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How to Spot a Scammer or Spam in Your Fiverr Inbox: A Handy Checklist


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Have you ever received a message that tingled your spidey senses on Fiverr? As a seller, it can be tough to know whether a buyer is legit. Given the amount of spam and phishing attempts in our inboxes these days, I thought it wise to make a little list of things to watch out for. Many new sellers fall into the trap of responding to these messages because they're desperate for work and want to get started. 

1. Request relevance: Does the request line up with your gigs or is it oddly generic, like asking for logo design, data entry, and copywriting all at once? If it sounds like a "one size fits all" message, chances are, it's spam.

2. Promises, promises: Beware of messages promising huge payouts or an overwhelming amount of work. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

3. Off-site contact: Alarm bells should ring if a buyer is asking to take things off Fiverr, pay after completion, or even worse, asking for bank details or to connect via Telegram, WhatsApp, etc. Not only is it likely a scam, but it also violates Fiverr's terms of service.

4. Check the profile: Does the username make sense? Is it in line with what you'd expect from that country? Do they have any reviews from other sellers? If not, it's a red flag! If they have a profile picture, does it seem real? 

5. Time zones and location: Check their claimed location against their time zone. You can see the time at the top of your inbox. A buyer showing a completely different timezone than what you'd expect from their country could be a red flag. 

6. Fishing for a response: If you get messages that start with just "hey" or "hy" without any other context, it's often a ploy to get you to respond, making you more likely to engage with their subsequent messages. 

I'll close off with some advice on how to stay safe and avoid getting scammed:

  • Don't open or download attachments and files from people you don't trust. 
  • Never give away your personal information, like e-mail, full name, address, passwords, etc. 
  • Don't click links from people you don't trust. 
  • Notice any urgent or threatening language? Scammers often try to give you a sense of urgency, to make you not think carefully before doing anything. 
  • Check for spelling and poor grammar. If someone claims to be from a legitimate company, they'll usually be a professional if they're legit. A message full of typos can indicate you're being spammed or phished. 
  • Keep your device updated. If you download malware by accident, this helps to stop it! 

Finally, use your common sense (or spidey sense if you have one) If something doesn't feel right, be very careful. 

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I once received an attached file with a weird extension at the end. Luckily my husband noticed it and urgently told me not to open it, as it was a very harmful virus. But when documents are attached, it's hard to see the file extension in Fiverr's format. Is there an easy way to determine what kind of file is attached?

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On 7/14/2023 at 7:35 PM, actressellen said:

I once received an attached file with a weird extension at the end. Luckily my husband noticed it and urgently told me not to open it, as it was a very harmful virus. But when documents are attached, it's hard to see the file extension in Fiverr's format. Is there an easy way to determine what kind of file is attached?

That's horrible! I too would like to know how to determine what kind of files are being sent.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm so glad I checked the forums before I accepted a request from a buyer who did 2, 3, and 6. I was initially excited to receive a request since it would have been my first one on this platform. When they asked me to download Telegram, I became concerned. After further communication and consulting with other Fiverr users, I realized it was a scam. As disappointed as I am, I definitely dodged a bullet there. 

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"I'll give you lots of work" - don't believe a word of it!

Have you ever had that message from a client saying "work on my project for cheaper, because I'll give you lots of orders in the future".

It's very easy to fall into this trap. It sounds great - the client is promising consistent work, and they want a discount because they're promising further work. However, it almost never happens.

The best piece of advice I ever saw was that - "why should I discount the first order, just because you are going to place further orders...?" They suggested the following advice: "charge the first order at your normal price, then the next order 5% discount, then the next order 10% discount". That way, you're both winning!

What do you think?

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1. Watch out for vague job descriptions.
2. Be cautious of unverified payment methods.
3. Avoid working outside Fiverr.
4. Check for inconsistencies in communication.
5. Research client profiles and reviews.
6. Trust your instincts—if it feels suspicious, be cautious.
7. Report any suspicious activity to Fiverr for assistance.

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On 7/14/2023 at 10:35 PM, actressellen said:

Is there an easy way to determine what kind of file is attached?

If you have doubts about the file, You can Inspect(Right click and select inspect) to check File extension. You can keep communicating to understand the tone of that buyer. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A scammer tried to get his trick on me too. First he asked me to reach him on telegram and sent me the requests, so I think this perhaps a fraud ( turned out that was true, lmao). And then his another account asked to contact me via gmail and the request was the same with the one from telegram. I mean scammers literally everywhere. Thank god I read your post before hand.

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I once received an attached file with a weird extension at the end. Luckily my husband noticed it and urgently told me not to open it, as it was a very harmful virus. But when documents are attached, it's hard to see the file extension in Fiverr's format. Is there an easy way to determine what kind of file is attached? 

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In a Few Months, I noticed on Fiverr many scammers activated. I am a blockchain developer from 2020 on Fiverr. They invite the seller to use their existing code. Mostly they told every seller, first show to run my existing code and share functionality videos and screenshots. when the seller connects his crypto wallet then they will theft the seller's fund from his wallet. 


How to identify these scammers?

1. Newly created account

2. Told to join the team

3. Huge amount offer

4. Same message by different different buyer

How to save these scammers?

1. Don't download any zip file code

2. Don't try to run GitHub code

3. Don't connect your wallet

4. Don't share your personal information

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was contacted by a "new" user (10/23) & asked to respond via s***e....who uses that?  I googled the supposed company & on their company profile indicated they only communicate by email (company name, etc)  Being curious, I logged on to see what they were going to ask.  The location was Tennessee but the grammar was poor.  Though they never asked for financial information, I'm sure it was forthcoming.  Let them know I knew it was a scam and, sure enough, the contact went dark & "not accepting messages at this time".  Please trust your gut, check out the company's website and be careful!

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  • Don't open or download attachments and files from people you don't trust. 
  • Never give away your personal information, like e-mail, full name, address, passwords, etc. 

I just posted something about documents uploaded by potential clients and the replies were: "Yes, Fiverr scans them". Which is it? They ARE safe or they are NOT safe? How are you supposed to determine "people you don't trust" vs people you trust?

Also, you have to give your email address to get access to the WordPress admin area if you are doing WordPress work. 

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  • 1 month later...

I already find these types of scammer. They provide the link of telegram groups. Its very harmful for our Fiverr account. But I appreciate that Fiverr privacy policy standard was very strong. The Fiverr team already blocked those guys. Be aware Everyone. Do not enter the link, Its not safe.

Edited by abdulaziz824
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Customers who choose to talk outside of Fiverr are actually breaking Fiverr's rules. No genuine buyer will break Fiverr rules. They will ask you for your mobile number, email or social media. From where they will grab your personal information. You may also be banned from Fiverr for violating the Fiverr TOS.

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9 hours ago, shirin_akter00 said:

Customers who choose to talk outside of Fiverr are actually breaking Fiverr's rules. No genuine buyer will break Fiverr rules. They will ask you for your mobile number, email or social media. From where they will grab your personal information. You may also be banned from Fiverr for violating the Fiverr TOS.

That's how I lost my first account as I was not aware of the Fiverr TOS. It's my second account that is about 2 months old. I did not get any orders till now except some buyers/scammers' messages. Is there may be any reason for not getting the order like my IP has been tracked and that's why I am not getting any order as my previous ID has blocked? If that is the issue, how much time it may take to recover that?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are some tips for newbies here on Fiverr.

A Weeks ago I constantly received a message offering me a project (particularly encoding text from jpeg to word) as a seller I've reply to the and one client told me before we proceed with the project they're asking for security fee and will be reimbursed once the project is done. O definitely did not fall on this cause I watched and read about this getting scammed.. and since the transaction and chat is been done thru telegram and not on Fiverr I've immediately doubted it. And there is also one client offering me a project but this time they didn't ask for any fee but they offer a large sum of payment for once the project is done. Since I'm also a newbie although I doubted it I accepted the job and done it within the given time. But until now I'm not yet being paid by the client. 

I know that this is a life long learning to me but I put to god's hand that have happened to me.. and prayed to those people who have done this to me. 

For newbies like me please be careful and be vigilant in accepting job offers. And it is still safe to keep all the transactions here in Fiverr rather than offering you to message the in telegram or in any other form. 

Have you experience the same or have some thoughts about this. Please free to comments and experience.

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