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Everything posted by breals

  1. Welcome @stesicoach An interesting and thought provoking topic title that breaks the norm of the usual madness on here. In 6 years I've been on here I can't say I've seen many people in your niche. Whether there is a reason for that I don't know. But. ... You seem a qualified, compassionate and hugely capable freelancer, so anything that you can do to help the patient or family have a less traumatic experience. Then good on you!!!! Good luck in your Fiverr journey!
  2. 1) You claim to be able to promote businesses to millions of Facebook users worldwide? 2) You also claim to be a digital marketing expert? By your own definition. these claims must be fabricated? They have to be, as if you were as good as you say you are, you would be getting orders through every day. So, the reality is. If you can't grow your own business, then how can you be expected to take peoples hard earned money and deliver results to them? The principle of digital marketing isn't just about joining a Facebook group with lots of followers and posting business onto it, and hoping for the best. You either need to reassess your own skills, or think about weather freelancing is for you. But remember! if you can't Walk the Walk, then don't Talk the Talk!
  3. The same way it was possible in 2022. Create gigs that focus on quality!!!! Don't just add them and hope for the best. It's about a customer looking at your offering and going wow! That's exactly what I was looking for. If your gigs look and feel the same as the next, then you will just blend in with an ever growing workforce!
  4. The ones that relate to the gig you're selling.... It's almost impossible for anyone to answer this question, as it's completely down to you as the business owner which ones you select. First, understand your niche and your target audience and you will then understand the keywords you need to try!
  5. breals


    I am getting around 20 -30 spam requests a week now. I agree with @donnovan86 it's getting ridiculous! They all seem to have profiles showing their from the US, with a current time in Africa or Asia. Because the spam checker isn't picking all of these up, I have to reply to them before reporting them so my response rate isn't affected.
  6. Well according to your profile you have Apple, Linkedin and Amazon as your clients 🙂 Can you not contact these and ask them to support you? Problem solved!
  7. There are currently 35,000 business card designers on Fiverr. Ask yourself this. What are you doing differently to entice people into buying from you instead of the other 34,999 freelancers? It would also appear that you're using templates to design your cards, when your gig description states that your designs are unique? If you do the same as everyone else then you're just another sheep in an ever growing flock!
  8. It sounds like a bunch of bored science geeks got stoned in their garage and came up with something cool to wow the chicks 😀 Apparently their next experiment will be OI driven compliments to get them laid 🙂
  9. Great profile @hassanzeyad You're clearly very good at what you do. It's a good question. I guess that any buyer could potentially take legal action against us if they felt that we didn't deliver something that impacted their business. But, i suppose we all carry this risk whether we're on the Fiverr platform, or somewhere else. As you know, legal costs are expensive, and the threats people make are normally hampered by the costs, and the likelihood of them winning in court. However, the buyer has a number of days to accept the order and carry out their own due diligence on the work you've produced. When they accept the order, they are effectively saying that they are happy with the work you've done. If they retrospectively find out you have made an error, the only option they have is to contact Fiverr CS and express their concerns. I don't think they can sue you directly on the Fiverr platform, so unless they have your personal details from somewhere else. Legal action threats or concerns will be picked up and answered by Fiverr CS. It's a complicated one. But experience tells me that the threats like these are rarely followed through. There may be some legal boffins on here that may be able to give you a more concrete answer, but my advise is not to worry about it until Fiverr tell you you need to be worried.
  10. Please! for the sake of your customers, amend your gig to say you're NOT Fluent in English. This will help you in the long run. Also. have you not listened to any of the advice you were given about your live chat services? How can you expect to communicate with a businesses customers if you can't string a sentence together?
  11. As well as that, your data entry gig has an image that has all of your clients personal details on it. Are these American customers aware that you have published their names, addresses and email addresses for everyone to see? I'm sure if they were contacted they would be mortified to know you have breached their personal data. If you're a data entry specialist you should be aware of the importance of securing your clients information, clearly you have a lot to learn. But please, @nurujjaman1998 for the sake of these people, and their privacy. Take this image down!
  12. breals

    No getting order

    @faraztech4 The reason you're not getting any work is this 👇 If I have to point out what the issue is then resume writing isn't for you, and you should focus your attention onto something else!
  13. I actually found this webinar really interesting. I'm quite techy myself, but some of it scared the shit out of me 🙂 Is it just me though, or are the lines still blurred? I can still see this open to abuse, even with the new categories.
  14. Well, based on the amount of people that claim to be, or advising people to share on the social media platforms, you would have to refresh the feed every second to keep up. 🙂
  15. @my_guy Have you just replied on a thread entitled How I saved a writer from chatGPT and got their business back With chatGPT? Seriously???????
  16. So every month I run my gigs through a plagiarism checker and report the sellers that have copied my them. Some months it's pretty bad. I report those individuals and follow up in a couple of weeks time to make sure they have been taken down. Sometimes they haven't, and in the past I have reported them again. Sometimes it has taken 3 attempts. Based on what i'm reading in the new guidance, it looks like I can potentially have a black mark against me for chasing Fiverr up for not pulling down Plagiarised gigs? Surely this should be an exception for contacting customer service more than once? it's inevitable that with all of the messages they get that these will sometimes get missed, but it's not fair on us if they do, and opportunist freelancers continue to take advantage of our gigs that we have taken time and effort to write? Apologies if I have misread the guidance, or missed it altogether.
  17. @catwriter It's really frustrating to see freelancers who are willing to take a customers hard earned money based on lies and fabrication, then come on here asking for advice. It's almost like they post a gig claiming to be a specialist first, then scramble around trying to learn the skills before an order comes through? @khairul1986 My advise is to not sell gigs you're not an expert in. If you can't grow your own business, then how can you be expected to grow a customers?
  18. Stop posting incorrect information. If you don't know the answer then don't make it up for the sake of forum badges. Being active on the Fiverr forum has no benefit in getting sales on the main Fiverr plaftorm.
  19. It it just me, or does this sound like you've got xx days to get your shit in order before an almighty purge? Based on what we have seen over the last few months in terms of VVRO etc.. could it be that Fiverr are now going to tighten their belts and finally take action against the fakes and scammers? By sending it out to everyone, its almost like its a 'we did warn you first' message! Watch this space!
  20. You state in your profile that you're fluent in English? Yet your posts are barely legible? Are you therefore a FAKE yourself?
  21. My advice is, don't be something you're not. You have to feel comfortable on the calls, and if you're wearing smart clothes for the sake of it then it'll feel uncomfortable and unnatural. I tend to wear t-shirts, as long as the don't have anything offensive on it, this tends to be the casual dress that most people accept these days. In terms of background, I have an office with a fake brick Wallpaper behind me, as it's nice and generic. But people sell people, and I would always recommend that you spend your time thinking about how you build up your confidence speaking to others, rather than how things look. providing of course that you don't have anything stupid in your background which has been covered above. What I will say though is that the zoom calls become easier the more you do, and dare I say fun? they break up my day and at best guess I have probably done 200 plus on Fiverr alone. Each one has got better over time, and I will never go back to the old way of working. Why? exactly the reasons @newsmike has mentioned. I want to work out if the person I am selling a service to is the real deal, isn't going to screw me over, and is crystal clear on the service I am providing. I am interviewing them, just as much as they are me. Hope this helps.
  22. If you use a chat bot to generate your replies then you're likely to get people banned. Asking for reviews from buyers is against the Fiverr TOS. Here's a tip for you @the_graphicshop If you have nothing to say yourself then it's best to just read the forum.
  23. What? You're lying about your ability to speak English fluently? Or you keep cutting your finger when using sharp knives 😀 Did you bother to read the comments above? or are you just hellbent on getting your next forum badge?
  24. You offer live chat support gigs in English ? you also claim to be fluent in English Are you looking for someone with good communication skills and who is awesome at composing perfect English? Then you are at the right gig and the right place. Based on your forum post you can barely string a sentence together. If anyone buys this gig they are going to be very disappointed
  25. You're using a bot to generate generic answers in the vain hope that you will get some form of credibility. Whilst you're more than welcome to do it, I don't have to agree with you using it. With no sales or experience, how can you possibly have an opinion, or advise people on how Fiverr works? Especially when only few days ago you were asking for help on your 1st order. Also, you claim to be fluent in English, yet when you're answering in your own text, without a bot, you're clearly lying about your fluency.
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