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About surajrenuka

  • Birthday 11/08/1990


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  1. If you have a Promoted gig option in your gig that you want to boost, Go ahead with that.
  2. Its impossible to place all the gigs on the first page..so its all about gig performance and how your gig is made. Although if you want to place your gig on first or second page then fiverr offers Gig promotion option for selected sellers so check out fo that and if that option is available for your gig then you can promote your gig by paying fiverr very minimal amount.
  3. All of your gigs seems active. If you are not able to find your gig with tag there is a possibility that you may have missed your gig in search result. Try to apply different filters of your gig eligibiliity and check the minimal result and if you still dont see your gig then you should contact fiverr Customer supoort.
  4. You just need to create a perfect gig with relavant keywords and description with some good protfolio image to have better impresions Being online does not help to increase impression..
  5. No Problem with that.. I use my desktop - laptop and mobile from last 7 years Using same account in multiple devices wont make any issue.
  6. How did you search for that serivce.. Even after multiple filters there was 11000 results. How do you know thta you were not in search result ? If you just created the gig then waut for a day at least
  7. Did you send that file through inbox or through order page? DO you have an activ order with both buyers ? There is no way to remove or edit sent messages and If that file are not personal then its fine. Just inform that buyer to disregard the old sent file and re send new one with new message and explain that it was mistake. But if you have delivered the wrong file to other buyer then its serious..you either need to deliever the right file to that buyer soon and explain the issue-mistake or ask him to put that order back in revision and take a responsibilty to deliver the promised file on agreed time. This may lead to TOS violation if buyer reach out to fiverr CS with this matter so you need to react fast and explain things to your buyer.
  8. Spam messages it self would give you a sense of being a fake buyers. Those accounts are usually newly created If they wants you to visit some links, their requirements are unclear and not to nt to the points, they want you to pay money to get job, want to communicate out side of the fiverr, ask for your contact details or sedn you their directly and some unrealistic requiemtns with unrealistic budget then there are more chances of them being spam.. But no any other technique that filters spam and real messages
  9. Ofcourse thats a scam.. You do not pay any fees to any one to get a job here on fiver. You only pay 20% of your order amount to fiverr as a service fees. So do not fall in that scam who ask for a money in return to award you a job and report that user and mark those message as a spam.
  10. Helllo Everyone πŸ™‚ So finally fiverr team restored my account back and the reason for temporarily suspension was to secure the account πŸ™‚ So I will be aournd and you may keep seeing me hereπŸ˜„ πŸ™‚
  11. @vickieito Thank you for sharing valueable feedback. Yes I think thats for security reason but my buyers must be searching for me and must have gone crazy I am sure 😐 Yes I changed password and immidiatly turned on two factor authentication too. I dont think my password was leaked or not sure it can be cracked because that was strong ( I have set up stronger now haha) but some how they managed to access my inbox only I am guessing..not the full account access..but not so sure. @minordetails Oh yes..recently I am facing this more often but never thought that this can happen with fiverr too.. my IG and twitter was suspended few months ago and they emialed me that they saw some suspecious activities on y account, however I managed to get it back ine like 48 hours. for fiverr its 24 hours now and they havent said a word to me about why my acount has bee suspended but tjhey are still communicating with me and telling me they have transfered the case to dedicated team.
  12. Yes right.. I could aske them that too but no I am unable to use my inbox for seding messages.
  13. I hope I get it back It been 8 years that I am here and I believe fiverr knows me πŸ™‚ I am in touch with fiverr and it looks like they have restricted to secure and to make sure any further activities are being done by me. They asked for selfie and ID verifications which I passed successfuly. Few of those buyers did click they said after I message them that it wasnt me dont click on that. They said Nothing happend and link wasnt working. Couple of them said they downloaded something and after my message they immediately scrapt that.
  14. Hello Everyone, So this happened to me very first time and I was stunned! I was workgin on Monday evening around 8 : 10 PM IST and I received a message in my inbox from on of my old buyer. He wrote me, " hi, what is this link? " And I went to my inbox to answer him and I saw some suspecious message in my inbox that was sent from my side to that old buyer.. It was somethinkg like this "Would you appreciate this example of my new work? <and third party cloud storage link> " I immidiatly warrned him not to click on that link because I never sent any message to him but Yes it was sent from my inbox ! While I was trying to figure out what was that and explaining that perticular client that that may be someone else who managed to hack or something I saw that my inbox started sending same messgea to my other buyers one by one and before I could react or think it was sent to almost like 10-20 other buyers in raw and I immidiatly went to my account security page and logged out from any loogged in devices then went to fiverr CS page opened up the ticket for the same. Everything happened in just like 5-10 minutes, I changed my password to some other. fiverr replied to me within 10 minutes and suggested to do same. mean while that message was sent to almost 60-80 of my buyers and I had to warn them not to click because it wasnt me. so I created small message and started copy pasting in their inbox. I requested fiverr to remove that message from inbox, they asked for list of the buyers who got that message so I prepared the list and shared. I can still see that message in my inbox though but yesterday same time I received Email from fiverr that my Account is tempororily suspended and I need to varify my self with ID and selfie. I did varify and they replied with congrats you are varified. My account is still restricted for probably security reasons and they will restore it back soon I am guessing. I emailed them that I am verified but still account is suspended and their last message was today early in the morning that once I scan my computer with Antivirus and send them Screen shot they will tell me what to do next. and here I am scaning my whole computer haha.. I jst thought that everyone here needs to know that this may happen to any one and that may affect your reputation and you may get considered as spammer by many of your genuine buyers.. Keep your account safe guys ! I'll tell you what happens next here.. In case you dont see me posting anymore then its farewell πŸ˜„ πŸ™‚ All the best !
  15. it seems like a chargeback by the bank and no one has a conrol over the chargeback. Bank customer who is your buyer may have raised any issue - discpute against fiverr and bank took back the money. Chargeback is initiated by the bank and fiverr has no controll over it..it can happen upto 90 t 120 days even after the payment is done and clered. I have face similar things in the past and fiverr CS deal perfectly with the bank to bring my money back.. There were time when fiverr compansated me on behalf of buyer and bank, So stay calm and keep in touch with fiverr CS and prepare all needed evidance and screen shots.. Keep sharing them those screen shots when needed and keep the ticket open and they will surely help you out of this situation.. There is nothing wrong with fiverr Security system, chargeback can happen with any one.
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