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About puspojit_biswas

  • Birthday 04/14/1998


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  1. Here are the following steps: Go to your Fiverr profile. In the 'Intro video' section click on the 'Get started' button. You will redirected to a new page and a new pop-up will be there with all the intro video making necessary instructions. Follow those instructions carefully.
  2. Although I am not an expert, here are some tips from my side. Learn to keep your patience first. Because things take time. Believe that! Being patient does not mean staying idle. You should always run after your dreams. Learn to improve your skills, plan to improve Gig quality, and follow some Gig promotion marketing. Being online 24 hours is just a myth according to me. But yeah, sometimes buyers choose to contact online sellers if they need any urgent assistance. So, being online is also important as well as replying to the buyers on time. You can use Fiverr's 'Auto Reply' option wisely. Never push yourself too hard to be online for almost 24 hours. Keep learning always from others and by yourself. Just keep in mind that 'I do not know everything!' Have a nice time. 🙂
  3. Hi, I hope this message finds you well. Content writing is a highly competitive niche in my opinion. Gig ranking is also important for you and the rule is almost the same for all the cases like - Do some research on other similar niche Gigs. Find something valuable, get the idea, and please avoid copy and paste. I think your profile description may need some changes. In your profile description, you mentioned your skills and experiences. You may add some images or projects that prove your experiences. You may want to consider adding some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to your content. This will help to clarify any possible doubts your clients may have. Thanks.
  4. Ok, you can delete the old gig if you do not need it anymore and you have already created a new gig related to the old gig same services.
  5. If you find yourself in that situation, Fiverr support is your best option for assistance. You can reach out to them in a polite manner and inquire about your mistakes and possible solutions. If you have already attempted to contact them without success, it may be helpful to review the Fiverr terms of service. By doing so, you may be able to identify the root cause of the issue and find a solution.
  6. Well, I guess you are trying to sell some digital products on Fiverr. If yes, You can create a gig related to your description of your service or product. If a buyer expresses interest in purchasing your product and places an order, you can discuss it with them and share the product through the delivery chatbox.
  7. Hi, if we are sure that the client is not real, we can block someone from the chatbox by following the below steps. Hover the mouse pointer to that suspicious message. Click on the 3 dots (More Actions) on the right-hand side of the message. Choose 'Mark As Spam' and/or 'Report' The person will not be able to send us a message again and it will not affect our response time/rating. That's the manual process of avoiding scammers. But, Fiverr security monitors the chats and if it finds anything suspicious, it will automatically mark it as spam and block that person.
  8. Well, making any changes in the gigs creates overall impacts (bad or good) on the particular gigs. I will recommend making only necessary changes on your Gigs to improve it and after editing wait at least 7 days to get the result.
  9. Well, before deleting the rest of the Gigs, you should ask yourself why did you create 7 gigs. I prefer to keep them all because I do not know which Gig will help me to get an order for me.
  10. Well, when you get a message and you find the sender seems suspicious, you can report that message as 'Marked as spam' or 'Report' in the Fiverr chatbox. After that, the user will automatically get blocked from sending you any further messages and it will not affect your response rate. I believe that there is nothing wrong with your profile/Gig if you get messages from fake clients. I think most of the folks on Fiverr have experienced that kind of situation at least once in their journey with Fiverr. I would like to inform you more that Fiverr has increased its security features. Nowadays, it detects suspicious users quickly and blocks or removes them immediately. 🙂
  11. According to your query, you can use different social media platforms to get connected to your service category folks. If you are looking for a specific social media platform that case, I will go with LinkedIn.
  12. Well, I would like to share my experience regarding your query. I received the first message from a buyer after 2-3 days of Fiverr account creation and Gig creation. But, I received my first order after 3 months of Gig creation. In my opinion, you can spend more time on your Gigs and profile to make it better and do some Gig promotion activities. Even though impressions are not visible to the buyers, they indicate the reach of your Gigs. Maintaining an average of 100 impressions in the last 7 days would be better.
  13. Things take time. Believe that! I will suggest you improve your gig image quality. Work on your profile description. Be responsive when a buyer is sending you a message.
  14. Hi Huda Emaan, I have visited your Fiverr profile and gig recently. The data entry job section is highly competitive. It demands a more well-organized gig and patience.
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