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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Gig impressions are related to your seller performance and your title, tags, and gig descriptions. So improve your seller stats, keep your customers happy, and make sure that your title, tags, and gig descriptions reflect what your target buyer will enter into search to find your services. You have much more data than we have, so take a look at the data to see if you can narrow down the reasons for your low impressions. There usually is a reason.
  2. Hi @pankojchowdhury - I've asked for your post to be moved. This is a category for experienced buyers to give tips to other buyers. Gig links can only be shared in "My Fiverr Gigs" or "Improve My Gig." Thanks!
  3. That's the worst. Buyers should buy because they need the service, not because of the seller's monetary problem. Exactly! Sellers who can only think of themselves won't understand this fundamental rule of business. They will try to guilt-trip anyone they can find to feel sorry for them and place the order (and don't even mention their services)! This really shocks me. If I have issues, the first "cause" I look at is myself. Over 99% of the time, the problem is me. Which is how I'd like it to be, because at least I can do something about it. Unfortunately, there are some sellers that can't admit that they have a role in either their problem (or their solution). I like how Fiverr is moving to Buyer Briefs because it emphasizes skill and quality over "anyone can make a bid." If you do good work, you will be rewarded. I'm glad Fiverr is now being more strict on "quality of services" and are starting to deny new sellers and gigs that don't meet those quality standards. This is going to be really hard for those who depend on Buyer Requests for orders. No matter what I say, they believe that Fiverr is doing them wrong. They don't see the opportunity here. Thanks for posting @katakatica! I'm #2. 😊 I always love to hear what you have to say. I don't think you are harsh - new sellers need to hear this!
  4. If this problem still persists, you can always reach out to Customer Support by creating a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/payments-and-withdrawals/withdrawals/unable-to-withdraw-funds/create-ticket
  5. Hi @muttalibripon, do you have any other withdrawal methods? I use either PayPal or Bank Transfer (via Payoneer) to withdraw. If one method fails, usually the other one works.
  6. @williambryan392 or @imagination7413, can we lock this thread? It's from last year. Thanks!
  7. As long as your "Get brief" option is on, you are good to go. If you don't receive any notification, it's because Fiverr doesn't have any matches for you at this time. Fiverr doesn't guarantee that it will send briefs to you (it's not like Buyer Requests where you might see many new requests pop up every day). Since we can't control how many briefs Fiverr sends us, we should focus on improving our gigs and skills so that we can attract our target buyers in search.
  8. As long as you have your "Get brief" option activated, you can get briefs from Fiverr. Please note that Fiverr doesn't guarantee that you will get any briefs. If you don't see any briefs, it's because Fiverr doesn't have any matches for you. When I first turned the "Get brief" feature on, I didn't see any briefs for several months. Don't depend on briefs for orders because you can't control how many you get. Instead, work on tailoring your gigs to your target buyer so you can be found in search.
  9. Lol! I forgot this one! Yes, I turn this off most of the time. If I ever turn it on, I turn it off when I'm asleep or not working. As soon as I get the promoted gig order, I turn it off. This is a very new feature that is only available to some Seller Plus members. Hopefully you are on Seller Plus! I only needed to experience it once ...and then came to the forum to learn how to make it stop! I didn't like waking up in the morning to 10 new orders (and some of them were expedited)! I really prefer to have my buyers contact me ahead of time so we can discuss before an order is placed. Same here! Good for you! I've never had a late delivery, but I have extended delivery dates on orders before. If you've never done that, kudos to you! This might be a little high, you might have to take on less if you have too many orders. Good luck! I wish the best for you!
  10. Hi @laurens_designs, I know how you feel! Right now, I'm making the same with 15-20 orders/month as I was making with 87 orders in April. April was a nightmare and I don't ever want to experience that again. You can read about what I did here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/281871-i-stopped-offering-expedited-deliveries-and-doubled-my-delivery-times-and-this-is-what-happened/#comment-1812423 The good news is, since May, I've been able to consistently keep my orders at 15-20 per month depending on the type of orders that I'm getting. This is where I want to be. This allows me to homeschool, take care of errands, and still make a full-time income. I also had the Fiverr's Choice badge pretty consistently since April, so doing all of this hasn't hurt my ability to get orders. Here's a list of what I do to control my orders: Restructuring packages: I modified my packages and restructured my offerings so that my basic package was much higher. Instead of offering a cover letter as the basic package, I now offer a resume (with the cover letter as a gig extra). Turning off expedited orders: I only do expedited orders for repeat buyers with quick and easy orders. I refuse all other expedited orders. Extended deliveries times: I have 10-14 days delivery times on orders that I can deliver in 1-3 days. On custom orders, I often request 3 weeks or longer. This allows me to schedule my orders around my schedule and other orders better. It also allows me to work in days off. Extending delivery dates: You might have to extend the delivery dates of open orders due to an unexpected influx of orders on the same day. Communicate with your buyers and change those delivery dates to stagger your work so you aren't overwhelmed. Price increases: My average selling price is now 10x what it was what I first started. I still increase the prices until the orders stop. If I need to, I'll lower prices temporarily to allow more orders in. However, overall, I'm steadily increasing my prices each month. Out-Of-Office (OOS): If I need to, I'll use the Out-Of-Office for 4 days at a time to take my gigs off the market. Pausing my gigs: I'll also pause my gigs for 4 days at a time if needed. Saying "No": I still turn away most inquiries that come in my inbox and am very picky about the projects I choose to take on. I'd rather be picky than do a lot of cancelations. Saying "no" requires you to have a good handle on order planning and scheduling. I like to be 1-3 months out on my order planning. Limiting revisions: I used to offer unlimited revisions, which led to cancelations, and a lot of stress for me. I now offer 3 free revisions and charge for more. This has been working great! Canceling orders: I don't like to do cancelations but sometimes it's the right thing to do, especially if you get an influx of orders and it's in the buyer's best interest to cancel. Limiting orders in queue: I have a hard time timing this one right. I'm going to turn this to 0 right before the Christmas holidays. Withdrawing custom offers: If I'm swamped, I go through my inbox and withdraw all my custom offers I made that are older than a week old so that I don't have any surprise orders. I'll create offers again if the buyer ever comes back. Request to Order: I now use the new Request to Order feature to prevent buyers from ordering straight from my gig. It's important to react immediately when you see your workload going in a direction that you don't want. If you are pulling all-nighters, drinking too many Monster drinks, if dust is beginning to settle around you and your computer station, you are losing weekends, and don't have time for your other responsibilities (or for self-care), you should probably take action before it gets out of hand. I have kids who are very honest, so it's easier for me to gauge how well I'm balancing my workload with the rest of my life.
  11. @iuliaroman, please be careful who you take advice from on the forum. Both of the members above who suggested that you advertise on social media to increase impressions have zero reviews. Which is much less than what you have. You won't increase impressions from social media because impressions (and clicks) come from buyers who find you in Fiverr's marketplace using the search function. Impressions and clicks are only related to Fiverr's search function and will not include traffic from your own promotion. If you are sharing your link on social media, traffic will bypass Fiverr's search and will go directly to your gig via the link you are sharing (so this won't be tracked by impressions and clicks). While you are free to advertise on social media, I actually never do. The whole reason why I joined Fiverr was so that I didn't have to do my own advertising. The only advertising I do is to make sure my gigs are tailored to my target buyers and I maintain high seller metrics. This ensures that I get found in search. And that is how Fiverr is designed. Focus on improving your gigs, performance, and quality of services, and Fiverr will market you if you have high quality and good performance. You also don't need to stay online 24/7 or depend on buyer request/buyer briefs for orders. If your impressions are low, that means you aren't considered "relevant" when buyers search for your services. Your relevancy is based on your keywords, titles, tags, and gig descriptions AND your seller performance. Make sure to pick keywords that your target buyers will include in search. If your clicks are low, you aren't attractive to your buyers. They have 2 seconds to look at you gig image, title, price, and seller level/rating. If your gig doesn't appeal to them, they will click on another seller's gig image. Include 2-5 words on your gig thumbnail so that buyers know what you are offering (it wasn't so clear to me). Fiverr's search pulled up 95,579 gigs in your category, so that is your competition. Niche down so that your gig doesn't get lost in the crowd. Make your gig images visually stand out from the crowd. Add a gig video to showcase your skills and convince buyers to pick you. If you aren't getting many orders, that means buyers are visiting your gig and then moving on to your competition. So you've got to tailor your gig to them. Speak to their pain points and show them why you are the answer. Utilize all 3 of your gig images and 2 PDFs to showcase your services and skills. Utilize all 10 FAQs so there's no question in your buyers mind about your services. There are many good members and content to follow on the forum, where you can get good information on how to improve your Fiverr business. Here are few links for you to get started (from top-rated sellers): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ I also solicited feedback from top-rated sellers in this post here (if you want to get to know some more top-rated sellers): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282557-%F0%9F%A4%A9popular-top-rated-sellers-what-are-your-thoughts-on-these-comments-about-becoming-trs/?do=findComment&comment=1784338
  12. The "Get brief" feature doesn't guarantee that you will get briefs. Fiverr will only send you briefs if you are matched to buyer. Don't depend on this feature for orders, because you can't control how many briefs you will get. Instead, focus on getting orders through different channels. If you have current clients, you can direct them to order your services here on Fiverr.
  13. Fiverr doesn't guarantee that you'll get any buyer briefs, so I wouldn't depend on buyer briefs for orders. Instead read the articles that I sent you (see above), so that you can start changing your business so that you can become more visible in search.
  14. You can mark the buyer as "spam" (if they haven't ordered from you) or block them (if they have purchased from you). You are correct - if a buyer orders from you directly from the gig, you can't vet a buyer before the purchase. However, if issues pop up during the order, you can always submit a ticket so that Customer Support can step in and help.
  15. As long as you've turned on the "Get brief" option, there isn't any problem. It just means that Fiverr hasn't found any matches for you. There aren't as many Buyer Briefs as Buyer Requests. Fiverr also doesn't guarantee that you'll get any briefs at all, so some sellers won't see any. Don't depend on getting briefs as a way to get orders. It's just a "nice-to-have." Instead, focus on improving your gigs and services so that they can attract your target buyers. This will help you become more visible in search.
  16. You can turn your Live Gallery off and on and all the samples that have been approved by your buyers will still be there (even those approved when this is turned off). When the Live Gallery is turned off, you will have the option of enabling/disabling the Live Gallery sample for each delivery. Buyers can still approve samples to add to the Live Gallery if you enable that in the delivery. It just won't show up until you turn the Live Gallery back on by checking that option on your Gig page.
  17. This thread has been reported. @williambryan392, can you lock this thread? It's getting spammy. Thanks!
  18. You can and you could include it in your delivery message. I'm not as direct. At the end of my delivery message, I state it this way: So I hint for them to close the order but I don't tell them to mark the order as complete. That's their choice.
  19. It shouldn't affect your Pro application. It might affect how many briefs you see. Set your rate, monitor, and adjust if necessary. Some sellers are seeing more briefs with higher prices, and others are seeing more briefs with lower prices.
  20. July 9th was when I requested that this topic be pinned (to hopefully prevent spammy threads showing up on the forum). That hasn't helped. I'm not sure what the best solution is for handling these type of posts. I know @imagination7413 has been working diligently to merge all of the BB/BR topics into one master thread, and that has been really helpful. I don't know if the words "buyer request" and "buyer brief" can be added to the list for automatic flagging (Or if posts with those words can be automatically moved to a dedicated BB/BR forum). That would be nice.
  21. Making changes can delay the review of your application, so the review may take longer. And depending on the change, it might even influence the result of your Pro application review. The best thing to do is wait until you get a response/update from the review team.
  22. Most likely the messages were automatically moved to your spam box.
  23. It's actually been about 4 months (since July 9th), when it was first announced on the forum that buyer requests were getting a makeover. I've been responding to many of these posts every day and I'm not sure if I'm much help either. The "Get briefs" button is a bit misleading. It implies that if you turn this feature on, you will get briefs. Some sellers won't see or receive any briefs. The algorithm is set up to ensure that the best matches are shown to buyers (not that every seller will get a brief). Buyer Requests trained sellers to see lots of requests. I always had 800+ active buyer requests showing. However, I only see 3-5 relevant briefs a day (which is more than enough for me). Eliminating buyer requests is a huge game changer for sellers. Those who can adapt their businesses to NOT depend on buyer briefs will be the ones who thrive. It will be devastating for sellers who don't know how to adapt their business to these recent changes. I agree! Fiverr is designed to show high-performing and high-quality gigs to buyers, so this change to Buyer Briefs is in line with their business model. Our most powerful marketing tool on Fiverr is our gigs. Our gigs not only show what we can do (our skill), it also shows buyers a snapshot of our seller performance, professionalism, and credibility. Sellers who consistently deliver high quality and keep their buyers happy will do well on this platform.
  24. Hi @sohangazi1, the review process for Pro applications is manual, so it can take some time before they respond to you. How long has it been? I also wouldn't suggest making any changes to your profile or gig while Fiverr is reviewing your Pro application. Just be patient and wait until you hear back from them.
  25. Hi @emmaanimator1, if you've had a negative private review (which you'll never see), that can cause your impressions to tank. Usually a negative private review can stay on your account for 90 days or more. The best remedy is to get more orders with positive private reviews to boost your seller performance so that the search algorithm sees you as more relevant (and will make your gig more visible). This can be difficult, but there are ways to get orders without depending on Fiverr search or promoted gigs. Here are some ways that you can market yourself: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/ This article contains more from the same forum member on how to get out of the sales slump (note: instead of Buyer Requests, consider Buyer Briefs): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104901-getting-through-the-sales-slump-upyour/ If you are on Seller Plus, there's other ways to bring in orders that are not based on organic search (such as offering past buyers coupons). When I do get buyers, I get an average of 5 orders per buyer due to planning ahead. While working on the current order, I always talk with the buyers about their needs and future projects. I have some buyers that are discussing projects that they want completed 6 months to a year from now. The more repeat buyers that you get, the more resilient your business will be. You can have 0 impressions in search, but have a thriving business because of your repeat buyers.
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