others available that were actually news. Mind you, their editiorial focus lately seems to be plucking stuff off sites like reddit and/or badly disguised advertorials for that company that does lame quizzes. #crapracistfascistcomicbook

Guest phantompower

I understand it’s very hard to write his name properly, but you should at least try to show some respect. His name is pedwipede.

Well I am not allowed to name shame and I was not trying to write his name I was trying to write “Pawpaw piewie”


Their headline yesterday regarded the speculative fiction (i.e. only the DM was covering this non-story) that Greece was considering leaving the euro to join the USD.

Which is a terrible idea, for numerous reasons, but it was interesting to see that they chose that headline over the many others available that were actually news. Mind you, their editiorial focus lately seems to be plucking stuff off sites like reddit and/or badly disguised advertorials for that company that does lame quizzes. #crapracistfascistcomicbook

I never saw that. What utter tripe. They, Greece, are a bazzilion euros in debt. Why would they be joining the USD, to dig a bigger hole? and yes I’ve seen them copy stuff from Reddit, sometimes they just copy/pasta entire content, but the BBC have been guilty of that as well to a lesser extent


I never saw that. What utter tripe. They, Greece, are a bazzilion euros in debt. Why would they be joining the USD, to dig a bigger hole? and yes I’ve seen them copy stuff from Reddit, sometimes they just copy/pasta entire content, but the BBC have been guilty of that as well to a lesser extent

It makes little sense to me either. The only real way forward for Greece is through a lot of pain and ye olde drachma. Unfortunately, there’s quite a lot of tasty natural resources (gas, mainly) in the Aegean, and that’s the real reason for Greece’s ongoing debt slavery; it’s just a cash cow from now until eternity.

But you know, with Spain, Italy and Portugal also looking very shakey (Dei Paschi imminent bank collapse, anyone?) and France, the Netherlands openly turning against the EU project, it’s going to be a rough few years. Never mind the Brexitballs, which is its own hideous shitshow…

None of this is in the Daily Fail, though. That would be too honest… the BBC aren’t that much better in my opinion.

Mail Online – 14 Feb 17

Greece considers ditching the Euro in favour of the US dollar

Donald Trump's pick for EU ambassador Ted Malloch claimed senior Greek economists are looking into taking on the American banknotes if the country turns its back on the European currency.

Guest untitledartwork

you know what i saw some of his videos
its tough to explain what i feel after watching that

Talent and Arrogance aint the same thing
we must understand that we have limits and when to cross the line

sometimes you had to yes but there must be some pure motivations
i am new here so… you know


you know what i saw some of his videos

its tough to explain what i feel after watching that

Talent and Arrogance aint the same thing

we must understand that we have limits and when to cross the line

sometimes you had to yes but there must be some pure motivations


i am new here so… you know

His point was that for $5, you could get anyone to do anything on Fiverr, even if it was racist.

That point has been lost in faux outrage, suddenly bought back to life by the WSJ in search of–what else–clicks and revenue.

Personally, I believe crossing the line is a good thing to do. Challenging boundaries is a good thing to do. Upsetting the status quo? So much the better. Pewdiepie is not arrogant, I don’t think; it’s a persona. Does he have talent? Well, that’s subjective, but he has 53m fans, so whatever he’s doing, it works for a lot of people.

Besides, as other commentators have pointed out, this isn’t really going to hurt PDP: he’s too big to be toppled by this. It’s a literal storm in a tea cup, and I find the pursed lips about what he did to be rather unedifying when Fiverr’s panicky reaction and eventual backtracking is worthy of so much more commentary–and the same can easily go for the super-slow reaction times of the network and others. It’s all a bullshit shitshow.

Like I said, I’m looking forward to seeing what he comes back with. Both guns blazing, middle fingers aloft, please!


His point was that for $5, you could get anyone to do anything on Fiverr, even if it was racist.

That point has been lost in faux outrage, suddenly bought back to life by the WSJ in search of–what else–clicks and revenue.

Personally, I believe crossing the line is a good thing to do. Challenging boundaries is a good thing to do. Upsetting the status quo? So much the better. Pewdiepie is not arrogant, I don’t think; it’s a persona. Does he have talent? Well, that’s subjective, but he has 53m fans, so whatever he’s doing, it works for a lot of people.

Besides, as other commentators have pointed out, this isn’t really going to hurt PDP: he’s too big to be toppled by this. It’s a literal storm in a tea cup, and I find the pursed lips about what he did to be rather unedifying when Fiverr’s panicky reaction and eventual backtracking is worthy of so much more commentary–and the same can easily go for the super-slow reaction times of the network and others. It’s all a bullshit shitshow.

Like I said, I’m looking forward to seeing what he comes back with. Both guns blazing, middle fingers aloft, please!

He wouldn’t be the first popular entertainer to be toppled by this type of controversy.

Remember Paula Dean?

She had an empire that vanished overnight due to racist comments. The last time I saw her, she was on television crying and begging for forgiveness.


I can only think of one popular figure who not only survived making televised bigoted comments but seemed to benefit from them for some mysterious reason.
So maybe PDP will come out of this ok.


I’d never heard of this guy prior to his foray into Fiverr controversy, now I actually find myself watching him daily at some point. Also, it was an expose of Fiverr itself which led me to stumble upon this place a couple of years ago. In short, all publicity is usually good publicity unless you’re a serial killer or pervert.

Then again, sometimes even that works.


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