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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. vickieito

    Eat Zee Bugs

    @ashleymorris235 - all three of your posts have been reported for spam.
  2. vickieito

    Eat Zee Bugs

    That's good to know! Thanks, @mandyzines! Are you currently running tests on your plants or soils? It sounds like you are more of a food scientist than I am. I mostly eat. 😂
  3. This means that Fiverr is showing your gig to buyers (impressions) and buyers are interested in your gig (clicks), but when they visit your gig, you aren't convincing them to buy from you. Instead, the buyers are moving on and placing orders with other sellers. In order to get orders, you need to convince buyers to pick you - not another seller. You do that by making your services unique and tailored to the buyer's need. Your profile and gig look very generic. There is nothing written in your bio. Use your bio to let your buyers know who you are, what you have to offer, and why you are the solution to their problem. Include more samples in your portfolio - you get 2 PDFs where you can add an unlimited number of portfolio samples to convince buyers to use you. Make sure your samples represent your skills as well as the value you have to offer to your buyers. With 10 years of editing experience, you should have an impressive portfolio. I would also change your gig video - no one needs to see that it takes you less than a minute to do the work. They would be more interested in seeing before and after pictures of your work, so show your portfolio, and make a compelling pitch on why they should pick you. Try to think in your buyer's shoes - what would convince you to buy from yourself (and not another seller)? Since you have been doing this for 10 years, the fastest way would be taking existing customers that you have and direct them to use your services on Fiverr instead. Otherwise, there are no quick ways to "get orders fast." Fiverr is sending buyers your way and you have to figure out how to convert those buyers into orders.
  4. @anonymousano374 - your post has been reported for spam. Please remove the air queen mask link from your post. Thanks!
  5. You only need to be accurate 50% of the time on 10-day weather forecasts to be a weatherman and accuracy goes down with time. If groundhogs are making a 6-week forecast, their guess is just as good as anyone's ...so I guess they are qualified to make 6-week forecasts?!
  6. You have an account with 18 5-star reviews - why would you want to abandon that?! My business took off once I hit 20 orders and I started to get more consistent orders after that. The first 20 orders are the hardest. Buyers are sporadic and there are slow times when nothing seems to happen. Once I hit 20 reviews, buyers started to trust me more and I could raise my prices. Don't give up what you have worked so hard to build! Running away from the problem never solves the problem. As a business owner, you've got to tackle these issues head-on because no one else will do that for you. Part of running a business is learning how to problem solve and using creativity to solve issues when things aren't going well.
  7. Hey Ashley! Long time no see! How are things going?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vickieito


      Just saw the quote! I love it!

    3. ashleymahan217


      So there is a limit on here...just not on the emojis haha - that's funny...but wait - I've replied to you multiple times now...is it one status update like "1 person"?


    4. vickieito


      I saw that! I saw you were posting and sending private messages, too. I guess you have more privileges than I had when I became a forum Grand Master! Maybe because you've hit the 1-year mark now? You should see what limits you have, if you have any.

  8. Are your impressions greater than zero? If so, that means your gigs are visible in search and buyers are seeing your gig. It's useless to search for your own gigs because Fiverr is a matching service, so what you see in search isn't going to be what your buyers see. Fiverr tailors each search result to each buyer. I can never find myself in search but I don't need to worry because I get inquiries and orders. Instead of trying to find yourself in search, focus on the data that Fiverr is giving you - pay attention to your impressions, clicks, and orders and work to improve those numbers. If you're not getting impressions, Fiverr doesn't see your gig as relevant when buyers search for your services. So make sure your title, tags, and gig descriptions clearly describe your services and that your seller performance and quality (appearance quality and delivery quality) is good. If you're not getting clicks, your gig isn't attractive enough to make buyers want to click on it. So update your gig card so that your gig thumbnail, video, title, and price are attractive to your buyers. If you aren't getting orders, that means your gigs or profile aren't convincing buyers to buy - they are moving on to place an order with another seller. So make sure that your profile and gigs are professional and shows buyers what you can do and why they should pick you.
  9. vickieito

    Eat Zee Bugs

    @meldawn9 - I'm pretty sure I eat a lot of bugs in my sleep! Here are fun FAQs (with sources) from Calendar Canada! How many bugs do you eat when sleeping? How many bugs does the average person eat accidentally each year? Fortunately those bugs don't suffer when we inadvertently consume them! https://www.calendar-canada.ca/faq/how-many-bugs-do-you-eat-while-sleeping
  10. vickieito

    Eat Zee Bugs

    Now that sounds yummy! 🤤
  11. Hi @mamunislam85 - to my knowledge, warnings don't get removed and 1 warning isn't going to hurt you on the forum, especially when it says there are no restrictions being applied. Your forum status has no bearing on your real Fiverr account anyways. A warning here isn't a warning there. Just learn the rules and stick to them to avoid another warning. These articles may be helpful for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/78709-forum-guide-where-to-post-what-to-post-whats-in-the-categories/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278683-new-to-the-forum-welcome-here-are-5-tips-for-efficient-forum-use-%E2%80%93-how-to-make-the-forum-work-better-for-yourself-and-for-everyone/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/91366-forum-rules-dos-and-donts/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/262683-new-sellers-post-more-sell-less-or-nothing-at-all/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-%E2%80%93-how-i%E2%80%99m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286296-my-first-weeks-musings-and-frustrations/
  12. Hi @bogdanmasca - if you want an edge, you need to understand not only how Fiverr works but how your target customer thinks. Knowing how Fiverr works will help you get seen in search. Knowing how to connect with your customers will help you to get orders. Here are a few articles that can help you understand how Fiverr's algorithm works: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ And here are a few articles that can help you tailor your gigs better for your target customer: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ While creating your gigs, make sure that you understand what your customers want ...what would make YOU push the buy button? If you can give your customers what they want in your gigs, they will trust you to deliver what they want in a real order.
  13. @adroitsumi - with 8 years of experience as an online reputation manager, you should have at least 5 happy clients that you can refer your Fiverr services to so that you can quickly get your first 5 orders. If they are using your services already, they should have no trouble purchasing the same services on Fiverr.
  14. Happy February, @katakatica! As always, you have a really exciting life! Moving to Hawaii was the first trip I've taken in 3 1/2 years. We'll head out to Disney World during spring break (in March), so there isn't much going on in February. I could finish some home renovations, but I'm not that motivated at the moment. We went and saw some lava at the Volcano National Park and may head up to Mauna Kea to see the winter snow (it's funny that we come all the way to Hawaii to see snow!). You're a young 'un, @vibronx! Now that I'm over 40, everyone's starting to look younger. 😊 Some say that life starts when you're 60, but looking at some of the older people in my life, 70 seems to be the optimal age. So I can't wait until I'm a spunky 70-year-old! My aunt is 82 and she travels internationally to play pickle ball. She never stops moving. My great grandma lived all by herself until she was 107. ...so 30 years old, is pretty young! Enjoy it! By the time you get to your 40s, you unabashedly make loud groaning noises as you ease in and out of chairs.
  15. vickieito

    Eat Zee Bugs

    I've never had chicken gizzards before ...is it chewy? Rocky Mountain Oysters taste like chicken with a chewy texture much more palatable than fish eyes. With fish eyeballs, you kind of have to chew and chew and it never gets to the point where you want to swallow.
  16. I noticed this back in October. If you give 700/700, this is the message you get: It reminds me of DuoLingo when they suddenly made the characters overly enthusiastic for each lesson that you complete. The victory dance is a little over the top, even for someone like me whose love language is "Words of Affirmation." Words, however, affect me. My husband caught on early that giving me encouragement like the one above is a great motivator for me! 😂 Why be a superstar when you can go above and beyond? (silly of me, really, since I know what Fiverr is trying to do!) However, longer reviews might discourage buyers from leaving reviews altogether. If buyers find out that they need to hit a certain limit to be a superstar, that might turn them away. They better fix the featured section so that more than 2 lines of the review can show, then!
  17. I think this is a big concern! Your questions (dated 1/20/23) have not been answered yet. Good for you, for being persistent! I really do hope that you get a success manager that will let you talk to him/her anytime, instead of just referring you to the monthly Zoom call!
  18. Also, some buyers actually prefer seeing a few negative reviews because it makes you seem more real and credible to them. Just make sure you respond professionally and address the buyer's concern when responding to a negative review. I've chosen to buy from sellers with negative reviews because I was impressed with how they responded to the negative reviews.
  19. Yes it is possible to get a 5-star rating again even if you have less-than-5-star reviews on your account. However, reviews stay on your account forever (even if you delete a gig). Since your score is cumulative (an average of all the reviews you ever get), the only way to bring up the average is to get enough 5-star reviews so that that your average is above 4.95 (it'll be rounded up to 5 stars).
  20. I think it's important to note that in addition to the "busy work," I also look for other opportunities to help my clients out. If I don't think what they are asking me to do is the best solution, I'll suggest a better one. Many of my clients mentioned that they prefer to have me do their data entry because I'll tell them "You are asking me to do ___ but you want to accomplish ___. So what you really need to do is ___." It doesn't look like many data entry sellers are thinking about their client's work in that manner. If they could see what their clients really needed and catered to those needs instead of just doing the busy work, they might get more business. The relationships that I have with the client I mentioned above is wonderful. He trusts me to the point that he just sends me the files and waits for me to tell him exactly what needs to be done and how much it'll cost him. He has never balked at the prices that I give him because for him, I'm providing more value than just the busy work. He no longer needs to think about what needs to be done. @rehanrans - If you want to start earning money, you'll have to set up your gigs so that you get paid for your work. Also, earning money on this platform is not easy. Even though copy/paste is an easy task, running a competitive business is not. With so many other sellers offering the same services as you, it will take a lot of effort to make yourself stand out from the pack.
  21. Hi @ruprekha, This feature was introduced in October, and you can see from the comments in the thread below, many sellers felt the same as you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/290585-extend-review-time-test/ The longest that I've ever had a buyer extend the review period is a month. According to Fiverr, this was a feature request by buyers not sellers.
  22. Hi @midwestprospect! Don't accept a custom offer unless it includes all of your requirements. If the seller sends you a gig link, request a custom offer. Sellers can create custom offers that include all the details and requirements that a buyer wants. Offers are your contract - if something isn't on the contract, the seller isn't obligated to deliver it (even if they mention it in the inbox chats). If your custom offer is too vague, ask your seller to create a new, more detailed offer. Buyers pay upfront to start an order, sellers can't start on the project unless it's paid for. Once paid for, the order will show up on the seller's dashboard and the order starts when all order requirements are submitted. This allows the seller to start on the project. However, the seller doesn't get the money. Fiverr holds the buyer's money until the order closes and the clearance period passes (usually 14 days after an order closes). This is not exactly correct - buyers have 3 days to review the order. During this review period, the buyer can accept the order, extend the review period, request a revision, or allow the order to auto-close after 3 days. The review period can be extended up to 5 days at a time, indefinitely. Sellers will also specify how many revisions are included in each order. Once an order is in revision mode, it'll stay in revision mode until the seller redelivers the order with the buyer's requested changes. Once the order closes (either by the buyer or auto closing), the project is considered closed and the clearance period for the seller's earning begins (again, this is usually 14 days). Once the earnings are cleared, sellers will receive 80% of the order total (tips included). Buyers have 14 days from the delivery date to leave a public review of the seller's services. This is done on a 5-point scale, comments included. There are also 2 private reviews you can leave on the seller if you aren't comfortable with leaving a public review. All of these reviews are completely optional.
  23. I have a regular data entry customer who asks me to move content from one column to another on the same table. He also asks me to combine or split PDF files even though I tell him he can do this easily for himself, for free. Just thinking about doing this kind of work is disheartening for him and it tickles him pink that I don't mind getting paid to do this tedious work for him. He is my highest paying, highest tipping, and most appreciative customer and is willing to pay more than what I can get for resumes. It's really fun working with him! 🥰
  24. vickieito

    Eat Zee Bugs

    Not exactly. In studies taken on plants grown in uncontaminated soils, levels of toxic heavy metals were found to exceed the allowable limits of Prop 65 by roughly 10 times. Most people won't be doing heavy metal testing on the soil that they use for gardening (or study the environmental factors that may affect the composition of their soils). Here's what I had to include on the labels for the dietary supplement products that I was developing: I'm all for growing your own foods. But if you really want to know what's in your food, you'd have to test it. My parents own an organic aquaponics farm, which is even better because the plants aren't grown in soil that's affected by a number of environmental factors. They have a lot of control over what the plants are grown in and the nutritional composition of the water because they control the feed of the fish in that system. However, it is extremely expensive to maintain with all the testing, monitoring, and systems needed to run the farm and maintain the organic certification. It's only a a small backyard farm. Even selling lettuce for $16/lb didn't cover all the costs for maintaining the farm. They will be shutting down the farm this year, which is sad because their lettuce always sold out within a few hours of being on the shelf and nothing compares to the taste of that lettuce! Personally (not as a food scientist), I really don't care too much about what I'm eating as long as it tastes good. Once I was fed Rocky Mountain Oysters without knowing what it was. I just thought it was really chewy pieces of fried chicken. 😊 Traditional Eskimo ice cream (akutaq) is really just fat and berries ...I think it was seal fat in the olden days, but they use a tub of shortening now. I think bugs are a great source of protein and silkworm pupae look like they would be great to add in stir fry because there's less prep involved (like when you have to cut up chicken)!
  25. Plagiarism anywhere is not a good idea. It hurts the person whose content is being stolen, with very little repercussions on the person stealing the information. Even if a person does get caught for plagiarism, it isn't fatal. Only mistakes that kill you are fatal.
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