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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 9 hours ago, paschalisblack said:

    how is it possible that none of my gigs, appear on search results?

    9 hours ago, paschalisblack said:

    all my statistics are 100%, my rating is 4,9/5 stars, my respnosne time is 1 hour, I am a level 2 seller

    This is because there is no way that Fiverr can include the gigs of ALL sellers who have perfect stats on the search page. There isn't enough space.

    9 hours ago, paschalisblack said:

    my gigs are are eligible for promotion throught fiverr's promoted gigs feature

    9 hours ago, paschalisblack said:

    THAT BEING SAID, they can't suffer from poor quality performance

    You forget that it isn't just your performance that Fiverr looks at when determining which gigs to show via the Promoted Gigs feature. You are paying to bid, but you may be outbid by other sellers who are doing better than you in terms of the other quality metrics that the automated matching system is based on (i.e., the hidden quality metrics based on delivery quality and appearance quality). These two quality metrics make up a unique Gig Match score for each seller (also unknown to sellers, but mentioned in the Help Center).

    While many sellers may have the Promoted Gig feature (e.g., perfect stats), some will have a better chance of outbidding their competition, based on their Gig Match score. These gigs will have the "Recommended" label:





    If you have the recommended label on your gigs, go ahead and promote your gigs. You have a great shot at outbidding the competition. 

    9 hours ago, paschalisblack said:

    So, I'm wondering, what is the point of promoted gigs in that case? 

    I've wondered about this as well. It seems most of the benefits go to sellers who are already getting good exposure through organic searches and briefs (not to sellers who need the exposure). However,  this means Promoted Gigs is an indicator of seller quality compared to your competition, so it is good to keep tabs of your eligibility to Promoted Gigs and if you have the "Recommended" tag on your gigs.

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  2. On 2/4/2024 at 7:00 PM, Kesha said:

    When determining which FAQs to add, focus on addressing the most common questions you get from interested buyers. Consider where your orders have had issues in the past and identify potential areas for misunderstandings.

    Hi @Kesha! I really like this point because it shows sellers how strategic they need to be when deciding which FAQs to include on their gigs. There are some sellers who put up FAQs just to hit the number of 3-5 FAQs per gig. Those FAQs hardly ever get read.

    Then there are other sellers who are thinking about their customers, their needs, and their overall experience (even before an order is placed). These sellers know what questions their buyers will be asking and anticipate problems that could arise in communication before orders are placed. These FAQs are customer-centric and are written to make the buyer's life more easier. These sellers' FAQs are much more effective in engaging potential buyers, building up their confidence, and converting them into sales. This is why FAQs can be a powerful tool.

    Having good, well-thought-out FAQs will show your customers that you know them and their needs, and will take care of them, should they decide to place an order with you.

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  3. 7 hours ago, cuberuler said:

    Needless to say she left me an amazing review; I just don't know how to accept it! Can somebody please give me some advice as to how I can accept the good review she left me? 

    Hi @cuberuler, Once a buyer leaves a review, you'll be asked to rate your buyer. If you leave a review for your buyer, you should immediately be able to see the review that the buyer left you from the order page (this will also show up on your profile). If you choose not to leave your buyer a review, the buyer's review will not show up on your profile until after your review period expires (note: buyers and sellers have 14 days after the order closes to complete their reviews).

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  4. Just now, naseemullah786 said:

    Ohh I see. 

    Thanks for your response and guidance . I appreciate 

    I edited my last comment - changed "students" to "clients" - something that you should probably change in your gigs as well. You should probably avoid the words "student," "assignment," and "project." These are some of the negative keywords that I have to avoid these types of clients (I also have "essay" and "thesis" as negative keywords). In your gigs, mention that you work with "clients" and "buyers."

    If you use the wrong keywords, you could attract the wrong clientele. 

    1 minute ago, naseemullah786 said:

    after informing the buyer, online tutoring is allowed.

    Buyers can be very tricky. Some will try to give you projects that are school-related (but will deny that it is). So you should be ready to turn down orders that you suspect are school-related.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, naseemullah786 said:

    Is teaching also prohibited on Fiverr?

    Teaching is allowed but the service you are offering here is not:


    I can help you in school, college, university assignments related to programming, operating system, data structures, linear algebra, maths, and computer science. 

    This is in the gig "I will do python and computer science assignments" (which should be deleted because it violates Fiverr's Tos).

    To offer tutoring services the correct way, teach concepts and don't provide assistance with specific homework problems or student projects. Instead, use your own materials, lesson plans, and activities to teach your clients the subjects that they want to become proficient in.

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  6. @gertnerbot - When I typed in "Nuxt app" in Fiverr's search, there are only 78 services listed. Of those, there are 35 New Sellers, 21 Level 1 Sellers, and 22 Level 2 Sellers. Since you are a new buyer, focus on the Level 2 sellers with the most reviews. I learned the hard way that it's not a good mix to be a New Buyer with a New Seller. Once you gain more experience with finding good sellers, you can start buying from Level 1 and New Sellers.

    Note: what is shown on Fiverr's search page will only show their total reviews for that particular gig...click on their profile to see their total number of reviews. Read through all of the reviews and check out their portfolio to get a good understanding of how it would be like to work with that seller. Read how they respond to positive reviews (and negative ones).

    Reach out to the sellers that you feel good about, and pay close attention to how they communicate with you through the inbox chats. If they offer video consultations, hop on a video call to do a quick vibe check. If your spidey senses tells you not to work with a seller (even though everything else checks out fine), don't work with them. Move on to the next seller on your list.

    • Like 3
  7. 38 minutes ago, gertnerbot said:

    Should I post my request on the forum as well?

    The majority of users on the forum are sellers, but not all sellers responding to you will be qualified for the job (or will even read the brief). You could try in "Starter Questions" if you would like help finding qualified sellers, but I still think the best route is to search for yourself using Fiverr's search tools. There is a lot of spam on the forum (and by stating you're one of the few buyers on the forum may open the door for more spam). You would have to vet each interested candidate one by one (by checking their profiles on the main website anyways), so I'd use Fiverr's search if I were you.

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  8. 49 minutes ago, gertnerbot said:

    I posted a request yesterday for work on a Nuxt app and still haven't heard anything else.  How long does it usually take to get a response? 

    If the system finds matches and sellers think they are a good match, you could get a response immediately. If the system doesn't find a match (or the sellers don't think your project is a good match for them), you might never get a response. I've seen several buyers posting on the forum that they never received matches. Most sellers on the forum complain that the matches they receive are irrelevant to what they do.

    Fiverr's Help Center also states that they can't guarantee matches for your project. Since you can't really edit your briefs if no one responds, the best thing may be to try to post another one. Or, search for a seller using Fiverr's search tools (which is my preferred method of finding sellers).

    • Like 1
  9. Hi @sohel_khan_sk, Welcome to the forum!

    Because you are a web designer, here are great tips from a Top Rated Seller and Web Designer:


    To answer your questions....

    1. Profile Optimization: Any advice on how to make my profile stand out? What elements are crucial for catching the attention of potential clients?

    @frank_d has a great article here that discusses how you can optimize your gig:


    2. Gig Creation: What makes a gig truly irresistible? Are there any specific do's and don'ts you've learned along the way?

    The Help Center has lots of tips on how to create great gigs (this is what helped me to grow from New Seller to Level 2 Seller within 3 months): 


    3. Pricing Strategies: How do you determine the right price for your services? Is there a balance between being competitive and valuing your work appropriately?

    The right price is what you are happy to work for (and the buyer is happy to pay). I charge much higher than my competition (even before I became a TRS), but I also make sure my customers are getting great value for what they are paying. @jonbaas explains it best when it comes to understanding your target customers' needs:


    4. Communication Tips: How do you effectively communicate with clients? Any best practices for ensuring clear and efficient communication?

    @Kesha has a great downloadable resource here:


    5. Navigating Buyer Requests: Fiverr discontinued Buyer Requests last year.

    6. Building a Positive Reputation: How can I establish a positive reputation and gain those crucial first reviews? Any strategies you found particularly effective?

    Here's an awesome article written by @gina_riley2 (a buyer), outlining the things buyers look for when working with new sellers (and what makes them run away):


    Also, since you are new to the forum, here's how I made the most out my first 25 days here:


    • Like 4
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  10. On 1/25/2024 at 4:42 PM, andywarburton said:

    Early payout seems to come and go

    Fiverr did mention that our eligibility could change on a daily basis, and for any reason:

    Access to Early Payout is based on the Seller Plus ToS:



    And Seller Plus ToS states that this eligibility can change from time to time and Fiverr reserves the right to change how they determine eligibility (so we did confirm with them last time it was related to performance, as @donnovan86 mentioned, but it could change):





    • Like 14
  11. 9 hours ago, taskins_ said:

    Good evening, can anyone tell me where I can find the change phone number section, I can't receive the verification code for transactions, it would be urgent, thank you very much..

    Hi @taskins_,

    If you are unable to change your phone number by going to "Settings" under your profile icon (in the top-right corner) and following the steps outlined below...





    Then you can click on "I still need help" or click on the link below to submit a Help Desk ticket so that Customer Service can help you set up your new phone:


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  12. 6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    Is it considered spam when a user continually posts one or two emojis without saying anything? 

    Yes. That's why it isn't the best idea to give everyone this: ⬇️

    On 1/23/2024 at 7:00 AM, Kesha said:

    We just upped the limit to 10 posts.

    I was only mentioning regulars on the forum who proved that they were valuable contributors to the forum:

    On 1/21/2024 at 11:15 PM, vickieito said:

    I know several regulars on the forum who still have their 5-post-a-day limit. Some of these regulars have been on the forum for years now. Is there any way for this post limit to be removed for these users?

    I wouldn't mind if new users were limited to 3-posts a day for two weeks, 5-posts a day for 3 months, 10-post-a-day after 6 months, and unlimited after a year (and only if they are in good standing on the forum without any warnings, or very few warnings).

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  13. 2 hours ago, shimarketer said:

    And fiver saying we will review it your message .is it spammy ? Is my account will block due to this message ?

    All that means is you used a word that triggered your message for review. I'm guessing it's one of the ethnic groups you mentioned. My account got triggered when I used the "J" word below:



    As long as you aren't using the words to attack or harm another user on the platform, your message should be released after the Trust & Safety Team's review:




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  14. On 1/26/2024 at 12:36 AM, muid_ppc_ga4 said:

    What kind of impression should I have in the first 10/12 days of a new account and a new gig?

    I posted my first gig on Nov 14, 2021. This is what my impressions looked like on Nov 30, 2021 (so 15 days, not 10-12 days):



    You don't need thousands of clicks or even hundreds of clicks to get orders. I'd rather have 52 impressions, 8 clicks, and 3 orders than thousands of impressions and no orders. 

    • Like 15
  15. Hi @bwembyamubanga, When you set your prices, just remember that 20% of all your Earnings will go to Fiverr. So if your listed price is $115, Fiverr gets $23 (20%) and you get $92 (80%). The buyer also pays transactional fees with every order, so that's what the $7.15 is.


    Is avg. Selling price my total earnings?

    Your Average Selling Price (ASP) is the average selling price of each order over the last 30-day period (before Fiverr's 20% fees are taken out).

    1 hour ago, bwembyamubanga said:

    after the $92 is cleared, how much will be able to withdraw, is it $92 or $115?

    $92, or 80% of your order.

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  16. Hi @logolightuup - Did you make a delivery on this order? If so, even if you canceled the order, the buyer could still leave a negative public review on the order. This is true for any orders where deliveries have been made. So whether you cancel or not, you could still get a negative review. It doesn't make sense to not get paid AND have a negative review. You should get paid for the work that you did. You might still get a negative review, but at least you'll be able to tell your side of the story and get paid for the work that you did.

    As for the new requirements for another logo, that would qualify for an entirely different order. They paid for your logo concepts, which you delivered. Fiverr's ToS doesn't allow buyers to cancel because they decided after purchasing from you to "get it done by someone else." They paid and you delivered the work.  Fiverr's ToS also states that buyers shouldn't ask for free work (which is essentially what the buyer is asking you to do, by giving you new requirements).

    Also, if the buyer is asking for another logo (and they didn't like the previous logo), why are they asking you to design another logo? It's very suspicious - if the buyer didn't like your work, why get another design from you (if not to get two logos for the price of one)?

    Kindly let the buyer know Fiverr's delivery and cancelation policies and let them know that you would gladly assist them with their new logo, but it will be a new order. Be firm and stay professional. If the buyer keeps trying to pressure you, you can refer to the following: ⬇️




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  17. 47 minutes ago, jennieterblanch said:

    How to change the images on an existing Gig, please. Editing the Gig gives no option to change the images.

    Hi @jennieterblanch - In edit mode, you should be able to go to 'Gallery' and hover over your gig images to delete your images and add new ones (you can't change the order of your images). You would have to delete all your images and reupload them in the order that you want them to show up on your gig. Can you explain what you are trying to do?

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  18. 6 hours ago, xpertmarketer said:

    Any ideas on what to sell, without too much competition?

    Any gig can become low competition if you niche down.

    I started on the platform with data entry, virtual assisting, and writing services (but really only do work related to technical writing, SOPs & Policy writing, and virtual assisting related to writing web page content, help center articles, and grant writing). This allows me to use my strengths (my scientific background) and I don't have to worry about competition.

    2 hours ago, milos_siena said:

    This is a good place to start getting ideas of what skills you can leverage to niche down. It looks like you have a good list of skills you can start leveraging:⬇️

    6 hours ago, xpertmarketer said:

    I have lots of skills on top of what I have already listed. About 15 years of experience with freelance content creation, and 10+ years creating animations. Have done courses on marketing automation, copywriting and email marketing as well. 

    2 hours ago, milos_siena said:

    Maybe it would be better to delete and open a new account. 

    I wouldn't recommend this, though! ⬆️ @xpertmarketer has over 387 5-star reviews and has been on the platform since 2014. The OP may never get to that point with a new account. I know I'm not there.

    If I were @xpertmarketer, I would experiment with new gigs to see what might draw in new buyers. I wouldn't throw away all of my previous work or reviews - just pause the gigs that aren't working and set up new ones to attract new customers.

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  19. Hi @Kesha - Will there be any changes to the post limit (and will private messages continue to count towards the post limit)? I know several regulars on the forum who still have their 5-post-a-day limit. Some of these regulars have been on the forum for years now. Is there any way for this post limit to be removed for these users?

    It would also be nice for the private messages not to count towards the post limit. If we do limit the private messages, it can have its own daily limit. 

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