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About nicol_makula

  • Birthday September 28


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  1. I think the most important part is the communication and customer service when reaching a new Level. Make sure you listen to what your customer wants!
  2. They should clarify that in the design, so that new sellers won't be confused. I was panicking the first time this happened to me, because it's scary to see that Fiverr screams LATE at you.
  3. Thanks for sharing something that is actually new and helpful. I never thought about how the colors of my designs affect the people who look at them, but I guess it something very subconsciously and no one can really explain why they are drawn towards specific designs. Now I have something that I can actually use which is also baked by science to step up my graphic design game. I knew colors was important, but I underestimated HOW MUCH!
  4. I had to laugh because I am currently procrastinating on opening my new SEO optimized gig reading about someone who basically has the same issue, but at least I'm learning, right? ... right? xD
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