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Everything posted by grayprogrammerz

  1. Free ? There's no such freebies, fiverr hates it A bit close feature is "Book Consultation" Normally your gallery samples already shows how you operate
  2. I suggest to use fiverr website (on browser, either mobile or desktop), its more stable than mobile app
  3. - you can withdraw after 14 days - payoneer min limit is $150 - payoneer charges additional 10$ when amount is less than $500 So I suggest better withdraw amount when higher than $500, so can save $10 😄
  4. also its temporary, gig promotion for few days doesn't worth much stable and better is you gain some level: one, two, top rated
  5. forget about impressions/clicks focus on performance (see analytics) when performance is good, impressions/clicks will raise automatically
  6. Suppose if you use payoneer, want to withdraw: $229.60 - $3 (fiverr transfer tax) - 2% of payment (payoneer tax) - $10 (additional payoneer tax when amount is less than $500) - $10-15 (payoneer to bank, middle transfer fee) So at end what you would receive is around: 229.60 - $3 - 2% ($4.52) - $10 - $10-15 = Around $200 If 1$ = 80.33 INR, then $200 = 80.33 * 200 = 16,066 INR Note: I mentioned word "Around", because when reaching country, there include some middle mans. Country to country it varies. Also their policies change frequently. Also I suggest to inquire about your local bank about it. There's also relization certificate. Inside it, written how much funds a bank had received from payoneer. For Indians, I remember %5 additional was charged from Indian government.
  7. Website has several bugs, some are new, some old were patched. Not big issue for me But 14 days payout is really frustrating. I agree should be 7 or lower, specially when buyer completes it and reviews as 5/5 Anyway, have patience, when reached top rated seller, pending clearance would become 7 days.
  8. 1. First negotiate with seller about issue (if seller doesn't respond or cooperate, go to next step) 2. If confident seller sent incomplete according to details you provided and also aren't willing to revise then file case on fiverr customer service against seller (ask to make seller revise or refund money) they will disable their withdrawals and may refund from it
  9. Well, other new guys on same platform did took orders as well but why not you ? something missing or somewhere issue... which you need to find and fix they done via continuous research i understand first order on fiverr is hardest thing no one knows about your skill, no reviews (so they can't trust) and even when its graphic designing, there's too much competition already (folks prefer pay $5 to top rated seller than to new seller) anything you can do is giving tries, and make sure miss no opportunity start by experimenting with different description, different gigs, keywords, thumbnails... Anywhere it can get you clicked
  10. I guess he meant to explore fiverr (as enabling buyer mode) and know how competitors are doing competitors are best teacher you may know your correct value, rate, mistakes... can't be described in short
  11. You have seller plus ? Success managers may advise better (specially when trying to reach TRS) Personally I don't know either. Just seen some TRS's saying that
  12. Not sure what you mean Explain a bit, so I or any other may help you with
  13. Edit: Name doesn't need to be real. Can be brand name, nickname also etc. Source: here (I would have edit that instead, but didn't find option)
  14. May be, but never any client yet like such. I guess fiverr use such data internally and advertise like "Oh earn trust by adding much of your information..." But again, don't know. Its still an secret. Will excited to know.
  15. Well, working here from 2 years... still unable to find use case and benefit of linking accounts So what fiverr describes: "Link your social networks to add credibility and earn trust among buyers. Your network details will remain private." Well, its common where users can create fake social media accounts and attach it. Are we really gonna earn trust among buyers that way ? Just showing we created account on google, facebook etc ? No assureity whether they are valid or fake
  16. Video is NOT compulsory, but if you added, its better Its expected. Offcourse folks view 1sec images more than watch 2min video. Or may be video quality is bad, little harder to distinguish text(blue) and background(sky blue)
  17. Some categories are restricted, like cyber security and need skills to be approved So do you see any warning or error message ? Wait for fiverr reply, they will guide better
  18. depend on seller, whether they provide rights or not this is question, should be asked to voice over sellers on fiverr.com when buying their services answer can't be universal, every seller license their work differently
  19. I want you all guys to set real full names on profile hurry So I can google you, bust in to your personal life (if exists)...
  20. for legal advice, better ask fiverr support Normally folks use guardian identity and account (including bank, ID card etc) when reached 18+, they divert clients to their original one
  21. So you got one warning, right ? Account isn't banned/suspended yet. Why so worry ? Warnings get cleared after 1 month. I think, if you chance, you should use it. Upwork is also like "My platform My choice" (all platforms be like that). So if you get warning there, you would leave that also ? About assignment gigs, Imagine there are millions of sellers having billions of gigs. And fiverr staffer aren't that much, to monitor such big ratio. But believe, they would get caught somewhere. I have seen even level two sellers being banned(but there was reason behind). Personally, I never got a single warning yet in previous 2 years career. or one time, someone file a case on uncompleted delivery. They disabled my withdrawals for that. But when revised work, client step back and issue solved !
  22. Well your client is still better Mine one saying "another guy says to do it for $13" 😅 I didn't do any negotiation at all. Just told him to hire that $13 guy
  23. market where your services needed for example, media posts, banners... instagram, facebook, twitter will be major target
  24. suddenly ? Investigate why SUDDENLY it deranked, so you can take steps accordingly seems like someone written bad private review in that case, need to do remaining orders good and clean previous 2 month poor performance to get back to track
  25. Visit https://www.fiverr.com/users/syedalhajuddin/balance/withdrawal_wizard?manage_payouts
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