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Will you cotinue work with client who only rate 4.x star for your work?


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I know. The only reason I brought it up is because people were calling 4-star reviews a punishment that is worthy of blocking.

It is weird to block a seller because you were penalized by Fiverr’s unjust ratings policies. Blocking a seller for giving you an 80% is like throwing a fit at a teacher because you didn’t get 90%.

It is weird to block a seller because you were penalized by Fiverr’s unjust ratings policies.

It’s not weird. It’s precisely a defence measure of sorts to those exact policies. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than allowing it to continue.

Blocking a seller for giving you an 80% is like throwing a fit at a teacher because you didn’t get 90%.

While going to a school that would demote you a class if your rating dropped under 95%. Yeah, it would be the same.

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Guest humanissocial

I heard ya.

One of my clients did this to me that gig is still hardly breathing. I asked is there anything I have done wrong? Client said I am pleased with the outcome.


80% indicates pleasure. That’s an A grade.

If you got 80% on a test, would you think the teacher hates your work and thinks you suck? Why would a teacher give you an A for work he disapproved of?

It only stings because it’s below Fiverr’s unjustly high threshold.

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80% indicates pleasure. That’s an A grade.

If you got 80% on a test, would you think the teacher hates your work and thinks you suck? Why would a teacher give you an A for work he disapproved of?

It only stings because it’s below Fiverr’s unjustly high threshold.

It only stings because it’s below Fiverr’s unjustly high threshold.

Exactly. But since that unjustly high threshold is the rule, that’s the game we must play. Doesn’t really matter if it’s fair or not. For Fiverr’s systems, any review under 4.7 is classified as bad. So any client leaving frequent 4 star reviews is actively damaging your account (whether they realize it or not).

If there’s nothing you can improve to turn that 4 in to a 5, or if you think the client “just doesn’t believe in perfection”, the best move you can make is not work with them anymore.

Since Fiverr doesn’t allow you to accept/refuse new orders without destroying your cancel rate, and since you can’t talk to buyers about reviews at all, your best choice is to block them to stop further orders.

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I know. The only reason I brought it up is because people were calling 4-star reviews a punishment that is worthy of blocking.

It is weird to block a seller because you were penalized by Fiverr’s unjust ratings policies. Blocking a seller for giving you an 80% is like throwing a fit at a teacher because you didn’t get 90%.

4.3 already a bad treatment to us, intention or not I don’t care, it hurt my ratings, potential affect my overall ratings, most importantly, it make me feel bad. That’s enough to block them.

I LOVE THE BLOCK BUTTON, thanks fiverr listen to us else we still in a nighmare game.

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Let’s take a look at what Fiverr says about blocking …

Blocking Certain Buyers

At Fiverr, we understand that people don’t always get along. Whether it’s personal chemistry, unmet expectations, or communication difficulties, you may not want to work with certain buyers.

Buyers can stop their communications with sellers or refrain from ordering, and in turn we give you the ability to block communication and orders from certain buyers as well.

I don’t know why “punishing” got brought into this, blocking is the option Fiverr gave both sellers and buyers to choose to not work with someone, nothing more, nothing less.

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Buyers aren’t punishing you with a 4-star review. Fiverr is for having it.

This is all an expectation of buyers to compensate for Fiverr’s unjust policies.

It’s subjective, so it isn’t mistreatment. The freelancer doesn’t get to decide if the client is satisfied or not. The client decides. The point of a review is to share what you feel. That doesn’t mean it’s malice and it doesn’t mean a buyer owes it to you to review the way you think is right or is punishing you by not being on the same page about it. It isn’t about what we think is appropriate. It’s about what the buyer does.

Yes, there are consequences for our ratings, but that’s because the ratings system is unjust and nonsensical, not because a buyer didn’t give you five stars. Being mad at buyers for not compensating for Fiverr’s unjust policies isn’t helpful.

Will some buyers be deluded or malicious? Probably. But that doesn’t change the fact that reviews are by nature subjective, therefore getting a 4-star doesn’t by default mean you’ve been mistreated.

4 stars is 80%. That’s a fantastic review. It only doesn’t feel that way because Fiverr requires 4.8 for the ratings. So the issue is Fiverr’s policy, not buyer ratings, and I don’t see the point in being angry with buyers for not compensating us for Fiverr’s unjust policies.

4 stars is 80%. That’s a fantastic review. It only doesn’t feel that way because Fiverr requires 4.8 for the ratings. So the issue is Fiverr’s policy, not buyer ratings, and I don’t see the point in being angry with buyers for not compensating us for Fiverr’s unjust policies.

Giving a seller 80% isn’t punishment from the buyer. That’s a great review. The only punishment is from Fiverr for penalizing you for it.

You just emphasized my point there. See? That’s what I literally said, and then you twisted my words saying I’m punishing the buyers instead.

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Giving a seller 80% isn’t punishment from the buyer. That’s a great review. The only punishment is from Fiverr for penalizing you for it.

I’m sure everybody know 80% is not a mistreat, but until on this Fiverr platform. Buyer also need to know how important their stars are, which will affect Seller sales. If they rate 4 stars and never care about the importance of it, I don’t think I will continue doing business with them, this just to PROTECT myself as a seller, not about trying to mistreat a buyer.

Buyer also need to know how important their stars are, which will affect Seller sales.

Buyers rarely pay attention to the value of these things, nor do they need to, to be honest. Buyers are here on Fiverr to get work done from qualified/skilled sellers. Most of them are thoughtful, and leave fair reviews, while others could care less about how starred reviews affect sellers. They aren’t here to leave reviews, they are here to obtain work for their businesses/projects.

As much as we may want to, as sellers, we cannot force buyers to care about reviews. That’s just not how this works here on Fiverr.

If they rate 4 stars and never care about the importance of it, I don’t think I will continue doing business with them,

What if a great seller, leaves you a 4-star review, and then, later wants to come back and hire you for more of your work, because they think you’re a great seller. If you block them based on a positive 4-star review, they’ll miss the opportunity to get more great work from you. In a case like this, you’ll have lost valuable income.

I sincerely, and honestly, encourage sellers not to be so picky with 4-star reviews. If you (any seller) immediately jumps to vilifying great buyers, just because they didn’t give a 5-star review, then you’re (any seller) hurting that buyer, just as much as you’re hurting your own profits.

A 4-star review is not a bad review. And it is a fantastic review, compared to an actual 1 or 2-star review, which really is a bad review. I, personally, would rather accept a 4-star review, and be open to working for that buyer again – and hopefully earn another 4-star or 5-star review, than cut off all future opportunities. If I have a truly terrible 1-star buyer, yes, he/she will likely get a quick block. But a 4-star reviewing buyer… I want as many of those as I can get. A 4-star review looks great to other perspective buyers (far better than a 1-star review!).

I guess I just want to encourage sellers to have a little perspective here. A 4-star review is a great review, and it can earn you more buyers. If you have a few 5-star reviews from other buyers, then you’re not going to have to worry about a sub-4.7-star review demoting you.

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I know. The only reason I brought it up is because people were calling 4-star reviews a punishment that is worthy of blocking.

It is weird to block a seller because you were penalized by Fiverr’s unjust ratings policies. Blocking a seller for giving you an 80% is like throwing a fit at a teacher because you didn’t get 90%.

It is weird to block a seller because you were penalized by Fiverr’s unjust ratings policies. Blocking a seller for giving you an 80% is like throwing a fit at a teacher because you didn’t get 90%.

I agree. I’m fairly certain that Fiverr doesn’t approve of this attitude/perspective either. Blocking a seller because he/she gave a 4-star review, is penalizing the buyer for something that does not affect them. It’s like putting someone in prison for not having committed a crime.

4-star reviews are part of being a great seller here on Fiverr.

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It only stings because it’s below Fiverr’s unjustly high threshold.

Exactly. But since that unjustly high threshold is the rule, that’s the game we must play. Doesn’t really matter if it’s fair or not. For Fiverr’s systems, any review under 4.7 is classified as bad. So any client leaving frequent 4 star reviews is actively damaging your account (whether they realize it or not).

If there’s nothing you can improve to turn that 4 in to a 5, or if you think the client “just doesn’t believe in perfection”, the best move you can make is not work with them anymore.

Since Fiverr doesn’t allow you to accept/refuse new orders without destroying your cancel rate, and since you can’t talk to buyers about reviews at all, your best choice is to block them to stop further orders.

For Fiverr’s systems, any review under 4.7 is classified as bad.

But you’re also overlooking the fact that is it the overall AVERAGE that determines promotion or demotion. One 4-star review, and two 5-star reviews from two other sellers is above the threshhold. Fiverr is taking into consideration that fact that for a good seller who is earning orders, a 4-star review is just part of the bigger picture. Unless you have only one order in 30 days, a 4-star review contributes far better mathematics to that all-month average than, say a 1-star review.

It’s the bigger picture that matters when it comes to review ratings for a seller. I keep getting the impression, in this topic, that too many people are getting hung up on just 4-star reviews. Great sellers are usually going to have higher reviews from other sellers, during any given month.

And if there is a single client who always rates 4-star reviews, more often than not, their multiple orders are spread out, and don’t all impact one month. During that month, good sellers will usually have other higher reviews to offset the one or two 4-star reviews from any single seller.

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It is weird to block a seller because you were penalized by Fiverr’s unjust ratings policies. Blocking a seller for giving you an 80% is like throwing a fit at a teacher because you didn’t get 90%.

I agree. I’m fairly certain that Fiverr doesn’t approve of this attitude/perspective either. Blocking a seller because he/she gave a 4-star review, is penalizing the buyer for something that does not affect them. It’s like putting someone in prison for not having committed a crime.

4-star reviews are part of being a great seller here on Fiverr.

Client A - One off 4 star rating - Not a problem/issue. Move on.

Client B - Recurring 4 star rating, same buyers but multiple orders, but still keep giving 4 stars as 5 star doesn’t exist in their world - I’m sorry but I’m not comfortable working with you anymore. SO I have to block you. You’re free to find other sellers who’s more suitable with your expectation.

What’s wrong with this? The point of discussion is emphasizing on the client B. That’s not a hard one to understand right?

Let’s say you have 10 orders on the month.

Scnario A, you have one order from client A, all others are 5 stars: Overall rating: 4.9 (That’s fine)

Now, scenario B, you have 5 orders from client B, all others are 5 stars: Overall rating: 4.5 (This is where the main issue came in)

This is where the main argument lies on.

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If you think buyers have expectation from us, we sellers also have our expectation on the clients. Healthy business requires 2 ways relationship, and it’s essential to have good experiences at both ends.

This discussion becoming more toxic, so I’m out. I’m comfortable with my business strategy and I would care less on how people seeing my way of working is ‘unethical’ or anything. I got my TRS status through this way, and I would do anything within the Fiverr ToS to keep my rank. Well, at least, it’s good to see majority have the same mindset here, except one or two.

Have a nice day.

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Client A - One off 4 star rating - Not a problem/issue. Move on.

Client B - Recurring 4 star rating, same buyers but multiple orders, but still keep giving 4 stars as 5 star doesn’t exist in their world - I’m sorry but I’m not comfortable working with you anymore. SO I have to block you. You’re free to find other sellers who’s more suitable with your expectation.

What’s wrong with this? The point of discussion is emphasizing on the client B. That’s not a hard one to understand right?

Let’s say you have 10 orders on the month.

Scnario A, you have one order from client A, all others are 5 stars: Overall rating: 4.9 (That’s fine)

Now, scenario B, you have 5 orders from client B, all others are 5 stars: Overall rating: 4.5 (This is where the main issue came in)

This is where the main argument lies on.

Recurring 4 star rating, same buyers but multiple orders, but still keep giving 4 stars as 5 star doesn’t exist in their world - I’m sorry but I’m not comfortable working with you anymore. SO I have to block you. You’re free to find other sellers who’s more suitable with your expectation.

Sure, that’s your choice to make, but you’re also cutting off a repeat buyer – and, as any good businessman will tell you, positive repeat customers are the “holy grail” of running a successful business. Since a 4-star review is positive, you would be casting off a great repeat source of revenue. Imagine how much money you could have made from that one buyer, if only you hadn’t cast them off as worthless (to your seller rating) and unkind.

I truly believe that Fiverr intends for sellers to rise and fall in the seller levels. This helps keep the search results fresh. No one is perfect. If Fiverr expects that we, as sellers, aren’t going to be perfect all the time, why should we expect perfection (in ratings) from every buyer who chooses to hire us?

Being able to adapt is part of being a successful businessman/woman.

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Recurring 4 star rating, same buyers but multiple orders, but still keep giving 4 stars as 5 star doesn’t exist in their world - I’m sorry but I’m not comfortable working with you anymore. SO I have to block you. You’re free to find other sellers who’s more suitable with your expectation.

Sure, that’s your choice to make, but you’re also cutting off a repeat buyer – and, as any good businessman will tell you, positive repeat customers are the “holy grail” of running a successful business. Since a 4-star review is positive, you would be casting off a great repeat source of revenue. Imagine how much money you could have made from that one buyer, if only you hadn’t cast them off as worthless (to your seller rating) and unkind.

I truly believe that Fiverr intends for sellers to rise and fall in the seller levels. This helps keep the search results fresh. No one is perfect. If Fiverr expects that we, as sellers, aren’t going to be perfect all the time, why should we expect perfection (in ratings) from every buyer who chooses to hire us?

Being able to adapt is part of being a successful businessman/woman.

Then it comes to the value of the services itself. I’m offering low-end services, so cutting off repeating 4-star buyers doesn’t generally affect me. It might be a different story for high-end services, where every client is equally important to your earnings.

I had one client, he had ordered 15 times with me, but all his ratings are 3 - 4 stars. So after the 16th time, I had to cut him off. Due to this experience, I put my boundaries, 3 orders maximum before I have to cut the buyer off.

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Then it comes to the value of the services itself. I’m offering low-end services, so cutting off repeating 4-star buyers doesn’t generally affect me. It might be a different story for high-end services, where every client is equally important to your earnings.

I had one client, he had ordered 15 times with me, but all his ratings are 3 - 4 stars. So after the 16th time, I had to cut him off. Due to this experience, I put my boundaries, 3 orders maximum before I have to cut the buyer off.

Fair enough. Point of fact, though, I’ve taken a look at your artwork (I even have you bookmarked as a possible purchase if needed), and you have some strong drawing skills. I sincerely encourage you to consider raising your prices significantly. You could easily be earning a LOT more for the level of skill that you have. I saw one premium package of yours listed at $40. If I were you, I would easily be charging well over a $100 for what you offer in that package. Heck, in my off-Fiverr artwork, I’ve charged at least $300 for the level of work you do… and people willingly pay my prices because I have proven my skill – as you have.

It’s a little off-topic here, but I think you’ll allow it, given the compliment. You have skills. Proven skills. I strongly encourage you not to undersell them here on Fiverr.

I charge higher prices for my proven skills, and I have customers. You’re a TRS. You’re easily giving your work away for $40 (which, to be honest, may be why I have your gigs bookmarked – just saying). 😉

Don’t worry so much about what sellers review you at. Clearly people like your work, and you’re getting plenty of 5-star reviews to off-set anything lower. Raise your prices. Seriously. Buyers value higher-priced skilled work even more. Pick a gig, raise your prices, make sure your packages funnel sellers to your higher priced services… and enjoy the increased revenue.

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Fair enough. Point of fact, though, I’ve taken a look at your artwork (I even have you bookmarked as a possible purchase if needed), and you have some strong drawing skills. I sincerely encourage you to consider raising your prices significantly. You could easily be earning a LOT more for the level of skill that you have. I saw one premium package of yours listed at $40. If I were you, I would easily be charging well over a $100 for what you offer in that package. Heck, in my off-Fiverr artwork, I’ve charged at least $300 for the level of work you do… and people willingly pay my prices because I have proven my skill – as you have.

It’s a little off-topic here, but I think you’ll allow it, given the compliment. You have skills. Proven skills. I strongly encourage you not to undersell them here on Fiverr.

I charge higher prices for my proven skills, and I have customers. You’re a TRS. You’re easily giving your work away for $40 (which, to be honest, may be why I have your gigs bookmarked – just saying). 😉

Don’t worry so much about what sellers review you at. Clearly people like your work, and you’re getting plenty of 5-star reviews to off-set anything lower. Raise your prices. Seriously. Buyers value higher-priced skilled work even more. Pick a gig, raise your prices, make sure your packages funnel sellers to your higher priced services… and enjoy the increased revenue.

Thank you for the compliments, it’s really great to hear from you. I’ve decided the current pricing based on my hourly rates, so some of them are in low prices since I can produce them in a short time. However, I will take your advice on rising the price, in fact, I do have a thought of it for quite a long time (but had to suppress it due to Covid-19 so I had to took consideration to not do anything which will interfere with my gigs impression). I’ll probably do so once the Fiverr statistic back to online.

It probably out of topic, but it’s good to hear good words regarding my works/services outside than my usual Fiverr reviews. 😃

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Now I can see that Level 2 seller and TRS seller see 4.x stars very differently.
After you become TRS one day, you will have a different mindset with the 4.x stars.

TRS look more for quality buyers instead of potential orders.
Level2 seller look more on orders.

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80% indicates pleasure. That’s an A grade.

If you got 80% on a test, would you think the teacher hates your work and thinks you suck? Why would a teacher give you an A for work he disapproved of?

It only stings because it’s below Fiverr’s unjustly high threshold.

Well said. I totally agree and understand.

Buyers perspective matters the most.

New buyers don’t go for the gig with 4.8,

Exceptions are there but even when ever I look for any service I go for 5 or 4.9 atleast.

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I have a suspicion that fiverr doesn’t like it when we block buyers for any reason. I had to block 2 people in one week and my gig’s performance went down quite noticeably. Could be a coincidence, of course, but I think it wasn’t. I’d be cautious with the entire “boom, bye!” attitude and reserve the block feature only for the most severe cases.

I just tell people that I don’t feel like I’m a good fit for the project and wish them luck.

A reasonable person will say: “No worries, thank you for your time.” Unreasonable person will resort to insults or threats or start to place orders against your wishes. The former can be blocked with a clear conscience, the later can be blocked and the order can be canceled through CS.

Thanks for your opinion.

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