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3 star review or cancel the order? Which affect most?


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After spending 59 days on Fiverr and completing 5 orders with three five star rating, I am faced with a problem upon completion of my sixth order. The buyer wasn’t satisfied with my work so she only wants me to choose out of two options. Either she gives me a 3 star rating or she cancel the order. After consulting with experienced seller on which may affect me the most, I decided to go for the second option. She cancelled the order and my completion order dropped from 100 to 83. Did I make you right choice giving there was no other option she will prefer? And also how bad is this going to affect my sales on Fiverr.

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I wouldn’t had cancelled the order. I took a 2.3* review because the seller was blackmailing me to do something, and I refused (essentially)… I had a two 5* reviews in that particular gig before that to cushion the blow.

I wonder how the conversation lead to the seller telling you that she will give you a 3 star review.

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I wouldn’t had cancelled the order. I took a 2.3* review because the seller was blackmailing me to do something, and I refused (essentially)… I had a two 5* reviews in that particular gig before that to cushion the blow.

I wonder how the conversation lead to the seller telling you that she will give you a 3 star review.

I took a 2.3* review because the seller was blackmailing me to do something, and I refused (essentially)

I took a 1-star review because the dude said he would pay me for 50% of the work. Obviously he wouldn’t do that, because once the order is canceled you can just go away. He used the content by the way, I saw that, so I knew he would just flee. So I just took the bad review. I won’t allow people to manipulate the system.

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I took a 2.3* review because the seller was blackmailing me to do something, and I refused (essentially)

I took a 1-star review because the dude said he would pay me for 50% of the work. Obviously he wouldn’t do that, because once the order is canceled you can just go away. He used the content by the way, I saw that, so I knew he would just flee. So I just took the bad review. I won’t allow people to manipulate the system.

I thought this over and over. I might actually cancel the order and let the buyer get away with it, if I don’t have enough reviews to cushion that bad review.

Some gigs are at higher risk of getting negative reviews. Like me, not willing to do the financial in an inhonest way (or lawyers who offer their legal advice on what cannot be done).

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For me this would personally depend. If it’s a very simple order, something I can get done in a quick period, and the price is low enough, if the buyer is genuinely unhappy I might just cancel. Save myself the headache. But that’s only in that specific circumstance. Otherwise, if the amount is large enough and I’ve spent a considerable amount of time on the project, I’d take the hit.

Now if they’re presenting an option of “cancel or I’ll give you a bad/neutral review”? I’m not cancelling. That’s threatening the seller, and depending on how exactly this was worded to you I might have CS look into it. No matter the order, I don’t take threats lightly.

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If it was a large amount and you did spend a lot of time doing it then I would take the 3 star rating and just respond accordingly on the review

Buyer “3 stars – I particularly did not like the product.”
You "Thank you for your feedback. I apologize for so so did not meet your expectations, I did the best on so so and revisions are available if you needed any. (Something in those lines)

But if it was relatively a small amount and not that long to do I’d rather have the order cancelled.

But specifically for this one…
I think you did the better decision on cancelling that order. A lot of good reviews are important when you’re starting out. Maybe if you’ve had like at least 50-100 positive reviews then a 3 star wouldn’t make a dent. But I see your profile only has 3 reviews which is great that they average at 5 stars… If you did accept that rating of 3 stars your average would be 4.5 stars…

You would be able to recover from your completion rate better than your average star rating. Not all buyers leave reviews and a 4.7 rating is the minimum of what Fiverr deems “good enough”.

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I would have NOT cancelled the order and got Customer Service involved, being that the buyer was trying to blackmail you. This is not allowed and they should have been reported, as it seems they may have known you were new and thought they could get free work by doing this. Sorry you had to go through this and your completion rate is now tanked, but, there are some unscrupulous buyers on this site who seek out new talent to screw over and so many times, newbies are too scared to stand their ground.

What type of work did you do for them and what was their complaint? Is this work that they were going to use on their site etc? If so, you should see whether they did publish it so you can get them to take it down.


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I would have NOT cancelled the order and got Customer Service involved, being that the buyer was trying to blackmail you. This is not allowed and they should have been reported, as it seems they may have known you were new and thought they could get free work by doing this. Sorry you had to go through this and your completion rate is now tanked, but, there are some unscrupulous buyers on this site who seek out new talent to screw over and so many times, newbies are too scared to stand their ground.

What type of work did you do for them and what was their complaint? Is this work that they were going to use on their site etc? If so, you should see whether they did publish it so you can get them to take it down.


the buyer was trying to blackmail you

This is actually a very good point! And something I would keep in mind if this situation ever happens to me. Thankfully it hasn’t. I would have avoided all the confrontation and headache and just cancelled… 😅

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I would have NOT cancelled the order and got Customer Service involved, being that the buyer was trying to blackmail you. This is not allowed and they should have been reported, as it seems they may have known you were new and thought they could get free work by doing this. Sorry you had to go through this and your completion rate is now tanked, but, there are some unscrupulous buyers on this site who seek out new talent to screw over and so many times, newbies are too scared to stand their ground.

What type of work did you do for them and what was their complaint? Is this work that they were going to use on their site etc? If so, you should see whether they did publish it so you can get them to take it down.


the buyer was trying to blackmail you

This happened and the CS ask me to try to resolve it on my own. I do agree that Fiverr should step in some times… although a-lot of the times the buyers were also justified in doing so.

That being said, the option that you already chose… was the best option, by any standards.

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the buyer was trying to blackmail you

This happened and the CS ask me to try to resolve it on my own. I do agree that Fiverr should step in some times… although a-lot of the times the buyers were also justified in doing so.

That being said, the option that you already chose… was the best option, by any standards.

Yeah, I know, CS at times can be annoying when they just throw the hot potato back into your lap and say, “Go kiss their feet and make them happy”. I would be annoyed too, but, it would seem that one should at least share the communication the blackmailer is sending in order to see if there is any help from CS.

But, yeah, I totally get it - CS can be like a roulette table - sometimes you win and get that CS person who goes above and beyond and then other times you lose and just get the “form letter” and what feels like a brush off.


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Yeah, I know, CS at times can be annoying when they just throw the hot potato back into your lap and say, “Go kiss their feet and make them happy”. I would be annoyed too, but, it would seem that one should at least share the communication the blackmailer is sending in order to see if there is any help from CS.

But, yeah, I totally get it - CS can be like a roulette table - sometimes you win and get that CS person who goes above and beyond and then other times you lose and just get the “form letter” and what feels like a brush off.


One buyer blackmailed me. I reviewed him.

image894×204 21 KB

What disappoint me with the CS, was that they reviewed the case and “we agree with you” and “we will monitor the behavior of the buyer”… but “you should try to resolve with the buyer”… than “we agree that the review was unfair”, “we see that you already reviewed the buyer” and “we believe you will get more positive reviews in the future”.


I did kind of expected that… 😂

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  • 1 year later...
7 hours ago, olawalefathiu said:

How can I get bad review remove from my account

You can't, it will stay there forever. 

Even if you could, that would be dishonest to a buyer. For example, I've been here for more than 8 years, I have my fair share of bad reviews, not a ton, but there are some. They are the cost of doing business online, you will always have to deal with people that either expect way more than what was paid, scammers, persons with unreasonable expectations or just competitors masking as a customer. It is what it is. You can learn from those bad reviews and just move on. However, you will never be able to remove them from your account. 

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In this case, take the bad review, it will be diluted by good reviews in no time. However, in some cases, the buyer would be interested in nothing more than cancelling. So, they will back you in a corner and keep asking for more things to get you to budge.

I was in this situation once or twice and tried involving customer service. But to be honest, the system favours buyers (understandably so - customer is King/Queen and is always right). Hence, I encourage you to employ the same customer is King/Queen principle and always do what they want, talk to them nicely and never allow your emotions to take control.

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9 hours ago, olawalefathiu said:

How can I get bad review remove from my account

A bad review cannot be removed from your account unless you prove it was wrong. The buyers have the right to review a seller based on their buying experience. And if you contact CS to get it removed, you could get a warning against your account.

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