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About najmusshadat

  • Birthday 11/15/1998


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  1. Thank you very much
  2. Can someone help me by reviewing my gig to see if I need to update anything in my gig title description image video? I tried hard enough to perfect the gig but the impression is very low. Please let me know if there are any errors https://www.fiverr.com/s/8rB8yZ
  3. It works thank you
  4. thanks for sharing this good process
  5. I am still active on Fiverr but my gig does not show online when I filter "online Now" How can I solve this problem?
  6. My gig is Not showing in online filter, how can I solve it?
  7. I am still active on Fiverr but my gig does not show online when I filter "online Now" How can I solve this problem?
  8. Is it sms from the Fiverr support team or is it a scam?
  9. I have sent Skinshort to Fiverr support team after scanning, I saw it say to add bank card information within 24 hours, if not account will be suspended. What is my most important thing now? Please give me some suggestions. I will be very disappointed if my account is closed. I have been learning skills for many days and just diving in Fiverr. I will be very disappointed. Please give me proper suggestion.
  10. I am a new seller on Fiverr. I have given four gigs. Now I want to delete my two gigs and add two more gigs to the new category. will there be any problem with my account?
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