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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. Hi there. That's because everything here on Fiverr supposed to be in English. So it's far better to create your gig in English. For your profile description it's OK. But I suggest you anyway to write it in English. Good luck.
  2. They violated the forum rules too. Even if a lot of people do self-promotion, it does not mean that they are right. Most new sellers and new on the forum do it without reading the forum rules.
  3. I am confused. So is it essential or not essential?
  4. Hi. Your clients are no here on the forum. Please read the forum rules. Self-promotion is against the rules. Rule #1
  5. I think you know how Fiverr works. Buyers (clients) will find your gigs and contact you if they need your services. For now, there is no buyer requests. They replaced it with best match. If you match by buyers need, you will get a brief.
  6. Hi. There is no "buyer request" anymore.
  7. What kind of gigs did you try to create? I mean what is your expertise and what kind of services do you offer?
  8. Look at forum rules number 6 https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/
  9. Hi Vladi. Buyers leave a private review now that fiverr measure buyer satisfaction rate. If it's a bad one, then your performance drop and it will push back your gig from search. That's why a few new buyers (or even none) contacted you. The effect of the bad private review stays in your performance for up to 180 days. There are some sellers who have more information about it and have already experienced it. What you can do is to keep buyers satisfied by delivering a good work as you can. Good luck.
  10. Oh sorry, I misunderstood it. I think they have 10 days after an order mark as complete. But there are some people who may know more about it. @vickieito
  11. Hi. If it's a bad private review, it might affect your gigs for up to 180 days. @donnovan86 can you give more info about it?
  12. Hi. You've asked quite a similar question several times. And you have already got some answers from experienced sellers. I think, there is no need to ask again and again the same question.
  13. I haven't had also any cancelled order after delivery. I am more selective with projects and buyers I want to work with. As I am still hesitated about the Seller Plus, I think it's time to decide for it.
  14. Always ask for permission.
  15. Hi. There is nothing you can do if your client business is not on Fiverr database.I have already raised this concern to Fiverr Staff.
  16. If you are a new seller without any review yet, Fiverr will show your gig temporary to buyers. Buyer will contact you if they are conviced on what they saw on your gig. What you should improve and making as best as you can is not only about images, it's about everything to proove that you are really skillful on the services you provide.
  17. If OP has repeated buyers, your strategy might work well to her.
  18. I wanna tell the same. I have just seen some videos on youtube and I understand now why many people believe that staying online will bring them success here.
  19. Really? Are you joking? You've just delivered a work Yesterday.
  20. Hi there. It's totally up to you. That's why gigs should be different. For example, in my niche, I do 3D CAD design. I have 3 gigs for 3D design. But I offer something different in these 3 gigs. So even if it's general request, there are some details to let me choose which gig is more suitable to the customer demand.
  21. Hi there. Everyone wants to have their gigs on the first page. This is a competition. So, be better than the others. The others also want to be better than you. 🤣
  22. Hi there, If your clients are not in Fiverr database, there is nothing you can do for the moment. I have already raised this concern with Fiverr staff.
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