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About ken87ken

  • Birthday 06/05/1904


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  1. Fiverr killed other freelancers with this pro program. I applied years ago, and regardless of my stellar work, no response yet. I m starting to think this is not for African-based freelancers? This is sad for me because I am now getting no traffic at all after years of success on Fiver and other years of waiting to be top-rated. What does it really take? Disappointed!
  2. Fiverr killed other freelancers with this pro program. I applied years ago, and regardless of my stellar work, no response yet. I m starting to think this is not for African-based freelancers? This is sad for me because I am now getting no traffic at all after years of success on Fiver and other years of waiting to be top-rated. What does it really take? Disappointed!
  3. Yes, you can promote as many as you want. They just have to be meeting the qualifying criterion.
  4. Great suggestion. Personally, I have evolved so much since joining Fiverr, I would like to also change the username to match the new services I now offer.
  5. Never respond to those messages. They are from scammers who can steal your personal information or lure you to work outside Fiverr and never pay you for the work. Once you receive a message with any contact details outside Fiverr, simply report the account. They targeted you because you are a new seller who can easily be manipulated because you are looking for that first sale.
  6. Personally, I think it affects your profile somehow. It may affect your rank and cause the algorithm to place your gigs on bottom pages. This can affect your earnings. I personally think it is better to stay consistent and just update your original gigs without entirely deleting them.
  7. I really feel your pain and every other freelancer in Russia. I just think this matter has going beyond individual needs and everything is now based on the political mood - which is not so great at the moment.
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