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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. If you are in the U.S., then you'll need to fill out the W-9, even if you are a minor. Just make sure that it has your information on it (your name and taxpayer ID).
  2. Hi @amina_zahoor360, If you don't know where to start, try Googling "colors that go together" or "beautiful color combinations." Pick a color scheme that makes you happy and go with it. I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it because you'll have plenty of chances to improve your gig images over time. My first gig thumbnails didn't look that great, but the images got better over time.
  3. Hi @wpmanditech, you can offer any services that you have the skills to do, even if the skills are unrelated to each other (e.g. in different categories).
  4. Check your spam folder for messages. Most likely your response rate is going down because of spam messages (you still need to respond/mark them as spam within 24 hours). I once complained to my Success Manager that my response rate was going down even though I was religiously answering every message, even spam. She found out that there were several spam messages that I responded to, that were incorrectly counted against me. So CS adjusted my response rate for me.
  5. If you change everything into English, you will increase your gig's visibility because most customers are using English when they search for your services on Fiverr (even your French-speaking clients).
  6. Hi @tareksydur, feel free to browse through Fiverr Learn and CreativeLive for courses that you can take to grow your skills. Even if you don't purchase the courses, they should give you ideas about what skills you are interested in developing to help grow your freelancing business.
  7. HI @saqlainhussain7, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! You can get started by reading these articles on the forum: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279005-the-first-5-things-you-should-do-when-starting-your-fiverr-career/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  8. If it's not working for you, then you can cancel. This program won't give you more orders or visibility. However, you do have more free options to promote your gigs and services (i.e. first-time buyer promotions, coupons, highlighted reviews) and you can contact your success manager any time with questions that you have. You also have access to the Seller Plus forum, and many new features that Fiverr is rolling out. I like having the ability to get paid as soon as my order is closed via the Early Payout feature.
  9. 1) Because you are a digital marketing expert and your buyers want to see you use your skills to drive traffic (and orders) to your gigs. 2) You promise "100% fast responses" yet have a 3-hour response time. 3) You have multiple grammar errors in your gigs, so buyers may think your SEO keywords services will also have errors.
  10. Because they are scammers/spammers. Just reply with "No, thanks" and mark their messages as "Spam."
  11. Because they don't need to tell you. My profile was immediately denied on another freelancing platform because it was oversaturated (so reason #5)....they didn't need my services. So I stuck with Fiverr because they approved my profile right away. Freelancing platforms can choose who they want to approve or not. If they don't choose you, just find opportunities elsewhere.
  12. As a seller, you have the power to set your own terms for your gigs, so I believe you can accomplish what you want to do. However, it does take knowledge of Fiverr's platform and how things work here. I suggest you browse the Help Center and play around with the tools and features for your gigs to explore the possibilities of the platform. You should also read the ToS and Community Standards to make sure everything that you're doing is in line with Fiverr's policy.
  13. You will need to break it up unless you are okay with not getting paid for 6 or 12 months (I've made that mistake once). Also, realize that 20% of that price goes to Fiverr. The buyer pays now, but you won't get paid until 14-days after you deliver the order (and the order is accepted by the buyer or auto-closes). I like to break up my deliveries into weekly or monthly payments, whichever works best, even for buyers who I know I'll still be working with for a year or more. You could set this up as subscription orders or milestone orders with 20 hrs/week or $3,000/week (I would factor in extra costs due to Fiverr's fees).
  14. Hi @arthurghost, Fiverr is already giving a temporary boost to new sellers so that they can be seen by potential buyers. This is usually longer than a few days - I think the longest boost reported on the forum was for one month.
  15. Hi @ajoyfulgrace, Glitches happen from time to time. If the buyer can't see/access your custom offer, just withdraw the offer and reissue a new one. It looks like for your issue, the errors were happening on the buyer's side. Hopefully things worked out for you!
  16. No. This violates Fiverr's ToS because you are taking clients off the platform. I don't know why this can't be handled by a Fiverr gig. New Sellers can create custom offers up to $20,000. Just because there are a lot of sellers offering $5 gigs, doesn't mean you should. List your prices at what you are worth and show the credibility and professionalism to back those prices up. There are many sellers who have gigs listed in the thousand-dollar range.
  17. I think this will give transparency about what is happening behind a lot of canceled orders. Many sellers use cancelations to avoid confrontation, tough conversations, and stress and this will allow sellers to tackle the issues causing their canceled orders. For example, I used to have cancelations due to my own stress until I eliminated unlimited revisions and extended the delivery times on my orders. I also had to learn how to stand up for myself by setting clear expectations and saying "no." It looks like Fiverr is pushing for sellers to increase the quality of their services, which will decrease cancelations and increase buyer satisfaction. Not only will this push for sellers to improve communication during orders, but sellers will also be expected to respond professionally to any negative feedback that a buyer may leave on a canceled order. This is also a sales opportunity if used correctly. Like many buyers, I like to see how a seller will respond to a negative review because that will tell me more than any of the positive reviews that they get.
  18. For anyone who wanted Fiverr to start making private feedback more visible to sellers, here is one step towards that. Buyers are already leaving private feedback on buyer-initiated canceled orders and Fiverr has these reviews at their disposal when they decided to make these reviews public. I wonder if this new change would allow buyers to also leave private feedback on seller-initiated cancelations as well? 🤔
  19. Yes, you should see this option an any new order that closes, not on orders that already closed or auto-closes, as @theratypist mentioned.
  20. I still wouldn't use tips in that manner. Just let the tip be what it is - an extra bonus for doing a great job. Tips don't allow you to have order requirements or protection, so even for repeat buyers, just use the custom offers. Repeat buyers should be more than happy to place another order to cover the extra work, and all of the requirements will also be attached to the offer.
  21. Why is the client not happy? If you fail to deliver to the client's expectations (as agreed when the order was placed), then canceling makes sense because you couldn't deliver what the client wanted. However, if it's because the client keeps asking for more (outside of the scope of the order), then it makes sense to accept a bad public review because that's something you, as a seller, can explain in your response to a bad public review. ⬆️ Exactly. This works for you as a seller, too - yes, a cancelation hurts you, but it'll eventually fall off your record. If the seller cancels the order, the buyer can't leave a private review. If a buyer cancels an order, then they can leave their private reviews. Private reviews have greater weight than public reviews (and can affect your gigs for months).
  22. ⬆️ This is the best way to handle it. LIke @shopifort, I don't recommend this option. There's no guarantee that a buyer will tip. A new, custom offer ensures you will be compensated for your work.
  23. Hi @estim8or_pro, I see that you are a Top Rated Seller, so you might also be able to use higher prices to avoid manipulative buyers placing multiple orders.
  24. You both have exactly the same bio (with the exception of the name) and SEO gigs (with minor design changes). You know, there are ways to increase your visibility in search without breaking Fiverr's ToS.
  25. He can. His account is still active (he delivered 18 hours ago), so all he needs to do is visit the forum: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/
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