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You will stop using fiverr after this as a seller


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Hi my fellow seller community of fiverr hope you all are good.

I am here to open all your eyes, which will definitely force you to give a second thought for your fiverr platform as a seller.

I was a happy level 2 seller on fiverr who use to develop shopify store, I received an order from a pathetic human named *************.
He asked me to develop a shopify store worth $500, I did, he asked me 13 revisions (changes he asked, were not asked by him on order starting) I did and delivered him the order, Out of the blues, He gave me 4.3 ratings, No issues.

He asked the CUSTOMER SUPPORT to cancel the order screenshot attached

The same customer support doesn’t even care to reply the SELLERS.

Screenshot of the ratings he gave

Screenshot of the store I delivered.

The store which I build for him is LIVE and he is using the same store.


Yes, The next victim can be you. This is the harsh reality of fiverr, Fiverr charges 20% from us(sellers) and doesn’t even care for us. Anyone can order and charge a refund anytime, There is no guarantee for sellers fiverr and their beloved buyer can anytime SCAM YOU.


(MY ADVICE IS SWITCH TO ************)

Mod Note: 📋 It is against the Forum Rules to negatively call out a buyer or seller. You may send the username to Customer Support if the user has actually violated the Fiverr Terms of Service, but the public forum is not the right place forrname call-outs.

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Guest humanissocial

The forum isn’t the place for your revenge plot. Read the rules.


The forum isn’t the place for your revenge plot. Read the rules.

Where shall I ask your support?

Your support is not replying, its been 3 days and I have not received a proper response from your support team.

I cannot share my experience on your forums, where can I talk and discuss about your etiquettes and my experience?

Guest humanissocial

Where shall I ask your support?

Your support is not replying, its been 3 days and I have not received a proper response from your support team.

I cannot share my experience on your forums, where can I talk and discuss about your etiquettes and my experience?

“Your support.” I’m a forum member not a staff member. None of us is and they don’t read the forum.

The forum is conversation between sellers, not between sellers and staff.

And your circumstances don’t make it okay to break the rules, which I’m assuming you haven’t read.

Guest humanissocial

Neither I care to read their RULES.

I hate to break it to you but if you want to use THEIR forum, they aren’t going to let you break THEIR rules. Kinda how policy works.


Where shall I ask your support?

Your support is not replying, its been 3 days and I have not received a proper response from your support team.

I cannot share my experience on your forums, where can I talk and discuss about your etiquettes and my experience?

Where shall I ask your support?

Your support is not replying, its been 3 days and I have not received a proper response from your support team.

This is because Fiverr Support has been very busy since the COVID pandemic came about.

The number of sellers on Fiverr has doubled and even tripled in some niches as people worldwide looked for alternative ways to work. Currently, it is taking 10 days or more to receive a response from CS.

Also, it is not “your” support as in we the other members of the Fiverr Forum. It is support for all Fiverr users, yours and mine, and everyone else that uses the platform.


I think we need to be some smart seller …Every time when you get contact or take order from any buyer who are new who don’t has any reviews then we should not work for him . We always work for that buyer who has already minimum 3 reviews . I always follow this rule .Some buyers who created profile in 2012 n order now 2020 then we can think something is wrong there we should not take order from this and if we take then we should divide work part in some numbers of cost so we can know buyer is honest or not ,? What do you think about it ? Thanks

Guest humanissocial

I think we need to be some smart seller …Every time when you get contact or take order from any buyer who are new who don’t has any reviews then we should not work for him . We always work for that buyer who has already minimum 3 reviews . I always follow this rule .Some buyers who created profile in 2012 n order now 2020 then we can think something is wrong there we should not take order from this and if we take then we should divide work part in some numbers of cost so we can know buyer is honest or not ,? What do you think about it ? Thanks

buyer who are new who don’t has any reviews then we should not work for him . We always work for that buyer who has already minimum 3 reviews

This does not suggest an ethical buyer. Sellers tend to give great reviews even if the experience with the buyer was bad because they want to be attractive to other buyers and may even want repeat business from the buyer or they are afraid of retribution if they write a bad review.

And all buyers are new buyers in the beginning. Doesn’t suggest they are scammers. And if you avoid new buyers you probably won’t make sales.


I think we need to be some smart seller …Every time when you get contact or take order from any buyer who are new who don’t has any reviews then we should not work for him . We always work for that buyer who has already minimum 3 reviews . I always follow this rule .Some buyers who created profile in 2012 n order now 2020 then we can think something is wrong there we should not take order from this and if we take then we should divide work part in some numbers of cost so we can know buyer is honest or not ,? What do you think about it ? Thanks

Baseless. In my case, the buyer ordered and made 13 revisions.

Accepted the delivery, left a 4.3 star ratings and then asked the support to cancel the order, THE SUPPORT CANCELLED THE ORDER, DEMOTED MY LEVEL.


i have read the same issues over and over again here , as it happened to me recently,
did the effort and delivered it in time, which the customer leave a 5 star review then BOOM!! order was cancelled by support without further investigation and the buyer get my works for free and can still roam around here without any remorse. Which affect us sellers, its really frustrating
that you spent so much time completing an order and wont be compensated for your effort.
i was hoping one day this platform can change the system which can benefit both buyers and sellers, which most of the time its one sided and benefits with only the buyer.


Baseless. In my case, the buyer ordered and made 13 revisions.

Accepted the delivery, left a 4.3 star ratings and then asked the support to cancel the order, THE SUPPORT CANCELLED THE ORDER, DEMOTED MY LEVEL.


Wait a second. Did they demote your level manually or did you loose your level on 15th November evaluation?


buyer who are new who don’t has any reviews then we should not work for him . We always work for that buyer who has already minimum 3 reviews

This does not suggest an ethical buyer. Sellers tend to give great reviews even if the experience with the buyer was bad because they want to be attractive to other buyers and may even want repeat business from the buyer or they are afraid of retribution if they write a bad review.

And all buyers are new buyers in the beginning. Doesn’t suggest they are scammers. And if you avoid new buyers you probably won’t make sales.

You are right but this is only way to save us from fake buyer . Do you have any other way to save seller from these type buyers ?

Guest humanissocial

You are right but this is only way to save us from fake buyer . Do you have any other way to save seller from these type buyers ?

It does not save you from fake buyers. That was my whole point.

Don’t under charge and don’t agree to do things that are out of scope.


I posted a similar experience I had a few months back… most people in the forums here are pretty legalistic and by the book in their responses, be sure not to use trigger words, lol. 😉
Fiverr does not have your back if a buyer cancels even after the order is delivered. I was saved only because the buyer reinitiated the gig as it was an error on their end, and I delivered the final product again and received the payment.
Funniest part of the experience was my communication with Fiverr at the time was quick and responsive, but if I did not reply to a casual reply from them, like if they said, “your welcome.” via email to my email, they were ready to close the case for me not responding. Seriously.
Anyways, keep moving forward and don’t give up. There are lots of great buyers out there… just keep being the best you can be and more will come.


The forum isn’t the place for your revenge plot. Read the rules.

LoL. what a belittling and rude reply to someone who is clearly grieving over his loss.


“Your support.” I’m a forum member not a staff member. None of us is and they don’t read the forum.

The forum is conversation between sellers, not between sellers and staff.

And your circumstances don’t make it okay to break the rules, which I’m assuming you haven’t read.

actually, his circumstances do make it ok to break the rules. Rules were broken against him and he suffered because of that.

you can’t police one side.


Baseless. In my case, the buyer ordered and made 13 revisions.

Accepted the delivery, left a 4.3 star ratings and then asked the support to cancel the order, THE SUPPORT CANCELLED THE ORDER, DEMOTED MY LEVEL.

this is clearly unfair. but unfortunately that is the way fiverr works.

The customer support is nonexistent for sellers. the buyers are aware of this and they exploit this again and again.


LoL. what a belittling and rude reply to someone who is clearly grieving over his loss.

Most experienced sellers say don’t do additional work outside the scope of the original order. Either charge for this work, or if you get a sense the buyer is becoming scammy - stop work immediately, so long as you are confident you have fulfilled the requirements of the original gig. It’s a judgement call.

Sure, the buyer is still likely to request a cancellation - but as a seller you’ve not lost several hours (maybe even days) of your time trying to please someone who will never be pleased, simply because they are a fraudster. This time can then be used to service genuine clients.

And, naming and shaming isn’t allowed on the forum for very good reason. We only get to hear one side of the story. There is no right of reply for the buyer in this instance.


I have to say, I had a similar experience and it dragged on for many months. I must have exchanged hundreds of messages with customer support and it was causing me loss of sleep, inability to work on other jobs, etc. This was a $3600 order.

The client had used Google Translate to translate his epic novel into English. Unfortunately, when I received the novel and edited it, and sent it back, he began swearing and cursing and saying I had missed out a third of the book… eh, what?

Then he realised… oh dear! Google Translate only translates small chunks at a time, and he had been feeding chunks of text into GT and not realising that what came back in English was missing vast pieces! So, he was blaming me fast and furious for not editing the parts that were never there in the first place, ha.

So–although I had costed for X number of words, the “missing bits” (that were incomprehensible since these had not been translated by anyone but the seller, and his English made little sense) were chunks he expected me to also edit–free of charge! He didn’t seem to understand that not only did these appalling translations now not make sense, but also, they added an extra third to the book that I had not seen or priced for originally. Throughout, he was abusive and stalked me in my personal life.

I have 0 revisions on my gig and he sent back around 20 revisions with these extra bits before Customer Support told him to stop being manipulative and either send them in a single hit or not at all, and that he must accept all this was his own fault. He accepted it and apologised to me, blaming his culture, but carried on sending revisions. In the end, I gave up as my schedule no longer allowed me to work on this case. I had to move on.

The buyer also is still on Fiverr and was not only rude and manipulative, but he was personally threatening.

However, Fiverr in the end went “above and beyond” and paid me in full for the order plus offering compensation, plus funds for extra time on the job. In the end I refused to take more funds from Fiverr as what was offered went above what I had lost. No amount compensates for the stress of it, so it was not monetary once I’d been paid for the job. The key here was that Fiverr could see I had already way overdelivered perfect work for the client.

That is not my only experience of being paid in full by Fiverr when a client has turned out to be manipulative after I delivered in full, so I know it is discretionary to ensure sellers are paid in full when the work has been delivered in full to a high standard and when Fiverr CS has seen what they think is a perfect set of communications and a complete high-end delivery…


If you search the forum, you’ll find a few posts outlining a situation similar to yours. You’ll also find that after working with CS (which can take time and multiple tickets) some sellers were compensated by fiverr.

Or you can continue to vent and announce your departure to u p w o r k (which I’m guessing what got censored) like there are no scammers there and their support is perfect and timely (it isn’t).

Guest humanissocial

LoL. what a belittling and rude reply to someone who is clearly grieving over his loss.

I wasn’t responding to him. I was responding to the person who gave a false solution to the person’s problem.

Maybe read the thread before assuming?


If you search the forum, you’ll find a few posts outlining a situation similar to yours. You’ll also find that after working with CS (which can take time and multiple tickets) some sellers were compensated by fiverr.

Or you can continue to vent and announce your departure to u p w o r k (which I’m guessing what got censored) like there are no scammers there and their support is perfect and timely (it isn’t).

I agree Lena, it takes time and work with Fiverr CS and a lot of tickets, but a positive outcome is achievable with a lot of patience and time. I think staying calm (even when telling CS how much it hurts) and not throwing blame at Fiverr is a great help in getting a positive resolution. Thanking CS for their efforts when they are also frustrated is also important.

Guest humanissocial

actually, his circumstances do make it ok to break the rules. Rules were broken against him and he suffered because of that.

you can’t police one side.

That’s not how policy works. You don’t get to break it when it suits you.


I agree Lena, it takes time and work with Fiverr CS and a lot of tickets, but a positive outcome is achievable with a lot of patience and time. I think staying calm (even when telling CS how much it hurts) and not throwing blame at Fiverr is a great help in getting a positive resolution. Thanking CS for their efforts when they are also frustrated is also important.

I was half-expecting to get “iT nEvER hApPenS!” next, mostly by people who rarely (if ever) use the forum. But you brought your own receipts. 🙂 It’s great to see a story like yours. I think the max compensation I’ve seen being issued before is for an order of around $500.


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