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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. Of? He does not have any gigs.
  2. But you do not have any gig yet neither a description about yourself.
  3. I understand. May be, you can try another browser such as google chrome.
  4. I often use Fiverr mobile App. So rarely do I miss messages from customers. I don't know if mobile App is a good solution for you in that situation.
  5. Probably because it takes about a week for a gig, after editing, to know its real performance on Fiverr. So if you edit it often, it will fluctuate as you said.
  6. It's not allowed if you ask the customer to give you a specific rate. For example telling your customer to give you 5 stars. In this case, it's a review manipulation.
  7. Why do you edit your gigs everyday?
  8. Hi there. As you have already told to your customer to rate your work, I think that's enough. Customers are not forced to leave you feedback. And sometimes, they are busy and Fiverr also reminds them to leave feedback. But it's totally up to them. Personally, I have never asked for feedback from customers. I feel assured when they are satisfied to the work I have done.
  9. If you still get impressions and clicks, It's OK. You are a designer. So make your gig as attractive as possible so that buyers will ask you after seeing your gigs. Double-check also your gig description and improve it as much as you can.
  10. In addition to @rawque_gulia's answers, you have to provide proof that you worked with the client (company or businesses) that you want to add in your top client.
  11. Hi there. If your seller account is approved, you can create a gig. You can create it by using a browser on your phone not using Fiverr mobile apps Question for you: What services do you want to sell on Fiverr? I am curious about the fact that you do not have laptop.
  12. I assume it's just a fake promise. OP is a level 2 seller and does not know yet that delivering work without order is very risky.
  13. Be honest, Sir. If I were you, I would change the English level into basic. Meanwhile, improve it.
  14. You might have the skill in your services. But you should also improve your English skills.
  15. Hi. Can you tell what Payoneer said about it? And what their suggestion? Did you ask Payoneer Customer support or did you talk to them with a live chat?
  16. I saw the review and I understand why Fiverr considered your clients review as a review manipulation because it's the same text. It's a kind of copy paste review. If I were you, I would explain to the buyer that you got warning from this kind of review. If you find that the buyer is a bit difficult, you can stop to work with him. You should find a better way to explain it to CS.
  17. Lucky you. I see this thread too late. But Payoneer do this kind of verification quite often. But of course, you can link your Fiverr profile as you earn from Fiverr and use Payoneer services. If you are in any other platforms or earn money elsewhere and use Payoneer to receive money, you should list that too. Payoneer need all of your source of income that needs their services for verification.
  18. Which ranking do you talk about? There is no link between username and ranking. Many people, like me, use their name as a username.
  19. You are one of the lucky people who get orders quickly in a challenging niche. As you are a new seller, This stat is good. Just keep up the good work and you will appear on the search soon.
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