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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 10 hours ago, aubergine07 said:

    "Please don't forget to review your deliver before it auto-completes!" 

    Here's what I use:

    Hi {username}! This is just a friendly reminder that your order will auto-close in less than 24 hours.

    To request more time to review your order, from the order delivery, select "I'm not ready yet" and "I need more time to review." You can extend your review period for up to five days at a time.

    If you would like a revision, from the order delivery, select "I'm not ready yet" and "I still need revisions." You have two free revisions remaining on this order.

    Otherwise, if all is good and you do not need any further revisions, the order will auto-close and be marked as complete.

    If the order auto-closes, send this message in the inbox:

    Hi {username}! I noticed that your order was auto-closed by Fiverr and marked as complete. It was a pleasure serving you and I wish you the best of luck with your project! Thanks again for your business. Feel free to contact me here in the inbox if you have any questions related to your order or future projects!

    It's important for buyers to know that I didn't close the order. Also, buyers will sometimes come back to tell me that they didn't get notifications of the delivery or their revision request didn't go through. So it's good for them to know how to contact me if there were any issues doing that - especially since they may be alarmed that they can't add more messages on a closed order. The last thing you want a buyer to do is feel like you closed them off and their only recourse is to vent via their public review.

    Note: Most of these messages are for newer buyers. Like @smartdezigns, I deal with repeat buyers differently and I don't mention leaving feedback at all.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

    I've been receiving less reviews. 

    I know as a buyer, I feel more pressure as a buyer to not make a mistake in my review. I also don't want to have to jump through all the hoops to leave a review (especially with the different screens). I do find myself rushing through so I can get to written part (or waiting until later so that I can take the time to leave one). I can see how buyers can get busy and forget to leave one (or rush through and make a mistake).

    • Like 38
  3. 7 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

    Secondly, what if they leave a feedback on Order Page (chat box) then how should we convince them to leave a feedback? 

    If they leave feedback on the order page (or inbox chats), I just ask them if I can use their comments in my advertising to future clients (then I save a screenshot of that approval). Buyers don't have to leave public feedback if they don't want (and many times my resume clients come after several weeks/months to tell me that my resume landed them interviews, LinkedIn connects, or a job). So I just keep those for marketing purposes if clients need additional proof/assurances of the quality of my work.

    • Like 36
  4. 8 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

    It has always concerned me that their system will detect that word "review" and then boom (account suspension)

    I've always used the word "feedback" or "comments" - as in, "Feel free to leave feedback on this order..."

    ...or I'll just mention for them to "add the delivery image to my gallery when leaving comments on this order."

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  5. I agree with @katakatica - I think it's great that we have clear guidelines from Fiverr about asking or following up on reviews left by customers, but I wouldn't even mention reviews after making a delivery. I think even mentioning the review (or asking "How can I improve?") puts undue pressure on the buyer, especially if they gave you less than a perfect score.

    I have one statement in my delivery message that lets buyers know that leaving honest reviews is appreciated because it lets other buyers know how it is to work with me. Other than that, I don't follow up after the delivery unless the buyer didn't even acknowledge the delivery (and at that point, I do reach out to let the buyer know that the order will auto-close, what it means, and how to request more review time/revisions if they need it).


    5 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Once submitted, unless it violates our Terms of Service, a review can only be changed or removed by Customer Support.

    I noticed buyers can change their reviews if it wasn't the review that they wanted to leave (and CS seems okay with making the change). If buyers change their reviews, sellers should be able to change their responses to the review. Otherwise, sellers may come off as insensitive or rude because their responses are no longer relevant to the new review left by the buyer.

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  6. Hi @shanta350,

    It should be your picture ...and since the Fiverr account is yours, your ID is the only acceptable form of ID to verify your account.

    Even for minor accounts (requiring parents to agree to the ToS), the minor's ID is needed. This is to ensure that all information is accurate and truthful. This means that if you don't have an ID (such as a passport), you can't verify your account (and using someone else's identity violates Fiverr's ToS and could get your account banned).

    The best thing to do is reach out to Customer Service to find out what you should do to get your account straightened out. It doesn't make sense to keep operating using someone else's ID. There may be other forms of ID/documentation that you already have that may be acceptable for Fiverr. Otherwise, you will need to get an acceptable form of ID before you will be allowed to offer services on Fiverr.

    • Like 12
  7. 2 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

    One peculiar thing I observed in someone's screenshots of CS response yesterday is that flagged accounts can still share their gigs with buyers and get the orders too but they cannot participate in the new level system!! 

    I mean there might still be some hope for certain accounts, if not for all of them. 

    Yes, none of these accounts look like they are permanently suspended - they can just operate as normal, it's just that they won't have a level assigned to them. This looks to be a permanent thing, though, and who knows what the long-term effect of being "level-less" will bring. There's not much motivation if your account is permanently out of the level system (especially if you were falsely flagged). Newer accounts will get hit harder than established sellers (with lots of repeat buyers).

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  8. 16 hours ago, kulkicreatives said:

    Fiverr released the new AI system which went Red Queen and flagged a bunch of accounts falsely. I am further assuming that those whose accounts are flagged might have at least one warning in the past (I had one warning in 2019) so the AI assumed that all those who had a past warning are "bad sellers" and should be flagged.

    4 hours ago, kerpoostudio said:

    Does anyone have any news? 

    Based on the different threads on the forum (showing screenshots of CS responses), it looks like Fiverr decided that all past history would be relevant (this includes all cancelations -regardless of the reason - and all past/forgiven warnings). So many things that haven't affected accounts before the change are now affecting accounts and Fiverr doesn't have plans on reversing this change at the moment. At least that's what some of the CS responses were saying (I see mixed responses from CS in all the different posts).

    If Fiverr really doesn't have plans on changing this, that may be the reason why no one is getting a response from Fiverr regarding their account (or if they do, they are just told that the decision is final and the ticket gets closed). This is how Fiverr usually communicates with flagged accounts.

    However, this doesn't excuse Fiverr's actions (or lack of communication). Fiverr only states that they started implementing a "new policy," but they owe it to sellers to be transparent about what this new policy entails, what's being flagged, and why. An official statement from Fiverr really needs to be posted somewhere (and sooner is better than later) to clarify this policy to all sellers, regardless of whether their account is flagged or not.

    March 14th is just around the corner and it's really concerning that this hasn't been addressed by Fiverr yet (to all sellers on the platform).

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  9. 28 minutes ago, gongor32 said:

    Where you seeing these reports?

    Click on the "How to Improve Your Gig" button at the bottom of any gig's Success Score:



    I think, @katakatica, the extension request would affect the "Conflict-free orders" the most if the buyer rejects that request. But I don't really trust that CS understands all that goes into this score.

    For example, in my "Website Content" gig above, "Conflict-free orders" and "Order Cancellations" (along with "Effective Communication" are the top three areas that I need to improve on this gig. However, in this gig I have zero cancellations, the only conflicts I do are the order extensions, and this gig is all about communication - basically, I review their website content, tell the buyer what's not working for them, and then let them know what can be done to improve their content. Based on Fiverr's explanation for "Effective Communication," they do look at the tone of your communication (has to be a "friendly, polite tone"), so I'm wondering if my constructive criticism of my buyers' website hasn't been friendly or polite enough.

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  10. Just now, chopperbricks said:

    I heard revisions impact it too

    That's a good point. I bet revisions will impact it. I don't know if requests for more "review" time will. Those usually make my orders last twice as long.

    I think what's scary is, a lot of these metrics depend on the automated system, which makes incorrect assumptions. I use the delivery extension feature a lot, mostly because my buyers need more time (to get me information I need to complete the work, or personal issues come up on their side). I also cancel orders and open new orders with buyers who bought the expensive package (and I can see that they can do with the lesser package). I wonder if those are all seen as "high conflict orders." 

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  11. Hi @samcaff, Conflict-free orders refer to the metrics indicating that there were issues in the order.  This includes any disputes or Help Center tickets that are placed regarding an order. This includes:

    • Delivery extension requests, especially if the buyer rejects or doesn't respond to the request. This indicates that the seller is unable to meet the agreed-upon deadline.
    • Order update requests, especially if a buyer goes through the Resolution Center to requesting one (this indicates that the sellers isn't responsive).
    • Cancellation requests, these are probably a high indicator of orders with conflict, especially if they do result in cancellations.
    • Any Help Desk Ticket placed referring to an order number, this would also a high indicator of orders with conflicts.

    This metric also looks at how these disputes are being handled between buyer and seller (especially if they are constantly rejecting the other's disputes, or if it escalates to the point where Customer Service needs to step in). I'm sure there are other aspects of the "Conflict-free orders" score that aren't listed by Fiverr (like these are).

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  12. 4 hours ago, cheftychefty said:

    That's easy for you to say so calmly because your livelihood and everything you've worked for isn't on the line

    When my Fiverr account was shut down by a hacker last year (yes, I did have 2-factor authentication), I thought it was the end. The hacker withdrew all my Earnings, and closed my account with the reason of "I have multiple Fiverr accounts." All of my orders in queue were canceled and I had to wait (and hope) for Fiverr to fix things on their end. I didn't know if they would believe that I didn't actually close my Fiverr account (even though it looked like me) and that I didn't have multiple Fiverr accounts. My Fiverr account wasn't the thing that was hacked, my online ID was also stolen, so other crazy things were going on online (in my name) that I was trying to stop, which resulted in several thousand dollars lost. PayPal wouldn't believe that someone else was making online purchases in my name (even if their logins were on the other side of the globe). 

    Since Fiverr was my only source of income, my only choice was to rely on the help of CS. Even if it took them days to respond and I couldn't communicate with any of my buyers or explain to them why their orders were suddenly canceled. It was a scary feeling to be cut off that way. Especially when I have kids at home and mouths to feed. I had a folder called "End of Fiverr" because I didn't know if I would be able to pull out of it.

    I was very lucky that my account was restored and that I was able to recover from that hacking incident. It really makes me more sympathetic towards those whose accounts are flagged for ToS violations (and they never get an acceptable response from Fiverr - after 60-90 days their accounts are permanently suspended). I would never wish that on anyone.

    4 hours ago, cheftychefty said:

    And I'm sorry for being so angry but this is literally my only form of income for myself and my family

    You have every right to be angry. Or to feel whatever feelings you're having right now.

    As @emmaki mentioned, Fiverr puts its sellers through an emotional rollercoaster with its gamification of seller stats. As much as I love Fiverr, the way that they run their business does impact sellers' livelihood, mental health, and physical health. Sellers are expected to perform at 110% for each and every order, and sometimes, that's not enough. The algorithm also isn't kind if you ever find yourself on the other end of the spectrum where there may be a dip in buyer satisfaction or if you somehow trigger an account flagging. It's a very brutal system. It's really tough being a seller on Fiverr. Especially if it is your only source of income.

    I played Fiverr's game and got hooked. Within three months of posting my first gig, I was able to quit my day job and do Fiverr full-time. I got Fiverr's Choice orders and gazed lovingly through all of my 5-star reviews. I spend a lot of time working on making my Fiverr business better. If there was even a blip on my seller stats, I worked feverishly to correct it. And when the hacking incident happened, I went into a frenzy for months to pull myself out of that and was able to hit all-time highs in my Earnings. Then five months ago, my husband suddenly passed away. When I came home from his funeral, I got the alert from Fiverr that I finally reached TRS status. Suddenly Fiverr didn't have the same appeal. All that work, and somehow I missed what really mattered.

    So you are right, @cheftychefty, if I don't seem like I care much about Fiverr and their response rate. I've already checked out. Fiverr will do what they always do. But I do care about the plight of sellers. And I do want to see you all succeed. You are all still my war buddies, even if I'm not really in this war anymore.

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  13. Hi Everyone, I think @Kesha is addressing some of these questions in the main Fiverr update thread. It may be good to check the thread below or jump in on the conversation there (@Kesha can only be in one place at a time):

    Unfortunately, there probably won't be any new information coming from Fiverr over the next few days. It looks like @Lyndsey_Fiverr is monitoring this thread and is relaying relevant information to the Product team. I'm guessing it will be a week or more before Fiver has an official update with more information/direction regarding location inconsistencies and linkages to accounts violating Fiverr's ToS.

    Note: I wish I could say something more reassuring to those who have been flagged. know how frustrating it can be to be left in the dark with no answers and your account and livelihood at risk. 😟

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  14. 2 hours ago, emmaki said:

    1) As far as Fiverr is concerned, they have given us valid information. 

    2) This information will probably be tweaked in the coming weeks

    I have to agree with you, @emmaki. Except I don't know if going to CS will do anything for these sellers. Since we still don't have a response from Fiverr, this is what we can devise, based on the sellers who have posted here:

    1.    There is no bug, all of this was expected by Fiverr.
    With Fiverr’s changes in the new leveling system, Fiverr expected a high number of sellers to 1) get really low success scores (these threads are getting responses from Fiverr) or 2) have their accounts flagged (these are treated as standard, flagged accounts – cookie-cutter responses from CS and also very little response from Fiverr on the forum).

    2.    Fiverr is confident in their new flagging system.
    Based on the CS responses, with this new launch, Fiverr instituted a “new criteria” to flag accounts that have location inconsistencies or are somehow linked to a Fiverr account that violated Fiverr’s ToS. However, this system is automated, and since Fiverr is confident in it, there doesn’t seem to be any manual reviews. At best, Fiverr CS may quickly review the alerts of this automated system and decide if there was a false flag or not.

    3.    Fiverr’s treatment of flagged sellers hasn’t really changed.
    Any flagged account will simply be “flagged for violation of Fiverr’s ToS” (notifications may not be sent but sellers will see this flag in their levels overview). Sellers may or may not be told the reason for the flagging (at least in this case, sellers are getting a reason). Sellers will be instructed to go to CS, and CS will be instructed to send the same responses to any account with this flag and to close the ticket as “resolved.”

    4.    Sellers are left in the dark.
    We don’t know what this new criteria is for “location inconsistency” or “linkage to another account.” It may all be valid, but many of us are wondering if it will be okay to use shared wifi, travel, move, work remotely, (or even be in the same area as another Fiverr seller). We also don’t know exactly what will happen to accounts that have this flag (what sellers are supposed to do if they have the flag, whether this flag is permanent, or if it eventually leads to an account suspension).

    I’m hoping Fiverr will provide all of us with answers, but maybe this is all part of their plan to start culling and differentiating sellers on this platform. For Fiverr, this was all to be expected and they don’t see any issues with all of the flaggings that just took place.

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  15. 6 hours ago, Lyndsey_Fiverr said:

    Hi! I raised this issue to our product team and will keep you all updated on what we hear back,

    Thanks for all your help, @Lyndsey_Fiverr! This is really strange - I've never seen 4 pages of "reports" on the forum (all within a day), reporting the same issue. I'm curious to see what the Product Team says.

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  16. Just now, msw_77 said:

    My friend travelled frequently inter cities in the same country. So we are not supposed to move around ?
    If that is the case it is highly against the nomad lifestyle which alot of freelancers adopt and it is one of the pros being freelancer that you can work and travel.

    I'm wondering if users who may temporarily share the same internet with family/friends/coworkers/public wifi that is triggering this. This would happen for someone like your friend, who frequently travels. Fiverr is supposed to work for the digital nomad. I've worked in public libraries and airports before with no issues. I'm also curious to see what location inconsistency means.

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  17. Hi @ana_tomy and @Lyndsey_Fiverr - It looks like there are a high number of sellers on this thread who had their accounts flagged for "location inconsistencies." I'm not sure if it's related to the launch of the new review system or if this is something that Fiverr is now cracking down hard on.

    Can you reach out to the individuals on this thread to provide insight into their account flagging?

    @markenbuilder @jamesoliver132 @bobstouch @usamaash127 @yonixer @arsalan_design1 @iza_bell @canvabook @nrajuud

    Also, if this is to address a widespread issue on the platform, we might want to have @Kesha make a post to help users understand Fiverr's ToS better and what they are doing that causes their accounts to be flagged due to location inconsistencies.

    Thanks in advance for all of your help!

    Adding @backlink_work @shahzaibhameed8 @acreativeminds @amazon_zk @sajan91 @martian_guy @tayyba253

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  18. Hi @bethloveswords, I don't think anyone (including Fiverr) fully understands what goes into the success metric score. However, it's much more than just your public ratings.

    Fiverr's Help Center says that this score is based on six categories:

    1) Client Satisfaction (public/private ratings, plus other metrics that reflect how happy buyers are with the overall order experience,

    2) Effective Communication (looks at your response metrics and buyers' public/private ratings for communication),

    3) Conflict-free Orders (the frequency/nature of any "dispute"),

    4) Order Cancellations (the number of cancelations you have),

    5) Delivery Time (factors in early, on-time, and late deliveries), and

    6) Value for Money (determined by buyers)

    Each gig will receive a score on a scale of 1-10 in each of these categories and the top reasons affecting your score will be shown (Strong Negative Impact, Negative Impact, Room for growth, Positive Impact, Strong Positive Impact).

    Your success score is then calculated based on your gigs' success scores (with more weight going to the gigs with the most reviews). It looks like Fiverr also brought in historical data (from the past two years) that weren't currently being shown in our seller metrics/gig scores, but now are.

    I currently have a success score of 10, average rating of 5, and 100% response rate. Most of my gigs (60%) have success scores of 9, but two of my highest-performing gigs have success scores of 10 (which is why I think my overall success score is a 10). I avoid consultation calls because I think they are too risky. I still offer Zoom calls, but only as part of a service that I already provide (but the gigs that do include consultation calls seem to have lower success scores):



    There's still a lot of mystery that goes into the success score and if it even makes sense - I wonder if "extension requests" (which is a type of dispute) affects my "Conflict-free Orders" score. I also scored low on "Communication" for a gig where I audit websites and tell them what they are doing bad (and they usually ask me to rewrite their content). And it looks like "Cancellations" factors in some cancelations that CS mentions did not affect my seller metrics. 

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  19. Hi @leacullero,

    Please read Fiverr's ToS, Community Standards, and Forum rules here:




    It worries me that you first offer services that are not allowed on Fiverr, then you have two back-to-back violations regarding feedback boosting, then wonder if you should open another Fiverr account (also against Fiverr's ToS), and also include the gig link of another seller to call them out (in violation of forum rule #6). Please read all of Fiverr's rules to make sure you don't keep violating rules that Fiverr sets for its community. This doesn't look good when Fiverr is reviewing your account for compliance. Fiverr may see you as someone who will keep breaking rules if you continue down this path.

    Take a break. Breathe. Read the ToS. I know how concerning it can be for your Fiverr account to be taken away but you have to do things the right way if there's even an inkling that you could get your account back. I had my account shut down by a hacker last year who made it look like me (not flagged for violations), and it took some time to get the account restored and verified again. It was tough having all my orders in queue canceled with no way to contact my buyers. Fiverr Customer Support was also taking several days to respond to each inquiry. However, I knew it would violate ToS if I had too many messages or help desk tickets on the same subject, so I allowed Fiverr to respond when they could and only messaged them if they responded to my previous message.

    5 hours ago, ana_tomy said:

    The 90-day review is used to determine if the warning/restriction is valid, since there's a slight chance that the system activated the warning automatically and in error.

    Fiverr does sometimes falsely flag accounts for violating ToS, especially when it comes to review manipulation. Sometimes it's the action/communication of the buyer. I've seen several sellers who posted on the forum who were able to show that they did not engage in review manipulation (and their accounts were restored within a matter of weeks). One seller had a buyer who was copying/pasting the same reviews for every order. So it wasn't even the seller's fault.

    If I were you @leacullero, I'd go through every conversation between you and your buyers and any review that a buyer left to see if it triggered the system. You can share it here (but block out your buyers' names to be compliant with forum rules).  If you have sufficient evidence that you did not engage in feedback boosting, you may be able to remove the flags from your account. 

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  20. 7 hours ago, leacullero said:

    I just want to know what exactly I did wrong so I don't do it again. I find it very strict to suddenly suspend the account without notice.

    Hi @leacullero, It looks like all of your gigs were offering services that violated Fiverr's ToS: B2C lead generation.

    While you can offer services for B2B email lists, B2C email lists are not allowed. I noticed that two of your titles mentioned B2C email generation (and since all 4 gigs mention "email lists," all 4 probably violated this rule). This is looking at the cached version of your seller profile. It looks like all of your gigs have now been removed from your current profile.

    7 hours ago, leacullero said:

    I received 2 warnings in a row

    7 hours ago, ana_tomy said:

    there are two violations of the same nature - Feedback Boosting

    In addition to your gigs, the two warnings related to "Feedback Boosting" may have happened because you may have mentioned "5-star" review, asked for a positive review in exchange for your services, or asked buyers to leave a positive review if they enjoyed your services.

    Sellers may ask buyers to rate their services, but they can't ask buyers to leave a certain review (e.g., 5-star or positive review). Buyers are free to leave whatever review they feel reflects their experience and sellers are not allowed to manipulate these reviews in any way. Fiverr is very strict about this policy, especially with recent changes to the review system (that makes it easier for buyers to leave lower reviews).

    It's best to review all of Fiverr's ToS before offering services on Fiverr to avoid offering prohibited services (or having your account flagged for review). Normally it takes 60-90 days for an account to be reviewed, and in many cases, the accounts are permanently suspended. Accounts that did not violate any of Fiverr's ToS (i.e., you account was falsely flagged), can be restored after the 60-90 day review.

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  21. 14 minutes ago, michjnich said:

    So where can I see information about requests I've put out? Is this not possible? 

    Hi @michjnich, You won't be able to view your request until you start getting offers or inbox inquiries related to your request. 

    If you don't get any offers or inquiries in your inbox, then either you have no matches or the sellers who were matched didn't think your request was relevant to their services.

    You won't be able to see how many sellers were matched with your request but you will get any offers or messages from interested sellers (check your inbox). As long as you get at least one offer or inquiry in your inbox, you can access your request from that message and choose to accept their offer or cancel your request.

    I don't really like the Brief system as a buyer. I don't think it makes good matches and it gives sellers access to your inbox if they message you or send you an offer. I prefer to just use Fiverr's search to find my sellers.

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  22. 41 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    The buyers can leave reviews on orders placed from custom offers though. 

    I think we are talking about two different things. Hashing out the scope of the order with the seller and then placing an order is different than trying to do a full order in the inbox and only creating a custom offer when the buyer states they have an acceptable sample.

    The problem is, there are sellers out there that refuse to give a custom offer until the sample is delivery-ready. This means buyers can't leave a review if the seller ends up not giving a custom offer. 

    If the buyer decides to leave at that point, this isn't a win-win because the seller only avoids a bad review whereas the buyer is out on time, has a negative experience, and still has an unfinished project. Other buyers will only see the curated positive reviews that the seller ended up with and won't know how many buyers had their time wasted with the seller (i.e., did not get a custom offer to place an order).

    I don't see why all of this can't be done in an order. This gets rid of a lot of headaches. Sellers can still share different samples in an order, and the buyer can pick the preferred sample. This protects both parties and both parties need to keep up their end of the bargain. Allowing buyers and sellers to work in the inbox opens the door for a lot of abuses and Fiverr can't protect either party because there isn't a formal agreement.

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  23. Thanks for this topic, @Kesha! Most buyers won't be on the forum to see this, so maybe once you get some feedback, this could be emailed out to new buyers.

    It can be really hard for new buyers to find a good seller to work with.

    3 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Keep conversations limited to the platform

    This is probably the #1 tip to avoid working with scammers. If buyers keep all conversations on the platform, they only have to worry about dealing with bad sellers.

    3 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Contact customer support

    It took me a long time to figure out how to do this on Fiverr. There isn't a phone number to call and many new buyers don't know that they need to keep clicking past the "I still need help" to get to the screen with the help desk ticket. They can email Fiverr support but then they don't know how long they need to wait for a response. Often the forum provides quicker responses but sometimes the feedback from forum members isn't very helpful.

    3 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Use discretion when sharing sensitive information

    Not only is this important to protect your information, it may be against third-party ToS to allow a seller access to your account. LinkedIn may shut down a buyer's profile if a seller from a different geographical location logs in. Thinkific has fees for adding users to build a course and website on their LMS platform (so they don't allow multiple users on one log-in).

    3 hours ago, Kesha said:

    taking a few extra steps can further ensure a pleasurable and secure experience on the platform, free from scams and potential issues.

    I agree! I think it's also important to add:

    Know Fiverr's ToS

    Newbie buyers tend to overly trust their sellers. You can have negative experiences with sellers who have over 1k 5-star reviews or even ones with the TRS or Pro badge. I've learned the hard way that some sellers will try to bend the rules when orders don't go their way.

    These sellers can be very convincing to new buyers who aren't experienced on the platform. They may try to make you feel like it's okay to get a partial delivery or give a good review on a partial delivery (they will deliver the rest in a few hours). But don't let them do that! Sellers doing this are trying to avoid getting penalized for late deliveries and/or bad reviews (note: both are against Fiverr's ToS). If you do as they say, they'll most likely stop responding to you because once an order closes, you are no longer a priority to them. Know your rights and get customer service involved if a seller tries to bend the rules.

    Pay Attention to Seller Communication

    How a seller communicates with you in the inbox chats will give you a good idea of what it will be like to work with them.

    Is your seller rushing you to place the order (and isn't fully responding to your questions)? Or is there something in your communications making you feel uncomfortable? If so, then most likely you won't have a good buying experience either.

    Also, if your seller claims to be a writer but has many grammatical errors in your chats (even if their portfolio samples are perfect), beware.

    Don't Ask For Free Work or Do Orders in the Inbox

    You can ask for samples of your seller's work, but if you want custom samples, place a mini-order instead. This protects both you and your seller. 

    I've approached several sellers as a buyer just to inquire about their services and they thought I was asking them to do work. So they did free work that I didn't want or ask for. That was a waste of time and effort for them.

    Even if English isn't your first language, you should know that if there isn't an order, there isn't an agreement between you two. Sellers shouldn't provide free work in the inbox and buyers shouldn't ask for free work. Placing an order with your seller, even if it is a test order, will keep you and your seller accountable to each other and Fiverr can protect both of your interests.

    Some sellers may try to give you several custom samples of their work and once you pick one you like, they will then give you an offer for you to place an order and deliver the file to you. Avoid that. This is review manipulation and sellers are doing this so that they can flush out any bad reviews (at your expense). If you agree, you may never have a good sample (lost time for you), the seller can ignore you (you can't control the order), and there is also no way for you to let other buyers know of your experience with that seller. You can only leave reviews if you place orders.

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