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About ruprekha

  • Birthday 08/26/1904


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  1. Oh! that is a very bad feature I must say. A artist who worked so hard but had to wait for getting the payment. This is really very upsetting. 😰
  2. I do some workout and Yoga, but most of the time when I feel low I do meditation 🙏
  3. Yes I agree with you. I hope there should be a limited amount of revisions for the buyers also. then it'll be easier for both buyer and seller to coordinate, Because right now buyer can give unlimited revisions, which is sometime not good for a seller.
  4. I had an order from a buyer, After I dekivered the work he did not responded anything so as per rules after 3 days the order will makr as autometically completed but after 3 days this time something new happend with me. I got a nothification where it was written that "...... this Buyer extented their review period by 2 days. After this date, the order will be finalized and marked as complete ." I was little bit confused as it was new to me. I personally dont like this feature as all the buyers already got 3 days time to approve or decline the order but now they can delay it for as long as they want. I dont thing it'll be easier for artists/sellers like us to deal. What you guys think?
  5. As a seller I personally dont support it. Buyers are getting 3 days time!!!! to review the order. If they wants more time that means a seller have to keep waiting a long for getting result of his/her hard work. I thing 3 days are enough to check a file. If a buyer is serious about the work and the system of this platform then he/she will definetly check the file and if they dont check it that means the buyer is not serious enough or we can say casual enough to delay the project.
  6. I think Fiverr will suspend those account if the buyer or seller has the citizenship of Russia, not other people.
  7. Yes!!! this is something we all need. Thank you for bringing up the topic.We dont want to change it many times I guess Two changes will be fair enough. If by mistakenly someone put wrong name or misspell then he/she can change it.


  9. I hope it’ll be good, But I want to ask you something. How can a SELLER featured to be in the"Fiverr’s Choice" category? Which requirment they have to fullfill to get a Fiverr Choice badge?
  10. go to “More” option then click on “Buyer Requests”
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