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How can I add portfolio to my gig?


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Hello Fiverr community! I'm relatively new to the platform and I'm looking for tips on how to increase the visibility of my gigs. I've optimized my titles, tags, and descriptions, but I'm still struggling to get noticed. Are there any additional strategies or techniques that experienced sellers would recommend? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

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I've been working hard to provide top-notch customer service, but I'm looking for tips on how to respond to buyer inquiries promptly and efficiently. What strategies or tools have you found effective in maintaining quick response times? Any insights or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!"

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Hello fellow freelancers! I'm curious about the most effective ways to promote my Fiverr gigs and attract more potential clients. Are there specific marketing techniques, social media platforms, or online communities you've found success with? Any tips on creating a strong online presence beyond Fiverr would be much appreciated.

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Hey Fiverr community,

I've been on Fiverr for a while now, and while I've had some success with my gigs, I'm looking to take things to the next level. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or strategies for increasing the visibility of my gigs and attracting more potential buyers.

I've already optimized my gig descriptions, tags, and images, but I feel like there might be some additional steps I can take. Are there any specific promotional techniques or lesser-known features on Fiverr that have worked well for you?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

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To boost your Fiverr gig visibility, start by utilizing Fiverr's promotional features like paid boosts and consider applying for Fiverr Pro. Promote your gigs on social media, create video introductions, and offer different package options with extras. Provide excellent customer support, diversify your gig offerings, and stay updated with industry trends. Engage with the Fiverr community on forums,  Persistence is key, so keep refining your strategy to attract more buyers and elevate your Fiverr success.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Fiverr community,

I've recently started getting more orders, which is fantastic! However, it's becoming a bit challenging to manage multiple gigs simultaneously. I'm curious to know how others handle this situation.

How do you prioritize your gigs when you have multiple orders coming in? Are there any tools, techniques, or time management strategies you find particularly useful?

Any advice on maintaining quality while juggling multiple projects would be greatly appreciated!

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I don't really understand the question. Your last delivery was 11 days ago, and you currently have no orders in queue and six reviews total, so I don't get how it's a challenge.

No matter if you have one gig or several gigs, you should never accept more orders than you can comfortably handle. And just use the Pomodoro technique while you work. You'll get much more done. 

Edited by vibronx
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36 minutes ago, agonza1101 said:

Not sure on the answer, as I am not yet in that situation. Just wanted to congratulate you for having reached that scenario! Well-done, that's amazing.

He's not in that situation. He's basically at the same point you're at, just with worse reviews than you and fewer recent orders.

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