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Everything posted by rawque_gulia

  1. Did you try to reach out to him and initiate a discussion on your end?
  2. Success depends on how you are spending your time here on Fiverr. Are you sitting idle and refreshing your blank dashboard with 0 orders because someone told you that being active will get you orders, or are you spending time researching top keywords, checking your competitors' gigs, and building your knowledge that adds any value and help you improve your gigs?
  3. Maybe the very first thing that comes to my mind is to learn the basics and spelling of the platform you are using.
  4. Case 1. Why did you accept the order in the first place? If you "refused" to work on his order, did you submit a blank delivery? Buyers can submit a review only if the delivery has been made. Case 2. Or did you agree to his terms and continue working on the order? If you felt it was not a fair deal for you, you should have mutually canceled it after discussing with the buyer. When you start working on someone's orders, there's no excuse like "I did it on a cheaper price" and you have to deliver amazing results & an exceptional service regardless of the order amount. In both the cases, the situation could have been handled better on your part to avoid these complications.
  5. Fiver only allows sharing of links where none of the users personal information is visible, but since in Trello & Jira you can see each other's email IDs and communicate outside the platform, it's best to avoid it. If Trello/Jira is an essential part of your project then you should reach out to customer support and get their permission.
  6. Only videos less than 50MB are allowed.
  7. Using someone else's document for verification is a violation of Fiverr's terms and sooner or later you will eventually be banned, no matter what you change your profile picture to. Changing profile picture is not an issue but existence of your account based on false documents is the real issue here.
  8. Wait until the 15th (or the 16th depending on your time zone), as Fiver evaluates gigs on the 15th of every month.
  9. There is only one image in your Gig and that too very blurry and low quality. Not to mention, I bet these are not the top & best keywords (in your industry) you have selected. It doesn't make sense to use the words "process" and "model" in keywords because they are very general terms. So, do some keyword research on your niche, take your time to create some good and engaging images for your work and also, focus a little on your description.
  10. +1 Definitely would not recommend creating a new account. I see daily people sharing on the forum that their new account is not approved by Fiverr. Probably because the market is over-saturated and Fiverr is only picking the best of the best.
  11. Because you are already in "Selling Mode". If you switch to the buying mode and want to switch back to selling mode, you can do so by clicking the "Switch to Selling" button in your header.
  12. You can click on the 'Accessibility Menu' in the bottom right corner of the footer and toggle your settings on or off from there.
  13. It doesn't make any sense to me to remind buyers to review the order because Fiverr algorithm is already doing its job. It automatically sends notification 1 time for public review and I think 2 times for private review. So, the client is already getting notified thrice. One more time may annoy the buyer and he may end up leaving 4 stars or bad private rating. Anyway, no buyer gives you a bad "public" review unless the order is messed up (and I am sure, you won't even bother asking for a review in such an order). This is what I always write when I deliver my order:- Hi, thanks again for your order and for being a great client to me. I am pleased to say that I have completed your project as per your requirements and before the agreed deadline...[Additional details on the attached delivery files and changes the buyer may ask for]...........I look forward to hearing what your thoughts will be on this project. Best Regards, Rawque
  14. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us : Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on 'Contact Us'.
  15. I completely understand your point of view that you are guiding him that he should get his order delivered on time. I wasn't even targeting your helpful approach. I was targeting 'relevancy' which is missing in most of the topics nowadays. Did your answer help him to find the answer to his question? No? So, I think, telling him to deliver projects on time "along with answer to his question" would have been a good way to guide him! That's what I was trying to convey: "RELEVANCY".
  16. Come on man! At least read his question to see what he is trying to ask. I'm not sure why many people (including Grand-masters) are in such a hurry these days.
  17. Fiverr only considers orders from the last 60 days and if your on-time delivery score is 67%, it means that your total orders in the last 60 days are 3 (and can not be 8). To complete your score to 90%, you need to complete 7 more orders. Note: By the time you complete 7 more orders, some of your past orders may be outside the 60-day period, so keep that in mind.
  18. She walked in to ask for help... but ended up in the spotlight! 😄
  19. First of all, data mining and web scraping on Fiverr is completely a legal service and you are allowed to do so. Now, coming to the issue that the website is not available in your country. This has nothing to do with Fiverr and you can get your work done in any way you find convenient, be it connecting a VPN or taking a flight to the USA. Connecting a VPN on your personal system and doing your work is not a violation, but connecting a VPN while using Fiverr is indeed a violation. So, make sure you close all fiverr related windows when you are connected to the VPN. One thing to note is that if you are using a standalone VPN software, sometimes disconnecting from the VPN will not refresh your original IP back, so make sure to go to "ncpa.cpl" in your system and remove the secondary connection that the VPN software has created and restart your router and your computer (so that your static IP is completely refreshed).
  20. Yes, there is no doubt that it can affect the ranking, but not necessarily in a negative sense. If your new tags are more competitive and better than the old ones then it can also give you better results and more exposure for your gigs. So, do some research on keywords and if you have Seller Plus, this can be a plus point.
  21. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/8392919554321-Introducing-Shutterstock-with-Gigs
  22. You can turn this on or off by going to your inbox and clicking on the thunder/lightning icon:
  23. If that was there, I would not have asked. Also I think in the next webinar, we should suggest Fiverr officials to delete this whole forum permanently because all the information is already on google and Fiverr official articles and users can find information only by themselves. What do you say?
  24. Alex, I wanted to know this thing in detail and I would be grateful if you could enlighten my smol brain cells. If our order is in revision stage for a long time (and the primary delivery time has already passed), will it affect our account metrics in any way? I know this can affect customer satisfaction, but what if the client knows that it will take time to make the changes and the buyer has literally no problem with that revision window & is not in a hurry. So, apart from customer satisfaction and relations, I want to ask this from algorithm perspective.
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