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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. How do you define a "potential buyers"? Exactly.
  2. - You have 2 gigs which are quite similar. So you should delete or modify one these gigs. - Tips that often repeat here on the forum is about improving gig title and gig description. About your gig description especially which is kind of copy and paste from the others. It's better to have an original description. Your own version. Gig pictures also should be improved. Your are a "web designer" so use your skills.
  3. Is that really important to you?🤔
  4. There is no buyer request anymore. Fiverr has already changed it to best matches with buyer's brief.
  5. You can see "help and support" at the bottom of the page.
  6. If you mention in your gig description that buyer should contact you before ordering, then the cancellation will not affect your stats
  7. I am not very good at expressing with a very long text. I want to write something about "honesty" also, but I don't know where to start. Speaking for myself, if there is something I am not sure I can do due to many reasons (mainly deadline and experiences), I told gently that "I am unable to help you with this project because of ...". Eventhough I didn't get the project with that customer, it's reviving to see their message which is "thank you for your honesty". On the other hand, there are some who block immediately🤷. All in all, stay professional by doing something we are good at.
  8. Kinks?😁 I often ignore grammarly suggestion. I prefer the underlined word.😂
  9. Hi there. That's too sad. It can be cancelled from the CS side. And if you insist for this cancellation, provide proof and screenshot when you contact the CS.
  10. Agree. And I totally understand why it takes time, and why pro seller should be a real pro. Imagine "I am new to fiber" is a pro seller too.
  11. Sure. In my case, I applied last year or even in 2021 I didn't remember, and didn't get any answer until January this year. They messaged me that my application was never vetted 🤷. I re-applied again and still waiting. I think, there are a lot of pro application.
  12. Hi there. Your situation is quite difficult. If l were you, I would create a new gig instead of deleting and creating a new account. My worry about new account is that there are some new users that claim about unapproved new account, ID verification problems, and any other issues. But it's totally up to you.
  13. As a mechanical engineer, apart from doing design as my main services, Diy is part of my hobbies. Besides, I play music.
  14. Hi there. Here on Fiverr, as a seller, you sell a service. Something that you are good at. So, work well and hard. That's how Fiverr can help you to reach your goal.
  15. You can play with contrast on web browser if you want. But it's not available yet on mobile app. Hope they will add it soon.
  16. If you deliver your work, and they don't respond or ask for any changes, it will automatically set as complete after 3days
  17. I am a bit afraid of this one. Especially, the private review. As I am not used to getting reviews under 5. And today, I get less than it from first time buyer.
  18. Hi there. We use English here in the Forum. To become seller on Fiverr, you should create a gig. A service that you want to sell. And optimise your profile and gigs as good as possible. For any tips about it, you can search everything here in the forum.
  19. You should wait for 60 days. They will send you an email when you are able to withdraw.
  20. I really understand the buyer feelings about it. Personally, the reason why I add some questions (4 questions actually) is to prevent misunderstanding and lack of details about the project. Let's say, security as seller in case it turns into a cancellation or something else. Anyway, almost 95% of my orders were custom offers.
  21. Well, Fiverr took the good decision about it then.
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