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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. It's not possible. The only way to change username is to close this account and create a new one. But it's not recommended.
  2. So, you are in trouble. Your old account is still active. And you just delivered project 8h ago. I saw your old account. A Level 2 one. But I wanted you to tell us by yourself that you have 2 accounts.
  3. It's not recommended. You guys can use Fiverr mobile App too.
  4. When? As you have a fresh account that was created 2 months ago?
  5. If it's the case, it's not Okay. The main concept of Fiverr is Buyers find a services that they need to buy from sellers. You can read this.
  6. Hi there. If you ask other sellers as a buyer as you need their services and expertise, then I think it's not a problem.
  7. A real digital marketer knows the right answer of this question.
  8. Hi. No need of finding a list of prohibited words in ToS. If you type in the inbox, for example, 'payment'; you will see a reminder warning on the right.
  9. Buyer who gave you 3 stars 2 months ago might leave a negative private review. That might cause the drop in impressions and click. For the future order you get, make sure that buyer satisfy with the work you deliver. And I think you should improve your comminication skills. Wrong.
  10. Having certificate from Coursera does not mean that you attended the University. You can show it as certificate deliverd by Coursera.@rawque_guliais totally right.
  11. You have 24h to reply messages of your new customers. None of us are online 24/7. When we are online, what we do usually on Fiverr is to communicate with customers and deliver projects.
  12. If you mention that buyer should contact you before ordering, then you have the right to cancel it. You can ask CS to cancel it by providing a proof that buyer ordered without contacting you, and buyer's order is out of your scope. If you haven't delivered anything yet, then ask CS to cancel the order in the resolution center and it does not affect your rating.
  13. Hi there. There is no Buyer request anymore. It has been changed by best match. If your service, skills and price are matched by buyers projects, you will get a brief of the project and you can apply.
  14. Because almost everything here on Fiverr is in English.
  15. On Fiverr, buyers will find sellers by searching gigs.
  16. If you cancel it now, as you get incomplete information, it does not affect your gig. Ask CS to cancel it by providing the proof that the buyer does not contact you before putting an order, and buyer orders the wrong package.
  17. Having 2 Fiverr accounts is violation of ToS. You can use the existed account. And I will not recommend to create a new one. If you create a new account (assuming that you disable this account), it might be possible that your new seller account will not get approved as you are in the most challenging niche. So it's far better to update the existed account. I understand your concern about the 1 star you got 5 years ago. But you can show on your gig, profile and adding portfolio that you have the skills that buyers want.
  18. Hi. I am worried that you might have a bad private review. Buyer who gave you 3 stars rating 3 weeks ago might left you a bad private review.
  19. Hi there. And welcome back. There is no buyer request anymore. It has been changed by best match. If your skills, services and price is matched with buyers' project, you will get a brief of their project. And you can apply. As you have been off for a long time, I will suggest you to review and update your gigs. Then, Fiverr knows that you are back and your gigs will get impression little by little. Good luck.
  20. I read his question. And I answered any further to the question he asked. May be you do not understand also my point. If your on-time delivery score drops, it means that you deliver after the deadline. According to your answer, even OP will deliver 7 orders, but still late, his delivery stat will go down again. That's why my answer.
  21. Hi there. The main question you should ask to yourself is What can I do to deliver my work before the deadline in the future?
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