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Posts posted by levelup_graphic

  1. If are you New Seller! Find out your niche related new sellers which are new ranking on fiverr. Research some 1st page gigs properly (don't copy anything from researched gigs).

    Now create optimized gig for best performance 🙂




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  2. 18 hours ago, torikultarif said:

    I haven't got any knock from fiverr! but i have create my account almost 30 days+ ago.  Can you help me ? what can i do now?

    This is everyone's problem, currently vacations are going on in foreign countries, so this is happening. Orders may increase towards January/2023 🙂


    Thanks and Regard


    Exceptional logo design for you


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  3. 2 hours ago, designerfaisal3 said:

    Hey all,

    I am level one seller in fiverr.  recently buyer request section is updated. After buyer request update i dont get any notification from breif option? 
    I just want to know what is the actual problem in my gig/profile? What can i do now for get breif notification? 
    Give me your opinion or suggestion for help me.


    If your services match with Buyer's needs that can you will chance to get a brief 🙂



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  4. On 5/14/2022 at 1:50 PM, shaminur2020 said:

    Hi thanks for last time help me...

    Within few hours I start getting buyer request. But today I have a favor to ask you all.. Can you all help me to rank my gig on Fiverr.. I want to do a experiment with Fiverr ranking system.  I wanna know how Fiverr system works and people all of a sudden had and start getting orders too fast...  


    Let me share what i done...   Share some of my top competitors !!!

    (1) www.fiverr.com/share/WdlW7d   (2) www.fiverr.com/share/5Ko2V6   (3) www.fiverr.com/share/xl43yq

    (4) www.fiverr.com/share/WdlWkl   (5) www.fiverr.com/share/Z4lrNR


    I made changes according their inspiration but i am not expert

    So, can you guy's help me to show i mistake i made?


    Help me you all are my last hope 😳😟

    @saysanji@danno1950@vickiespencer@nicol_makula @saysanji@shabanajabeen @balanche_11 @alphagev @starseorank @antonmarais1981@bethcleavy

    @frank_d@mahbubstudio @callyofficial@digitizedesign@digitizedteam@leannelrivers @gongor32@krheate

    @ligiacarvalho@ligiacarvalho@surajrenuka @miiila@krheate @theratypist @enunciator

    1. Get first order ASAP

    2. If get any order, then deliver it less time.

    3. Do gig marketing to targeted clients.

    5. Professionally work with clients. 

    4. Wait minimum 45 days for gig ratio.

    If you fillup this criteria you will get top place in fiverr. 




    Exceptional logo design for you.

    • Like 2
  5. Stay online, publish 7 gig with effective keyword Research. Old account is a good side for gig ranking ratio system. 

    Focus on your skill development, you will success in future 🙂




    exceptional logo design for you.


    • Like 3
  6. 12 hours ago, junaed_a said:

    As a new seller, I want to know how many days take to get an order on Fiverr.

    As a new seller, you have to work hard to get orders. Hard work is the key to success. It is not possible to get orders easily if it is a high competition keyword.

    As a new seller, publish gigs with low competition keywords to getting orders. Be active online on mid night times 🙂



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  7. 4 hours ago, a_asif0 said:

    I am a new seller. I have created 3 gig.  But I don't get any other.

    Create more 4 gigs in similar niche and wait for minimum 30 days for gig ratio. 

    If you have good title, gig image and SEO friendly description, you will get order as soon as possible :))

    In this period, you should be try developing your skill basic to advance :)




    • Like 7
  8. Today I wanna share with this community members, how to do proper seo on your gig (Including Title, Description and tags)

    Let's Talk about it 🙂

    If you doesn't know how to do proper SEO in your gig, this topic will be help to for that.

    Example: if you choose a keyword for publish a gig (Look like Keyword is "Business Logo Design")

    Set your title like this

    👁️‍🗨️ I will do creative business logo design for your brand. 

    Following Instruction for description:

    • Use Main keyword on first line
    • Use 4 times main keyword (BUSINESS LOGO DESIGN) 
    • Use 5 times secondary keyword (LOGO DESIGN) 
    • Use 6 times technical keyword (LOGO) 
    • And use 1200 character into the description 

    Now talk about Tags: 

    • First keyword (business logo design)
    • 2nd (logo design)
    • 3rd (business logo)
    • 4th (creative logo)
    • 5th (logo maker)

    Now optimize time 🙂

    Main keyword on the pricing sector

    • Use main keyword on price description box

    and Finally 

    • Use main keyword on the FAQ Section.

    if follow this instruction, your SEO will be work greatly.

    Don't forget to correction any mistakes 🙂


    Looking forward to your good response


    Thanks Regard






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  9. On 11/2/2022 at 8:37 PM, timir69 said:

    Hello good people!


    I can see fiver updated their search result for new gig in the first page, Thats means every gig will be rotation or roster Based on first page for search result.

    Its really good news for new seller and gig opener.


    I m not sure how it will impact the skillset seller who were being found in first page. 


    Thank you 

    Fiber Algorithm will certainly give opportunities to new seller. Because everyone is a seller in the marketplace, The only difference is some are skilled sellers, some are new sellers.



    • Like 11
  10. On 8/19/2020 at 8:50 AM, tariqur_rahman said:

    When I write a tag on gig search tag, it doesn’t not work. I can write on the box but it doesn’t work like tag format, I also use comma but it remain same.

    Please help me to solve this.

    Just type your selected tags on keyword box then press enter from keyboard 🙂

    • Like 21
  11. 2 hours ago, nayon86 said:

    I opened a new account in "Fiverr". Please Provide Some Advice than will help me get first order. Maybe I could bulid my career in fiverr for your Advice. Pray for me. Thanks For your time.

    Follow This Instruction 🙂

    1. Create gig with low competitor keyword
    2. Write gig description from your own idea (not copy from other)
    3. Use FAQ in every gig
    4. Gig title must be use clickable and Seo friendly 
    5. Practice some work which related your category, and use it as portfolio 
    6. Research other gig image and make 3 attractive gig images for your gig (If don't have knowledge about photoshop, then you use free tool Canva. 
    7. Finally, do on-page and gig image Seo properly

    If you follow this, you will be success on fiverr marketplace 😄


    Thanks Regard


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